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Devin Cranston Trade and Investment Marketing Unit Northern Ontario Exports Forum June 17, 2015 MINISTRY OF NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT AND MINES MINING PROJECTS.

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Presentation on theme: "Devin Cranston Trade and Investment Marketing Unit Northern Ontario Exports Forum June 17, 2015 MINISTRY OF NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT AND MINES MINING PROJECTS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Devin Cranston Trade and Investment Marketing Unit Northern Ontario Exports Forum June 17, 2015 MINISTRY OF NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT AND MINES MINING PROJECTS IN ONTARIO

2 2 Your Next Big Idea Ontario Canada Ontario is home to some of the largest and most successful mining camps in the world!

3 3 Your Next Big Idea Mineral Production in Ontario

4 4 Your Next Big Idea Ontario Mineral Production in 2014

5 5 Your Next Big Idea Value of Metals Production to Date CommodityQuantityValue (2014$ billion) Nickel12 million tons156 Gold183 million oz.106 Copper18 million tons86 Zinc11 million tons25 Platinum Group Metals31 million oz.22 Value of all metal production:$475 billion

6 6 Your Next Big Idea Ontario Mining Operations

7 7 Your Next Big Idea Exploration in Ontario

8 8 Your Next Big Idea Exploration Spending

9 9 Your Next Big Idea Investment in Exploration

10 10 Your Next Big Idea Advanced Mineral Projects in Ontario

11 11 Your Next Big Idea Gold Projects in Ontario Notable transactions in the junior gold space since 2012 (in red) IAMGold’s purchase of Trelawney valued at $608 million Argonaut’s purchase of Prodigy valued at $341 million Osisko’s purchase of Queenston valued at $550 million New Gold’s purchases of Rainy River valued at $310 million Goldcorp’s purchase of Probe Mines for $ 526 Million ~ $2.4 billion equivalent CompanyProjectListing Chalice Gold MinesCameron LakeAdvanced Exploration Detour GoldDetour LakeOperating Cold Canyon ResourcesSpringpoleAdvanced Exploration GoldcorpBorden LakeAdvanced Exploration GoldcorpCochenourUnder Construction GoldcorpHollingerOperating Gowest GoldBradshawAdvanced Exploration Harte GoldSugar ZoneAdvanced Exploration IAMGoldCote LakeAdvanced Exploration Agnico Eagle-YamanaHammond ReefAdvanced Exploration PC GoldPickle CrowAdvanced Exploration Premier Gold MinesHardrockAdvanced Exploration Premier Gold MinesBrookbankAdvanced Exploration Argonaut GoldMaginoAdvanced Exploration Agnico Eagle-YamanaUpper BeaverAdvanced Exploration Moneta Porcupine MinesGolden HighwayAdvanced Exploration New GoldRainy RiverUnder Construction Northern Gold MiningGarrisonAdvanced Exploration Rubicon MineralsPhoenix GoldUnder Construction St. Andrews GoldfieldsTaylorUnder Construction Treasury MetalsGoliathAdvanced Exploration

12 12 Your Next Big Idea Opportunities in Sudbury  8-10% of global nickel production still flows through Sudbury  Multi-metallic nature of the basin adds stability, increasing contribution of PGM’s  Distinct difference between Ontario’s nickel out put and that of other producing regions - Indonesia and the Philippines, for example.  Several promising mineral development projects on the books  There remains immense exploration potential in the Sudbury Igneous Complex and Offset Dykes

13 13 Your Next Big Idea  KGHM International – Victoria Project is of exceptional relative quality  Vale - Victor Capre Another project of exceptional relative quality Vale has been highly successful at expanding the ore body(s)  Glencore - Onaping Depth Sudbury Integrated Nickel to seek a development decision from the Board of Directors  Vale - Copper Cliff Offset, Kelly Lake  Glencore – Errington/Vermillion Zn-Cu-Pb-Ag project Opportunities in Sudbury

14 Thank You! ….Questions? Devin Cranston Trade and Investment Marketing Unit Northern Ontario Exports Forum June 17, 2015

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