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Francisco García García (1) Coordinator of EEGECS Rosa Mariana Chueca Castedo (2) Chairman of WG1, EEGECS Inmaculada Tomás Estellés (1) Technical Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "Francisco García García (1) Coordinator of EEGECS Rosa Mariana Chueca Castedo (2) Chairman of WG1, EEGECS Inmaculada Tomás Estellés (1) Technical Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Francisco García García (1) Coordinator of EEGECS Rosa Mariana Chueca Castedo (2) Chairman of WG1, EEGECS Inmaculada Tomás Estellés (1) Technical Assistant of EEGECS EUROPE TOWARDS A COMMON LANGUAGE IN ENGINEERING (2) School of Surveying Technical Engineer Politechnic University of Madrid (1)Higher Technical School of Geodetic, Cartographic and Surveying Engineering Politechnic University of Valencia IADAT - e2004

2 Foregoing EEGECS: Thematic Network Working Groups WG – Objectives Communication Tools References Summary EUROPE TOWARDS A COMMON LANGUAGE IN ENGINEERING EUROPE TOWARDS A COMMON LANGUAGE IN ENGINEERING IADAT - e2004

3 Have co-operated for several years, in the exchange of students and lecturers. Have the broad diversity of study plans, contents and orientations that exist in each country. Higher education institutions in Europe dealing with Geodesy, Geomatics, Cartography, Surveying: EUROPE TOWARDS A COMMON LANGUAGE IN ENGINEERING EUROPE TOWARDS A COMMON LANGUAGE IN ENGINEERING IADAT - e2004

4 Wide variety of degree structures, orientations and specialisations. Different definition of professional competences in each country. The lack of information about other Institutions’ study plans. But... Problems EUROPE TOWARDS A COMMON LANGUAGE IN ENGINEERING EUROPE TOWARDS A COMMON LANGUAGE IN ENGINEERING IADAT - e2004

5 Difficulties to Problems not involving all mobility to do pract where their diploma students with their study plans and learning agreements. help Erasmus the countries in Europe. Very few exchanges in number, Low studentsical stays abroad. ork in a countryDifficulties to w different from was earned. well as jointof teachers, asFew exchanges PhD programmes.research projects and EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING EUROPE TOWARDS A COMMON LANGUAGE IN ENGINEERING EUROPE TOWARDS A COMMON LANGUAGE IN ENGINEERING IADAT - e2004

6 To reach a collaboration and co-operation system of most Higher Education Institutions which offer these studies, to meet the objectives and recommendations of the Bologna and Prague Declaration of the Ministers of Education in Europe. The main reason for creating EEGECS: EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004

7 1st full application presented: 1st March 2002 Approval for the period 10/2002 – 10/2003 2nd full application presented: 1st March 2003 Approval for the period 10/2003 – 10/2004 3rd full application presented: 1st March 2004 Network Creation: application steps EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004

8 According to the European Commission, the Thematic Networks period includes: –DEVELOPMENT: - 1st year - 2nd year - 3rd year –DISSEMINATION: - 4th, 5th and 6th years (comunication of results) Planning of Tasks: EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004

9 Working Groups 100 European Universities from almost all different European countries,15 external university: - 1st year: 75 members - 2nd year: 90 members - Application for March 2004: 115 members The organisms involved are universities, private institutions and associations. The institutions have participated before in the Socrates-Erasmus programme, promoting the exchange of students and teachers. EEGECS: COMPOSITION IADAT - e2004 EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives EEGECS:Thematic Network

10 Countries Involved: EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives EEGECS:Thematic Network

11 Deans of Faculties and education policy makers. Teachers and researchers. Students. Administrative staff in Faculties. Interlocutors from the private and public sectors. Members EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives EEGECS:Thematic Network

12 Improve quality in education. Enhance its European dimension. Increase mobility and improve transparency and credit recognition: - Diploma Supplement - Recognition for teachers Foster co-operation, dialogue, exchange of information and experience between Institutions and other sectors of society. Introduce and extend among all the European universities an e-learning system. Adopt a system of easily readable and comparable degrees (ECTS). The EEGECS objectives EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives EEGECS:Thematic Network

13 Move towards the adoption of a two-tier degree and the establishment of a single quality accreditation system and unified criteria for quality assurance. Promote a knowledge-based society (lifelong learning, ICT in learning and teaching). Increase the attractiveness of European Area of Higher Education in Geodesy, Cartography and Surveying. Move towards the adoption of a common frame of reference for degrees: The EEGECS objectives EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives EEGECS:Thematic Network 3 years BSc 5 years MSc 8 years PhD

14 Development enable us a broader spectrum of results and improvements. Meet the recommendations and objectives set out in the Bologna and Prague declarations E-learning contributes to reach the aims: EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - ObjectivesWorking Groups

15 WG-1 Undergraduate Education. WG-2 Research. WG-3 Continuous education, E-learning and European Dimension of Studies. WG-4 Enterprises – Private Sector. WG-5 Mobility, Languages, Culture, Citizenship, Social Cohesion… WG-6 Quality Assurance. WORKING GROUPS OF EEGECS EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - ObjectivesWorking Groups

16 EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - ObjectivesWorking Groups They develop their activities with support of questionnaires, surveys, consultancies, searching in internet or other sources. They organise forums and workshops to analyse information and come up with results. Working Groups Activities

