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E-Learning Project State of the art of the University of Genova Marina Rui

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1 E-Learning Project State of the art of the University of Genova Marina Rui

2 E-learning project The University of Genova is partner (and one of the founders) of “ Consorzio Nettuno” Network promoted in 1990 by MIUR with the goal of integrate “ traditional face-to face activities “ with On-distance lessons boadcasted by RAI at the beginning : traditional and satellite TV now: different courses operated via WEB

3 E-Learning Project The University of Genova in the past years: Several experiences born on a volunteer basis in different fields of our Faculties. No centralized plan by the University; All projects promoted by single teachers or single Course of Studies. All resources coming from the local structures involved

4 E-Learning Project The output of this situation: A lot of different experiences: both from technological point of wiew, both from pedagogical point of wiew; That means: variety of different technical choices, empirical teaching methods, open-mindedness to suggestions of people involved lessons as continuous “work in progress”

5 E-Learning Project The data of the next two slides are got by a “set of questions” about distant-learning made in 2001 (before the Campus- One Project): Teachers involved : 2.8% Students involved : 4.6% (around 2000 people) The majority of these experiences are part of different kinds of projects and just a few of them are due to the enterprise of single teachers. In this environment the 91.2% of distant-learning is an help to the traditional lessons and only the 2.9% is totally distant- learning

6 E-Learning Project Data of distant learning before the project Campus_One in the Faculties: Engineering 35.0% Science29.4% Humanities11.8% Political Science 8.8% High Education (Pedagogy) 5.9% Economy 5.9% Medicine 2.9% Data by Angela M. Sugliano

7 E-Learning Project 26.5 % due to Faculty Projects (mainly F. of Engineering) 17.6 % due to single Courses of Studies 11.3 % due to International Projects 5.9 %due to National Projects 23.5 %others 14.7 %no answer Data by Angela M. Sugliano

8 E-Learning Project Project Campus_One ( 2001-2004) promoted by CRUI about traditional courses Improvement of University Web Site Translation of Students Web Site in English and soon in Spanish about e-learning Increasing of the number of on-line courses Web Portal dedicated to management & dissemination of them

9 E-Learning Project All documents available at: Many seminaries about technical, pedagogical and legal aspects related to the construction and the dissemination of on-line courses Team of teachers projecting the features of the E-learning Web Portal Teachers of different areas working to prepairing the contents & testing the feedback

10 E-Learning Project http:// based on GNU Public License following the ADL SCORM (Sherable Content Object Reference Model) set of rules SCORM is a package IMS for Learning Object (LO) Any LO is an independent and self-consistent module made by a set of different assets

11 E-Learning Project LO Metadata, Packaging, Run-time environement LO set of assets SCORM guarantees that any LO can be indexed to maintain: Reusability Accessibility Interoperability Durability

12 E-Learning Project Conclusions: finally we started to formalize and to canalize all previous eager but non homogeneous experiences still the contents are not so many, but they are increasing teachers involved are growing up and working in cooperation first tests on students are positive. People mainly involved in this e-learning project: Angela M. Sugliano, Giovanni Adorni, Gianni Vercelli, Marina Scapolla

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