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Oracle, OAGIS and Open Standards October 21-22, 2008. Walldorf, Germany Garret Minakawa, Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Oracle, OAGIS and Open Standards October 21-22, 2008. Walldorf, Germany Garret Minakawa, Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oracle, OAGIS and Open Standards October 21-22, 2008. Walldorf, Germany Garret Minakawa, Director

2 Agenda Standards, UN/CEFACT Overview Strategic Value of CCTS Oracle Standards Strategy Oracle Implementation of Standards Future of Open Standards

3 Interoperability Standards Core Standards Content Standards Core Standards Core Foundation Mature, owned by W3C Core Infrastructure StandardsConsolidated over the last few years, driven by middleware and Web Services adoption. Majority owned by OASIS. 3 Core Foundation XML, XML Schema Core Infrastructure WS-* stack Content Infrastructure CCTS Horizontal OAGIS Data UNSPSC, ISO Codes etc Functional HR-XML, GS1- GDSN etc Industry SWIFT, RosettaNet etc Legacy EDI Content Standards Fragmented with different technology baselines: EDI, DTDs, XML Schema, CCTS

4 Content Standards 4 Content Data Standards Code lists that are shared, generally Content Infrastructure Standards CCTS from UN/CEFACT Content Horizontal Standards Common across Industries and Domains. Implements Infrastructure Standards. Content Domain Standards Domain specific common across Industries. Content Vertical Standards Industry specific standards Content Legacy Standards EDI Core Infrastructure WS-* stack Content Infrastructure CCTS Horizontal OAGIS Data UNSPSC, ISO Codes etc Functional HR-XML, GS1- GDSN etc Industry SWIFT, RosettaNet etc Legacy EDI OAGIS the only horizontal standard Extremely fragmented with different technology baselines: EDI, XML DTDs, XML Schema, CCTS Some consolidation in the recent past mainly around OAGIS specifications No driver for consolidation until CCTS

5 Core Component Library (CCL) UN/CEFACT Standards/Projects Core Components Technical Specification (CCTS) TMG (Techniques and Methodologies Group) TBG (Trade Business Group)ATG (Applied Technologies Group) Business Process Models (BRS/RSM) Unified Modeling Methodology (UMM) UML Profile for CCTS (UPCC) Unified Context Methodology (UCM) Syntax-Specific Business Message Core Components Message Assembly (CCMA) Standard Business Document Header (SBDH) XML Naming & Design Rules (NDR) Model Business Process, Information Exchange Model Business Objects, Components Generate Syntax Representation Assemble Business Message Core Data Type Catalog (CDT)

6 Related UN/CEFACT Standards/Projects Unified Modeling Methodology (UMM) Modeling language for inter-organizational business processes and the resulting information exchanges. Business Requirements Specification (BRS) Template to document business requirements Requirements Specification Mapping (RSM) Template to describe data model UML Profile for Core Components (UPCC) Mapping of CCTS to UML as a formal UML Profile Unified Context Methodology (UCM) Methodology and technical specification for developing, registering, and using context drivers

7 Related UN/CEFACT Standards/Projects Core Data Type Catalog (CDT) Catalog and procedures for maintaining UN/CEFACT Core Data Types Core Components Library (CCL) Library of harmonized core components Standard Business Document Header (SBDH) Defines logical routing and processing requirements Core Components Message Assembly (CCMA) Technical specification for syntax-neutral, semantic assembly of business messages based on UMM and CCTS XML Naming & Design Rules (NDR) Specification to map CCMA and CCTS-based business information to XML Schema

8 Strategic Value of CCTS

9 Strategic Value of CCTS UN/CEFACT Standard United Nations “Brand” Recognized by many governments “De Jure” Standard Member of MoU/MG Politically Neutral Less conflict across SDOs Open IPR

10 Strategic Value of CCTS SDO / Solution Provider Adoption UN/CEFACT UNIFI (ISO 20022)

11 Strategic Value of CCTS Convergence Opportunities Open Applications Group, Inc. (OAGi) HR-XML 3.0 based on OAGIS AIAG/JADM based on OAGIS STAR based on OAGIS High Tech Council UN/CEFACT NDR 3.0 Harmonization OAGi participation ACORD participation UBL participation

12 Strategic Value of CCTS Interoperability (Levels Of) Core Component Library (CCL) Core Components Technical Specification (CCTS) Core Components Message Assembly (CCMA) Standard Business Document Header (SBDH) XML Naming & Design Rules (NDR) Core Data Type Catalog (CDT) Common Data Types Common Data Modeling Methodology Common XML Naming and Design Rules Common Message Architecture Common Content

