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Outlook Web Access 2010 Step 1: Connect to the Internet

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Presentation on theme: "Outlook Web Access 2010 Step 1: Connect to the Internet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Outlook Web Access 2010 Step 1: Connect to the Internet
Step 2: Type in the Address bar . The following sign on screen for Outlook will appear. (See Below) Step 3: Enter your Hallmark Network Username and Password. Step 4: Click Log On

2 For Example: To sort by date received, click on the word Received
Inbox Once logged in, Outlook web mail defaults to the Inbox, where the mail you receive is located. The mail messages that you have received are listed in chronological order, as seen below. Understanding the view Notice in Inbox it shows you the source (From), the Subject and date received. Also note that above the date an was received, there might be an envelope, and maybe a paper clip. The paper clip indicates that the incoming contains an attachment (a picture, another document, etc.) *Note - You can sort your messages by any of the above options by simply clicking on the option. For Example: To sort by date received, click on the word Received

3 Different Views in Outlook Web Access
Navigation Pane We’ll start with the left side of the screen and work to the right. On the left side of the screen you’ll see an image similar to the one below. This is called the Navigation Pane. You’ll notice in the top area that it indicates Favorites and below that your name. Below your name you will see the folders you normally see in Outlook Mail. At the very top of this area is a little bar with five dots on it(like the one below). If you click on this “bar,” you will see your buttons disappear. This is the Enlarge/Shrink Buttons Bar. So, you can “hide” your buttons just like you did your Folders. To see the buttons again, simply click on the bar again and the buttons will re-appear. At the bottom of the Navigation Pane you will see “buttons” indicating Inbox, Calendar, etc. When you click these buttons, you will be taken to that feature If you click on the Calendar button, the Calendar will appear on the right side of your screen. The same thing will happened when you click Contacts, etc.

4 Mail Views. Text on Right Message on Left
At the top of the Inbox, you’ll see a toolbar that looks like the image above. On the right side of the bar, you’ll see the View button. Click on the View button and you will then see a drop down menu like the one on the right. You can move the reading pane to the right side of your screen (the default view), at the bottom of your screen, or off. Mail Views. *You choose the Reading Pane that you like the best for each mail folder (Inbox, Sent Items, etc.). All of your messages on one screen – NO Reading Pane Message on Top Text on Right Message on Left Text on Bottom

5 Reviewing messages in the Inbox
To view a message click on it and the screen below will appear. Your will display in the reading pane. Replying to or Forwarding a message Look at the button bar at the top right of the screen. Notice that you can click on Reply, to automatically reply to the person who sent the message, or Reply to All (everyone included in the To: or Cc:). To forward a message to someone or others, click on the Forward button (next to the Reply and Reply to All buttons), then click-in the To: or Cc: areas. At this point, type in the address or addresses of those to whom you want to forward the mail message. If you have more than one address, separate them with a semi-colon (;). After you have made any comments, you can click the “Send” button and your Reply will be “mailed.” Click-in the message area below the To, Cc, Bcc and Subject, and supplement the original message with any additional comments you desire to make regarding the message to which you are replying.

6 The HELP button Deleting unwanted messages Printing a message
If you do not want to keep the message, you can click “Delete” in the toolbar to send the message to your “Deleted Items folder.” When you delete a message in the Inbox, it is sent to the Deleted Items folder to be “really deleted” or “recovered” later. **It is important to note that messages in the Deleted Items folder take up space. Delete these regularly to maximize your allotted space. There are settings within “OPTIONS” which will automatically do this for you. Note: You can also select a message to delete and hit the “Delete” key on your keyboard. Printing a message To print a message, double-click to open it then click the “Print” button in the toolbar at the top. The HELP button On EVERY screen in Outlook Web Access there is a HELP button in the top right of your screen. Help in Outlook Web Access is really wonderful. It is like having a manual available when you are in the program. It is really well written and easy to navigate. Anytime you want help on anything, click the Help button.

