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What is biotechnology Jonathan Sedano and Jared Bost.

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Presentation on theme: "What is biotechnology Jonathan Sedano and Jared Bost."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is biotechnology Jonathan Sedano and Jared Bost

2 Agriculture field The beginning of agriculture dates back thousands of years ago. Agriculture is the artificial cultivation and pressing of plants, animals and fungi,and other life forms of food. in 2007 one third of the worlds workers were employed in agriculture.

3 Medical field Medicine is the art and science of healing. The word medicine comes from the Latin word medicina. The native Americans shamans used certain plants to help with the healing process.

4 Criminal field The first civilization generally did not have a difference between civil law and criminal law. Laws from Ancient Rome are still established to this day. The first written codes of law were designed by the Sumerians.

5 Food field If you take in any food it is called nourishment. Food has played a role in human history, Neanderthals hunted for there food. Food has evolved they now have many different types of food like junk food and meat also there is beans and the food pyramid. They have healthy food and non healthy food.

6 References We got most of our information from Wikipedia. We got our pictures from Google We used We looked up words at

7 PPT questions What is agriculture?= What does antibiotics do?= what laws are still around today?= What is the healthiest food?=

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