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History Fair Next Steps

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1 History Fair Next Steps

2 Where is the thesis? The race riot of 1919 was a cataclysmic event in Chicago. After five days of rioting, 38 white and black citizens were killed and 537 were injured. The riot itself was the product of nearly two decades of conflict between whites and blacks over housing, jobs, and political representation. Before the riot, the black community was pressed into separate areas of the city by informal and extralegal means. After the riot the means of enforcing segregation became more accepted, more formal, often more violent, and completely legal. In this way the riot of 1919 was a turning point for the city Martin Luther King, Jr. called the "most segregated in the nation."

3 What’s the background?? Louise de Koven Bowen and juvenile delinquency
Juveniles were tried in adult courts Poverty often kept kids out of schools States had mandatory attendence laws that were not enforced

4 What are the rules of writing history papers?
Start body paragraphs with a claim that relate to the thesis. Use the ICE method when using direct quotes. As a general rule: direct quotes should mainly be from primary sources, paraphrase from secondary sources. Tell stories chronologically.

5 Now what? Rewrite your question and thesis and bring it to class next Wednesday. Gather ALL of your sources before the end of the semester. Once you have the sources, you have to READ them. Make an outline after you have finalized your thesis. An outline is essential for a well organized paper.

6 TITLES Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America (Ira Berlin) Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism (Benedict Anderson) Good Wives, Nasty Wenches, and Anxious Patriarchs: Gender, Race, and Power in Colonial Virginia (Kathleen Brown) John Brown Still Lives!: America’s Long Reckoning with Violence, Equality, and Change (R. Blakeslee Gilpin)

7 Papers are 1,500-2,500 words in length (about 8-11 double-spaced pages). Please note that all words or numbers in the text of the paper count as one word each. This includes student-composed text as well as quotations from primary or secondary sources. The word limit does not apply to citations, the outline or Summary Statement, the Annotated Bibliography, illustration credits, and appendix material. The word count must be provided on the paper’s title page. The paper is preceded by a title page (title, student name, division/category, and word count only), Summary Statement, and outline. It concludes with an Annotated Bibliography, which is divided between primary and secondary sources. Citations must be included as endnotes, footnotes, or parenthetical citations. Citations should be provided for paraphrased ideas, as well as direct quotations. Both Turabian and MLA styles are acceptable; whatever style is selected, be consistent. Papers are printed (one-sided) on plain white 8.5 x 11 inch paper with one-inch margins on all sides and page numbers. Use an easy-to-read 10 or 12 point font and double-space text in the body of the paper. Staple all materials together — no binders.

8 THE BIG DAY! This is what you will turn in tomorrow: Summary Statement form (The link is on the website) Cover page (title, student name, division/category, and word count only) Outline (make SURE it is a formal outline- see the posted examples if you need help) Essay with Chicago style citations (footnotes and bibliography). Your paper should NOT have in-text citations. Annotated bibliography (separated by primary and secondary sources and arranged alphabetically)

9 By Wednesday at midnight, please submit your paper to turnitin
By Wednesday at midnight, please submit your paper to The information: Class: Von Steuben History Fair ( ) Password: VonSteuben

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