7 Creating and sending a new e-mail message
If you are in the Inbox, Sent Items or another folder, and would like to send a new message to a person or group of persons click the “New” button in the toolbar. First, click in the area to the right of To:. Type in the address of the person, or persons, to whom you would like to send this message. If you type in more than one address, separate the addresses with a semi-colon (;). Now click-in the area to the right of Subject:, and type in a subject for your message if you desire. You do not need a Subject description if you do not want one. Finally, click-in the blank area below Subject:, and type in your message. You may move around, edit and change your message just like you would do if you were in a word processor. When you have completed your message, click-on the Send button in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

8 Creating and Editing Signatures
On 10/01/09 a new Administrative Policy for the use of was rolled out. In keeping with this policy, original messages must contain the Hallmark standard security statement. Users with an Outlook account are responsible for creating the signature individually. Signatures are setup within “Options.” The statement is as follows: “This message and its contents are confidential and are intended for the use of the addressee only, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, this serves as notice that any unauthorized distribution, duplication, printing, or any other use is strictly prohibited. If you feel you have received this in error, please delete the message and notify the sender so that we may prevent future occurrences.” 1. Click on the Options button on the top right of the screen. Then select “See All Options.” 2. Select “Settings” on the left then “Mail” in the middle. Put the above statement in the “ Signature” box.

9 Signatures Continued 3. Create or edit your signature then click Save on the bottom right of the screen. (See Below) Type your desired signature and type or paste Confidentiality Statement here. 4. Check the box that says “Automatically include my signature on messages I send” to automatically add to every Outgoing message. 5. Click Save found at the bottom right of the screen. (See Below) Your signature has now been completed.

10 Check for new messages periodically
Since you are on a web browser, you’ll need to check and see if you have new messages that have arrived since you began your mail session. To do this, click the Check Messages button on the toolbar at the top of your screen. Quick note on folders This is simply a quick note to tell you what happens when you send an message. When a message is sent, a copy of your is automatically placed in your Sent Items folder. So, you can access your sent message (by clicking-on the Sent Items folder – then opening your message), edit it, and forward it, etc., until you decide to delete it later on. If you would like to keep the you will be able to move it to another folder if you desire. Be aware that you have not “lost” your message. You do not need to “copy yourself” in Outlook unless you want to get an additional copy of your . Address Books When you have clicked on New Message, Reply, Reply to All, or Forward, or created a new message, you will see the following screen: To access these address books/lists click-on the To… , Cc… , or Bcc… “buttons”. The Address Book menu box will appear. If you are Replying or Replying to All on an message in your Inbox, then the addresses from that will automatically appear in the To and Cc areas. If you don’t want to send the to some of these addresses, you can simply click-on their name or address and tap the Delete key. If you are Forwarding a message from the Inbox or Sending a new message, then you can either type-in the address in the To or Cc area, or use the Global Address List or Contacts Address Book.

11 Global Address List The Global Address List that you see below is created, and updated, when a Hallmark user is given access to Outlook mail. The Information Technology staff places the new user in the Global Address List. Thus, this address list is a current list of all Outlook mail users. To use this list, simply click here and type the last name of the person to whom you want to send the to. Then click the Find button on the right side of the menu screen. When you click the Find button, all of the matching last names in your Global Address List will appear in the middle section of the menu screen. Select the person to whom you desire to send the message by clicking on their name. It will be highlighted in yellow like the image above. When you have selected your name (like we did in the image above) you can click the To, Cc, and Bcc buttons to add this person to your message. Click the button of your choice and your selected name will be added to those who will receive the message. You can continue typing in new names for others in the Global Address List, clicking the Find button and adding them to your message as indicated above. When you have all the names you desire, simply click the OK button at the lower right corner of the menu screen.

