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Archimedes Isaac Newton English scientist, was born on January 4, 1643 In Ulstorp in Colsterworth, Great Britain. Lived in England Profession.

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3 Archimedes







10 Isaac Newton

11 English scientist, was born on January 4, 1643 In Ulstorp in Colsterworth, Great Britain. Lived in England Profession mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian worked at Cambridge University, Cambridge University Alma Mater. A discovery of mathematical analysis.

12 Working on problems of physics, Isaac Newton opens a mathematical analysis that underlies the development of science until today.

13 Newton Physics, complexity science in any complicated formulas wander but most scientists – great it does not have a problem that is not resolved Physics, he loves then called Newton e thinks with large numbers and solve complex problems By comets traveling and visit the planets Stars observed magnets deals but the story remains and physics as it keyword everyone knows it

14 Leonhard Euler

15 Born April 15, 1707 In Basel, Switzerland. Profession mathematician, physicist, astronomer Worked in the Imperial Academy of Arts and Sciences, Berlin Academy Alma Mater University of Basel learn Manager Johann Bernoulli.

16 Already in his childhood shows great mathematical talents, he wants his father to study theology. In 1720 began his studies at Basel University - Faculty of Philosophy primary ends, then at the insistence of his father recorded in the Theological Faculty, which never ends.

17 Swedish mathematician Leonhard Euler first test squares in which each symbol appears only once in each row and each column. He calls them the "Latin", as used letters of the Latin alphabet in their analysis. This type of squares are proving useful in the design of scientific experiments and are interesting as mathematical objects.


19 Euler in 1727 was invited to St. Petersburg for the formation of the local Academy of Sciences. Where he became professor of physics and mathematics. But soon he began to develop a successful shipbuilding, cartography, astronomy, theory of rows and number theory. in 1735 largely lost his vision, while monitoring the sun without adequate protection from residual radiation. However, unfortunately, Euler continued his research, relying on his incredible memory and amazingly accurate calculations, which makes mind. Euler was the first published systematic manual elementary mechanics in 1736.

20 In 1733 in Petersburg, he married Katharina Gzel, daughter of the director of the Academy of Arts. They have thirteen children, of whom only survive three sons and two daughters.



23 Leonhard Euler died on September 18, 1783 Saint Petersburg Russia

24 Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss

25 Gauss was born on April 30, 1777 in Brunswick as the only son of a poor family. When he was a little boy he didn’t with his exceptional mathematical abilities. By 1791. Duke of Brunswick bear the costs of his education. Next in Göttingen from 1795 to 1798g. and ends in Helmsted over 1799g. From 1807 until the end of his days, is a director of the astronomical observatory and professor at the University of Göttingen.

26 Joachim Carl Friedrich Gauss died on February 23, 1855 in Goettingen, Germany

27 Algorithm Gauss-Newton is a modification of Newton's method, developed by Carl Friedrich Gauss to solve the problems for nonlinear least squares, which seeks a minimum of: where m are given functions f1,..., fm n parameter of p1,..., pn and m ≥ n.

28 Algorithm Gauss-Newton


30 Mohammed al Horezmi



33 His book, algebra and equations is the first of its kind. Currently, the manuscript of this book is located in Oxford. After translation of the book in Latin it became the basis for the development of algebra in Europe.

34 Paper “algebra and equations "


36 SOU “Zheleznik“ 30.03. 2010 Stara Zagora Bulgaria

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