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Introduction: This is 1 of 2 Fellowships for 2009-10. UAL consists of 6 colleges throughout London, it has 1,228 Staff and 20,000 Students. Discovering.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction: This is 1 of 2 Fellowships for 2009-10. UAL consists of 6 colleges throughout London, it has 1,228 Staff and 20,000 Students. Discovering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction: This is 1 of 2 Fellowships for 2009-10. UAL consists of 6 colleges throughout London, it has 1,228 Staff and 20,000 Students. Discovering and developing communities of e-learning practice Peter Maloney | Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL, UK

2 Context: “How come I haven’t met Paul Lowe yet?” Teaching fellowship application working title Pete Maloney, June 2009 Discovering and developing communities of e-learning practice Peter Maloney | Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL, UK

3 Wider Context: “Media determine our situation” Freidrich A. Kittler, 1986 Discovering and developing communities of e-learning practice Peter Maloney | Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL, UK

4 Changing Pedagogy: “Learning in Art and Design is a ‘wicked problem’, one that is constantly shifting, complex, layered and challenging.” Alison Shreeve, 2009

5 Discovering and developing communities of e-learning practice Peter Maloney | Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL, UK New communities of practice and enquiry: “Nobody is as smart as everybody” Kevin Kelly, Wired Magazine, 2007

6 Discovering and developing communities of e-learning practice Peter Maloney | Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL, UK Methodology: Case Study / a series of semi structured interviews selected to demonstrate a range of levels + approaches / snapshot of activity / grounded theory approach (Glaser and Strauss) / iterative process to reveal emerging codes or themes.

7 Discovering and developing communities of e-learning practice Peter Maloney | Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL, UK Outcomes: Sample 1 “…the wiki became this very fluid space, where who was influencing who, who was teaching who and what kind of knowledge was being shared or exchanged became blurred, but very productive. It was exciting” Prof. Neil Cummings

8 Discovering and developing communities of e-learning practice Peter Maloney | Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL, UK Outcomes: Sample 2 “The seminars introduced ideas from Free or Open Source Software (FLOSS) and explored how these might impact on art’s practice and production. […] We decided to set up a wiki […] He (the student) taught all of us how to edit it” Prof. Neil Cummings

9 Discovering and developing communities of e-learning practice Peter Maloney | Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL, UK Outcomes: sample 3 “They were working together, and yet when it came to the assessment they would be treated individually, and have to identify what part of the project they had been responsible for.” Prof. Neil Cummings

10 Discovering and developing communities of e-learning practice Peter Maloney | Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL, UK Conclusion: “…what energizes the potential community is the discovery that other people face similar problems, share a passion for the same topics, have data, tools and approaches they can contribute, […] and learn from each other.” Wenger, McDermott and Snyder (2002)

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