12 Contacts – Personal Address Book
You create your own Contacts (like a personal address book). 1. When you click-on the To… , Cc… , or Bcc… buttons the Address Book appears. In the upper left corner of the Address Book you will see an area that indicates that this is the Default Global Address List. Below this is a section named Contacts. Click Contacts in that area and your personal contacts appear to the right of it. 2. You will use this screen, just as you used the Global Address List screen. 3. Once your Contacts appear, click the name you desire to add to your message and then click the To, Cc or Bcc buttons to add them to your message. Adding Names to your Contacts as you receive in your Inbox Note: Right-click on an address when you receive a message from someone when you know that this address is not in your Contacts. When you RIGHT click on the address, your screen should look like the one below. You know this is a good address, because you received their message! Now, click on the Add to Contacts choice.

13 Manually adding e-mail address to your Contacts
The Untitled – Contact menu screen (like the one below) will appear. In the upper half of the screen, you can fill in any information you would like. In the lower half of the screen, you can enter additional information, but especially important is the address. It will have been automatically created by your right mouse click. If you want to change it, you can do so by editing the Display Name: and address: areas When you have completed entering the information you desire in the Contacts menu screen, click the Save and Close button in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Manually adding address to your Contacts In the Navigation Pane – left side of the screen – you can access Contacts. Click the Contacts button near the bottom of the screen.

14 Personal Distribution Lists
To create a new contact “manually,” you must first click on the New button in the upper left hand corner of the Contacts menu screen. An Untitled Contact screen will appear. Enter the Contact information and then click the Save and Close button. Personal Distribution Lists Now that you have an idea of how to add individual names to Contacts, and are familiar with the Global Address List, you may want to create a group of addresses to which you frequently send . In Outlook Web Access this is called a Personal Distribution List. To create a Distribution List, follow the steps below. To create a Personal Distribution List you will need to be in Contacts. Place your cursor on this triangle and click on it. The drop down menu you see will include Group – click on this option. The Untitled Group image you see below will appear.

15 In the area to the right of Group Name type in a name for your Distribution List (e.g. Lunch Bunch).
Next, click on the Members button. This will display the Address Book screen. Notice that this is the same screen you used to address your messages. You’ll use this menu screen just like you did for adding names to your To…, Cc… and Bcc… on. Type in a name that you want to add to your Distribution List in the Display name area (see arrow). Then hit Enter. Select your name in the lower area and then click the Members button. As you add names to your Distribution List you will see them added to your Distribution List each time you click the Members button. When you have added all the names from your Global Address and Contacts list, click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.

16 You should now return to the Group Name screen
You should now return to the Group Name screen. Your screen will look like the one below. You’ll see the name of your Distribution Group in the Group Name area (and at the top of the Distribution Group screen) and the names of the Members in the area below. You must click “Add to Group” to add these selected members to the Distribution Group. To remove members from the list simply click once on the member (see arrow below) and then click-on the Remove from Group button. The next time you “visit” Contacts, your screen will look something like the one below. The name will be in bold, and there will be an icon of two people on the left. Any time you would like to make changes to this Distribution Group, just double-click quickly on a list and you’ll be taken to that Distribution List screen that you used to create the list. To send a message to everyone on your Distribution List type the name of the Distribution List (e.g. Lunch Bunch) in the To: or Cc: areas of your message.

17 Folders Creating Folders
When you first opened Outlook Web Access, the area to the left of the screen looked something like the image to the left. The icons you see take you to different features of Outlook (Calendar, etc.) or contain . The icons we are concerned with in this training are the ones that pertain to and hold messages (e.g. Inbox, Sent Items, and Deleted Items). NOTE: When the IS staff setup your Outlook and Outlook Web Access account, they create limits for the amount of mail messages you can have in your Inbox, Sent Items, and Deleted Items folders. When you get near this limit, you will receive a cautionary message, indicating that you need to delete messages that are no longer needed. You can only setup folders to your Inbox, Sent Items or Deleted Items folders. This will allow you to view the messages in both Outlook and Outlook Web Access , but will count against your capacity limit. Creating Folders To create a Folder (which is a part of your Inbox, Sent Items, or Deleted Items) do the following: Right-click on the folder you want to create a subfolder in. We will use the Inbox in this example. When the drop down menu appears, select Create New Folder (see arrows above).

