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Italian Renaissance vs. Middle Ages Art.

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Presentation on theme: "Italian Renaissance vs. Middle Ages Art."— Presentation transcript:

1 Italian Renaissance vs. Middle Ages Art

2 Middle Ages vs. Renaissance
Create a chart or graphic organizer in your notebook to compare and contrast characteristics of art in the Middle Ages with art in the Renaissance MIDDLE AGES SIMILARITIES RENAISSANCE

3 How to Analyze Art… Determine subject matter Use proper adjectives…
i.e. What type of person is this painting portraying? Athlete? Religious figure? Use proper adjectives… Detailed or not? Realistic or not? Improper adjectives that you should stay away from… Good Bad Ugly Whether you like the painting or not

4 Middle Ages Art “Madonna and Child” -From The Book of Kells

5 “Mona Lisa (La Giaconda)”- Leonardo da Vinci

6 Mona Lisa or Leonardo??

7 An example of the humanist desire to unlock the secrets of nature.
Leonardo’s Sketches An example of the humanist desire to unlock the secrets of nature. “Many Sided Genius” -Artist -Architect -Sculptor -Engineer -Scientist -Inventor

8 Leonardo the Scientist
Anatomy from his Sketchbook

9 “David” -Michelangelo

10 Michelangelo’s DETAIL!

11 “School of Athens” -Raphael

12 “Birth of Venus” -Sandro Botticelli

13 “Game of Chess” -Sofonisba Anguissola

14 Major Characteristics
What are the Major Characteristics of Renaissance Art?

15 1. Realism, Detail, and Expression
“Expulsion from the Garden” by Masaccio

16 2. Emphasis on Individualism
“The Duke and Dutchess of Urbino” –Piero della Francesca

17 3. Focus on Classical Greece and Rome

18 3D! 4. Perspective Perspective! Perspective! Perspective! Perspective!

19 Wrap-Up Questions...

20 Which is most similar to the modern painting?

21 Now with your knowledge of characteristics of Renaissance Art, fill in any other important differences between the Renaissance and the Middle Ages on your T-Chart

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