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Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Chem 241 12-1 M, W, F Bill Vining 232 Physical Sciences Building 436-2698

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Presentation on theme: "Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Chem 241 12-1 M, W, F Bill Vining 232 Physical Sciences Building 436-2698"— Presentation transcript:

1 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Chem 241 12-1 M, W, F Bill Vining 232 Physical Sciences Building 436-2698

2 Inorganic Chemistry One of the three descriptive chemistries: – Organic Chemistry – Biochemistry – Inorganic Chemistry  Theoretical and Practical Chemistries:  Physical Chemistry  Analytical Chemistry

3 Inorganic Chemistry: Chemistry for the rest of the elements.

4 Inorganic Chemistry Transition metal chemistry: – Metal-ligand complexes  Main group and metal-based materials science

5 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Chapter 2: Figure 2.2 © 2009 W.H. Freeman

6 First Assignment: Find the best periodic table website. Bring URL and list of why you think it is the best (and any drawbacks). Hand in paper at start of class Friday.

7 Official Stuff Course Website: Text: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, 5 th Ed., Rayner-Canham and Overton Grading: Three exams300 points Homework/In-Class Quizes100 points Project100 points Homework: some OWL Starting Next Week + hand in

8 First Topic Where do all these elements come from? How are they made? Are they made?

9 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Chapter 2: Figure 2.6 © 2009 W.H. Freeman

10 What aspects of this should we explain?

11 What will our explanations depend on? Thermodynamics: relative stability Kinetics: rate and mechanism

12 General Decrease in Abundance with Atomic Number

13 Even > Odd

14 Peak at Fe

15 Peak at Pb

16 Trough at Be

17 Missing Tc and Pm and Above N = 83

18 Nuclear equations


20 Nucleosynthesis of the Elements Hydrogen Burning 1 H + 1 H  2 H + e + + v e­ 2 H + 1 H  3 He +  3 He + 3 He  4 He +2 1 H Why does this happen only in stars? 4 1 H  4 He + 2e + + 2v e

21 Helium Burning 4 He + 4 He  8 Be 8 Be + 4 He  12 C*  12 C +  3 4 He  12 C +  Is this easier or harder than hydrogen burning?

22 Carbon Burning, etc. 12 C + 4 He  16 O +  16 O + 4 He  20 Ne +  20 Ne + 4 He  24 Mg +  12 C + 12 C  24 Mg +  12 C + 12 C  23 Na + 1 H 12 C + 12 C  20 Ne + 4 He Go back to initial Questions. Can we answer any?

23 The  -Process 20 Ne +   16 O + 4 He 20 Ne + 4 He  24 Mg +  2 20 Ne  16 O + 24 Mg +  40 Ca + 4 He  44 Ti* +  44 Ti* + e -  44 Sc* + v + 44 Sc*  44 Ca +  + + v + 44 Ca + 4 He  48 Ti + 

24 Neutron Capture-Beta Decay


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