18 You will now have a chance to name your folder
You will now have a chance to name your folder. For this example, we have named it Project Folder. Press Enter when you are done typing a name. Your newly created folder will now show under the folder you chose (see image on right). Notice that our folder is “under” the Inbox. Also, notice that there is now a little triangle to the left of Inbox. Anytime you this triangle next to a folder, it indicates that there are other folders “below” the folder. If you click the triangle you will see the folders below it. You can click it again to hide them.

19 Moving a single message
Placing messages in your created Folders Moving a single message To move an message from one folder (Inbox, etc.) to another folder, you simply click-on the message you want to move, hold down the left mouse button, and drag the message to the Folder. In the image above, we clicked on the highlighted message, held down the left mouse button, and dragged the message from the Inbox to the Project Folder. Moving Several Messages You can also move several messages with this drag technique. To highlight several messages you need to learn a new skill. If you hold down one of the Ctrl keys (at the bottom of the keyboard – one either side of the Space Bar) and then click on several messages, you’ll notice that as you click each message it is highlighted (like image on the Left). When you are ready to move the group of messages you highlighted, simply click on any of the highlighted messages, then drag them to the folder where you want the messages.

20 Moving, Deleting, and Recovering Mail Messages
One more way to move messages – You can RIGHT click on a message. When the drop down menu appears, select Move to Folder. When the Move to Folder menu screen appears, simply click on the folder to which you desire to move the message and it will be moved.  There is also a Move button in the toolbar which also works well. Moving, Deleting, and Recovering Mail Messages When you delete an message in your Inbox, Sent Items, or a Folder, the moves to the Deleted Items “trash can.” You can “drag” an item from Deleted Items to any folder to retrieve it, or use the methods above to recover a message to a folder. Fully Deleting Messages RIGHT click on the Deleted Items and a drop down menu will appear. Click the Empty Deleted Items selection. A message box will appear asking if you really want to delete all the items. If you do, click Yes.

21 Viewing the Calendar When viewing the calendar you will automatically be brought to today’s date. (see below) There are four different ways to view the calendar: single day, work week, weekly view & monthly view. The view can be changed by clicking on the icons at the top of the screen. While on a date in the future, you can also jump back to today’s date by simply clicking Go to Today in the toolbar. Daily View Work Week View Monthly View Weekly View

22 Scheduling an Appointment
Double click on the time slot that you would like to reserve. This will open an appointment screen. (see below) Enter in the meeting subject and the location of the meeting You have the ability to edit the start & end date & time. Flag Outlook to remind you of the appointment and display your time as busy, tentative, or free. While scheduling the appointment on your calendar, you have the ability to invite other attendees. To do this, click the Invite Attendees button at the top of the screen.

23 Inviting Attendees To invite people to your meeting, type their name in the To field, just like you would for an . If the attendee does not need to attend your meeting, you can put them in the Optional field. If you click on the To field you will be brought to the Address Book, just like you were when creating an . The Calendar uses the same functionality. Once you have selected the date and time of your appointment and you have selected the attendees, click Send in the top left of the screen.

24 Accepting a Meeting Request
Below is an example of an appointment request sent to a user. By clicking accept, tentative or decline at the top of the screen, the user will be prompted to send a response to the requestor. Pick the if you want to respond and if the appointment was accepted it will automatically be added to your calendar. Any edits made to this appointment later will automatically prompt you to send an update to all attendees. Recurring Appointments When scheduling an appointment you have the ability have the appointment recur on your schedule for a particular timeframe. To make an appointment recurring click on the Repeat button in the toolbar. The following window will open allowing you to set the criteria for the recurring appointment. (see below) Select a Daily, Weekly, Monthly or yearly appointment. The selections to the right will change depending on the recurrence pattern selected. Select a start and end date and click OK. *Note: Be sure to click on Save & Close at the top of the screen to save your appointment.

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