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Information Systems for Production and Operations Management E-Learning and Education for Sustainable Development Innovation for Quality Conference, European.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Systems for Production and Operations Management E-Learning and Education for Sustainable Development Innovation for Quality Conference, European."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management E-Learning and Education for Sustainable Development Innovation for Quality Conference, European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning, Berlin NOV 30 th 2005 Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, University of Duisburg-Essen,European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning

2 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide2 Education in the Center „Quality education is a prerequisite for education for sustainable development.“ „Making the abstract real, and developing the capacities of individuals and societies to work for a sustainable future is, essentially, an educational enterprise.“ (UNESCO 2005)

3 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide3 Learning BIORegMeru BIORegion Meru

4 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide4 LEARNReg - Strategy Stimulating learning proceses enabling participation in sustainable development Learning BIOReg Meru BIOReg - Strategy Integration of SD-Processes Economy Ecology Socio-cultural aspects Cooperation with local stakeholders, GO´s and NGO´s in Learning BIORegMeru Intercultural academic strutucres through PACT (als Follow Up) Provides a new approach for cooperation in development and research projects Provides a basis for education and research

5 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide5 Turn Concerns into Promises Learning for allDigital divide Anywhere anytimeDecontextualisation Knowledge acquisitionMissing human element Easy to update informationTechnology dependence Peer-to-peer learning Erodes inter-generational knowledge transfer Universal Knowledge Disappearing indigenous knowledge Knowledge managementExpensive

6 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide6 Five Principles of E-Learning Capacity Building 1.Contextualisation of local knowledge  addressing local needs, be specific! 2.Stakeholders are development facilitators  Multiplyer of development, Gatekeepers, Negotiation 3.Project ownership  Participative Approaches 4.Openness to local context and complexity  Relevance and taylored content and pedagogy 5.Local values, concepts and practices  Education is rooted in culture and values! (Simon McGrath (2001)

7 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide7 Supporting Sustainable Development Compre- hensiveness Inside into the demands facilitating access adequate resourcing Compre- hensiveness Inside into the demands facilitating access adequate resourcing Sustainable 4 Priorities ESD: Improve basic education Reorient education Public understanding Training Sustainable 4 Priorities ESD: Improve basic education Reorient education Public understanding Training E-Learning Strategy for Sustainable Development Coherence Partnership working creating a learning culture striving for excellence Coherence Partnership working creating a learning culture striving for excellence „Creating a Learning Region“

8 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide8 Sustainable Education (ESD) - 4 Priorities  Improve Basic education  little and/or poor-quality education severely limits the options available to a nation for developing its short- and long-term sustainability plans.  include critical-thinking skills, skills to formulate questions, and skills, perspectives, and values to pursue sustainable livelihoods.  Reorient existing education to address sustainable development  link environment, economy, and society, cover all ed levels  balance looking forward to a more sustainable society with looking back to traditional/ indigenous ecological knowledge.  Develop public understanding and awareness  Sustainability requires a population that is aware of the goals of a sustainable society and has the knowledge and skills to contribute to those goals.  Training  All sectors - including business, industry, higher education, governments, NGOs, and community organizations – are encouraged to train their leaders in sustainable management practices (Agenda 21, Chapter 36)

9 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide9 Creating a Learning Region: Coherency  Partnership building  Church and community networks: Telecentre  School Networks for computer/ e-learning programs  Business networks: Telecentre/ ICT Infrastructure  Establish/ introduce new forms of PPP  Creating a learning culture  Regional cultural, history and art initiatives/centres  Rural learning programs  Environmental, cultral clubs  Striving for excellence  Regional and institutional quality policies  Ensure quality materials  Ensure quality of facilitators through training

10 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide10 Creating a Learning Region: Comprehensiveness  Inside into the demands  Relevant contents, context and culture specific  Competency mapping: Match education provision and regional demands  Facilitating access  Create LOs: (Cultural) Clubs with educational purpose  Rural telecentre  Rural school projects  Adequate resourcing  Introduce/ Innovate PPP  Sustainable ressourcing: Project based micro credits  Enterprise oriented funding

11 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide11 Different Levels of Regional Learning Learning Region Network Groups, Organisations Actors Regional Level Organisational Level Individual Level Microlevel Mesolevel Macrolevel individual learning social learning inter-orga. learning regional learning intra-orga learning

12 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide12 How can we collaborate…?  Learning BIOReg MERU  Become part of the project/ community  European Foundation for Quality in E- Learning  Special Interest Group on “Quality of Global E-Learning”  You are invited to collaborate! Virtually or presentially!   Blog with us on education on sustainable development!  Contact us!

13 Information Systems for Production and Operations Management Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers ::: ::: University of Duisburg-Essen - Slide13 Contact us! Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers University of Duisburg-Essen Questions? Our aim must be to combine connectivity with open educational resources so as to create a global intellectual commons accessible to the whole of humankind (Sir John Daniel, Calgary 2005)

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