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7000A GC-QQQ Applications Pesticides in Foods (3).

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1 7000A GC-QQQ Applications Pesticides in Foods (3)

2 This application demonstrates Lack of cross-talk in the Agilent 7000A Triple Quad GC/MS Benefits of a GC/QQQ in MRM mode over a GC single Quad MS in SIM mode Ability of Agilent 7000A to achieve excellent sensitivity for pesticides in a difficult matrix such as ginger.

3 Cross Talk Test The following test has been designed to demonstrate the lack of cross talk in the Agilent 7000A Triple Quad GC/MS system. Cross talk or ion ghosting can be a source of error in quantitation. It is the result of a precursor ion entering the collision cell when product ions from the previous reaction monitord are still present. Inject on column a very high concentration of 3 pesticides (1 ng), chlorpyrifos, parathion and cyanazin. These pesticides co-elute under our multi-residue method at 13.5 minutes. The following ion traces show no cross talk even at these very high concentrations injected!

4 1.0 ng Chlorpyrifos on column 314→258 314→286 314→189 314→109 314→225 314→81 Chlorpyrifos

5 1.0 ng Parathion on column 291→109 291→81 291→189 291→286 225→189 225→225 Parathion

6 1.0 ng Cyanazin on column 225→189 240→225 225→258 225→286 225→109 225→81 Cyanazin

7 GC-QQQ MRM vs Single Quad SIM Detamethrin in Garlic 5.0ppb Deltamethrin 30ppb Deltamethrin SIM results on a Single Quad MS GC-QQQ Results It clearly demonstrates that GC-QQQ has much higher sensitivity in MRM mode than a single quadrupole in Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) mode

8 GC-QQQ MRM vs Single Quad SIM Omethoate in Garlic 10 ppb Omethoate. With excellent S/N at this low level it is easy to confirm presence confirm. 40 ppb Omethoate (R.T 9.705min) It looks good, but we can’t confirm it because the ion ratios are distorted seriously GC-QQQ removes matrix interference and give more reliable confirmation

9 Garlic MRM TIC (Black) vs Ginger MRM TIC (Red) Ginger Matrix is more complex than Garlic

10 Garlic MRM vs Ginger MRM Although ginger is a very difficult matrix, GC-QQQ successfully eliminate the matrix interference, and omethoate has better S/N value (RMS=64) in ginger than in garlic (RMS=20) 5.0ppb Omethoate MRM results in Garlic (black and green) and Ginger (red and blue)

11 Garlic MRM TIC (Black) vs Ginger MRM TIC (Red) Let’s look at another time segment

12 Garlic MRM v.s Ginger MRM 5.0ppb Bromopropylate MRM results in Garlic (blue and red) and Ginger (green and brown) Although MRM TICs are much different, the baselines are almost identical for Bromopropylate in ginger and garlic, S/N is 733 (RMS, ginger) and 283 (RMS, garlic) respectively.

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