17 Develop the state-of-the-art of the discipline: –Comparative analysis of the study plans in each country. –Enhance dialogue between higher education institutions. Exchange ideas and information. Adopt the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS) Implement the Diploma Supplement. (…) WG-1 Undergraduate education EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives

18 Promote transparency and facilitate mobility. Recognize study periods abroad. Elaborate a core curriculum of the discipline. Organise diversity, rather than eliminate it. Move towards the adoption of a 2-tier degree system. WG-1 Undergraduate education EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives

19 Define the state of the art in Europe (PhD programmes, thesis, doctoral studies, programmes in collaboration with industry..) Create an European Research Area: - promoting joint research programmes involving different countries. - mobility of researchers. - exchanging information and ideas. Promote the inclusion of the results of research into undergraduate education. WG-2 Research EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives

20 Assure a lasting employability of graduates. Ensure that education reaches all individuals. Promote the ICT and innovation in teaching methods Improve the attractiveness of the European Area of Higher Education in the discipline : - international modules, courses, masters programmes, etc.. (involving institutions from different countries). WG-3 Continuous education, E-learning and European Dimension of Studies EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives

21 Enhance the dialogue and links with the private sector: - promoting graduates' mobility. - technology transfer. - research co-operation... Analyse the needs of the economic and private sector, as far as graduates’ skills is concerned. Analyse the types of industry in which graduates can work. Create a network of enterprises willing to accept students under practical training. WG-4 Enterprises-private sector EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives

22 Increase mobility of undergraduate students, lecturers, researchers and administrative staff in Europe Enhance social cohesion: - ethics and respect for the diversity of cultures and races. - opportunities for men-women. - people with disabilities... Promote Languages Learning.Languages Learning. Promote scientific studies among young people, particularly women. WG-5 Mobility, languages, culture, citizenship, social cohesion… EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives

23 1.Definition of a unified quality criteria for all Faculties 2.Increase mobility. 3.Enhance dialogue and co-operation among: researchers lecturers interlocutors from the public and private sector For the first time language learning is promoted in all faculties dealing with the discipline in a single action plan:

24 Increase mobility of undergraduate students, lecturers, researchers and administrative staff in Europe Enhance social cohesion: - ethics and respect for the diversity of cultures and races. - opportunities for men-women. - people with disabilities... Promote Languages Learning. Promote scientific studies among young people, particularly women. WG-5 Mobility, languages, culture, citizenship, social cohesion… EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives

25 Increase the quality of teaching (methods and materials, identifying best practices).. Move towards a common accreditation system. Facilitate comparability and recognition of degrees. Cooperate with existing quality assurance organisations and groups. WG-6 Quality assurance EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives

26 Updated website of all university partners. Network database. Availability of information though different databases. COMMUNICATION TOOLS EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004 Working GroupsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives Communication Tools

27 Containing information in English about their present curriculum structure and content. Reflecting ECTS information (credits, evaluation, grades…) Updated website of all university partners: EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING - Students, IRO’s and lecturers, for mobility purposes and others. Addressed to IADAT - e2004 Working GroupsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives Communication Tools

28 EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING Objectives and work plan of the network, membership, links to organisations related to the discipline. Information on the results of the activities. Contacts in each country by area of studies and research… - All the actors of this discipline: students, professionals, employers, public authorities… Network Database: Addressed to IADAT - e2004 Working GroupsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives Communication Tools

29 EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING Database about the offer of related university degrees and information about each of them (structure, organisation, definition, contents, specialities, professional competences, national reports… ). - Students that wish to start these studies, and to graduates who intend to work abroad. - Employers, to obtain a general panorama - Lecturers Availability of information though different databases: Addressed to IADAT - e2004 Working GroupsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives Communication Tools

30 EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING Database of enterprises willing to accept students for practical training, including contact persons. The specific offers from these enterprises will be published in the network website. Availability of information though different databases: - Graduates and students who wish to start their professional life in a European scheme. Addressed to IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives Communication Tools

31 EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING For specific modules E-courses International masters courses created within the partnership of the project The potential to disseminate them will rely on a proper publicity. Availability of information though different databases: IADAT - e2004 Working Groups Communication ToolsEEGECS:Thematic NetworkWG - Objectives Communication Tools

32 Planning of tasks for 2004 Future conferences in different points of Europe. Participation with Tuning. Production of WG reports and a general publication. for 2004 Planning for 2004 EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004

33 The name Tuning reflect the idea that universities look for points of reference, convergence and common understanding. The Tuning project contributes also to the realisation of the other Bologna action lines. The project aims at identifying points of reference for generic and subject-specific competences of first and second cycle graduates and give recommendations to the Thematic Networks The TUNING Project EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004

34 With the development of these project, the EEGECS partners: Make the Bologna and Prague Declarations objectives theirs. Work for the recognition of a European Diploma, equal for all students of this field, from all countries in the European Union. Final Conclusion EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004

35 1.EEGECS Thematic Network first publication 2. 3.Technical Assistance Office of the Directorate of Education and Culture of the European Commission References EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN GEODETIC ENGEENIERING CARTOGRAPHY AND SURVEYING IADAT - e2004

36 Thanks for your attention Dr. Rosa Mariana Chueca Castedo Chairman of WG1 - EEGECS EUROPE TOWARDS A COMMON LANGUAGE IN ENGINEERING IADAT - e2004

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