13 Oracle Standards Strategy

14 Guiding Principles  Core and Infrastructure Standards are stable  Content Standards like the Wild West o Numerous Standards Approximately 400 different content standards generally overlapping content defined differently Oracle involved in more than a hundred different content standards  A “Standard for standards” is needed

15 Guiding Principles  Define a platform for a “Standard for standards”: o Content Infrastructure Standard (CCTS) as a basis for a common understanding of type, naming, and rules. o Horizontal Standard (OAGIS) as a common platform for implementing the Content Infrastructure Standard and driving convergence  Implement the “Standard for standards” platform for EBO architecture  Standardize the platform through a global standard organization  Drive the adoption of “Standard for standards” platform across content standard organizations

16 Content Standards Leadership Standardize the platform  Innovation and Adoption of Content Infrastructure Standards o Core Components from UNCEFACT Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) Active member Naming and Design Rules (NDR) Lead editor Harmonize Oracle’s, OAGi’s, UBL, GS1, ACORD, AIAG, and STAR NDR. o Unified Context Methodology (UCM) Project leader o Core Components Management Assembly (CCMA) Active member

17 Content Standards Leadership Standardize the platform  Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS) is a platform for using Core Components that vertical standards can leverage from OAGi  Participation in OAGi o Chair of OAGi Board Members Set the convergence direction of OAGi and OAGIS o Chief Architect Leader of the Architecture Council Visibility to all work groups Lead development of OAGIS Review and approve all content for each release

18 Content Standards Leadership Drive the adoption of “Standard for standards”  Horizontal content workgroups participations  Vertical standards participations using the “Standard for standards” platform o OAGI High Tech Council – Active Member – Provide requirements o Automotive AIAG STAR Joint Automotive including AIAG, STAR, JAMA, JAPIA, Odette o HR-XML o CIDX o ARTS o Steel Industry

19 Oracle Implementation of Standards

20 BPEL Process Manager Enterprise Service Bus Data Integration Application Integration Architecture Abstraction Layer Concept AIA Enterprise Business Objects & Services Layer Customer Sales OrderInvoice… Optimize Offer Forecast Demand Capture Order Pick, Pack, Ship Billing Deduction & Settlement Siebel CRM E-Business Suite SAP Custom App Composite UI Application Business Connector Service API or Web Service JMS or WSIF API or Web Service Common Objects, Standardized Business Services Re-Usable, Loosely Coupled Services to support one to many Leverage AIA UI Service SDK to build Composite Tasks

21 Predefined, Reusable Services Build Any-to-Any Applications Integrations Out of the box, library of reusable business services for cross application process automation Common semantics foundation to easily build, change and optimize business processes Building blocks and methodology to build your Enterprise Business Services Prebuilt Reusable Services Create OrderUpdate OrderGet BalanceQuery ProductsUtility Services… Benefits Faster time to value Overcome SOA adoption challenges Lower cost of ownership

22 Common Object definition of business concepts such as a customer, a sales order, a payment etc Defined using inputs from multiple applications and content standards Precise definition of each business component and attribute by adoption of standards for both content as well as naming and design Designed for extensibility Physical Data Model Logical Data Model EDIEBS / Web Services XML A2A/B2B Other Data Integration EBO Enterprise Business Object What is an EBO…

23 Create standard service definitions that are implemented by all Oracle applications A single service supporting multiple operations – e.g. SalesOrder Service may support Create, Cancel, Update Operations Each operation will use EBOs as standard input and/or output Multiple applications may provide the same service e.g. e- Business Suite (EBS), Siebel, Enterprise and E1 can support Create Sales Order Objective is to be able to switch the service provider without affecting the service e.g. switch from EBS or E1 to Fusion (or any other partner applications that provide the same service Why EBO … Standardized Service definitions across applications

24 Standard Services require standard payloads to be truly application independent EBOs are standardized representations of business objects that will serve as the payload (input or output) for standard services EBOs are based on standards published by international standards organizations UN/CEFACT Core Components Technical Specification (CCTS) Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS) Why EBO … Standardized Service payloads across applications

25 Future of Open Standards

26 Future of Open Standards Current State UN/CEFACT CCTS Adoption Canonical Data Model Merging of A2A and B2B Increasing cross-industry collaboration requirements Increasing pressure on standards development organizations

27 Future of Open Standards Emerging Trends SOA Implementation / SOA Governance Business Process integration Standards Development Organization consolidation Semantics / Ontologies

28 Future of Open Standards Key Initiatives UN/CEFACT framework completion/maturity Universal Context Methodology Core Components Message Assembly OAGi Industry Council model for convergence and collaboration


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