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BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 21 Topics Quiz 1 Match operators Substitution Transliteration String functions length, reverse Array functions scalar, reverse,

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Presentation on theme: "BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 21 Topics Quiz 1 Match operators Substitution Transliteration String functions length, reverse Array functions scalar, reverse,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 21 Topics Quiz 1 Match operators Substitution Transliteration String functions length, reverse Array functions scalar, reverse, sort push, pop, shift, unshift Loops while, foreach, for Split and join Input/Output Examples Reading FASTA file Programming Assignment #1 printf

2 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 22 $dna = "ATGCATTT"; if ($dna =~ /ATT/) { print "$dna contains ATT\n"; } else { print "$dna doesn't contain ATT\n"; } Output of code snippet: ATGCATTT contains ATT # matching a pattern $dna = "ATGAAATTT"; $pattern = "GGG"; if ($dna =~ /$pattern/) { print "$dna contains $pattern\n"; } else { print "$dna doesn't contain $pattern\n"; } print "\n"; ATGAAATTT doesn't contain GGG Match Operator from

3 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 23 print "substitution example:\n"; $dna = "ATGCATTT"; print "Old DNA: $dna\n"; $dna =~ s/TGC/gggagc/; print "New DNA: $dna\n\n"; substitution example: Old DNA: ATGCATTT New DNA: AgggagcATT from Substitution print "single substitution:\n"; $dna = "ATGCATTT"; print "Old DNA: $dna\n"; $dna =~ s/T/t/; print "New DNA: $dna\n\n"; single substitution: Old DNA: ATGCATTT New DNA: AtGCATTT print "global substitution:\n"; $dna = "ATGCATTT"; print "Old DNA: $dna\n"; $dna =~ s/T/t/g; print "New DNA: $dna\n\n"; global substitution: Old DNA: ATGCATTT New DNA: AtGCAttt

4 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 24 print "removing white space\n"; $dna = "ATG CATTT CGCATAG"; print "Old DNA: $dna\n"; $dna =~ s/\s//g; print "New DNA: $dna\n\n"; removing white space Old DNA: ATG CATTT CGCATAG New DNA: ATGCATTTCGCATAG from Substitution print "substitution ignoring case\n"; $dna = "ATGCAttT"; print "Old DNA: $dna\n"; $dna =~ s/T/U/gi; print "New DNA: $dna\n\n"; substitution ignoring case Old DNA: ATGCAttT New DNA: AUGCAUUU

5 #!/usr/bin/perl -w # File: complement1 # Calculating the complement of a strand of DNA (with bug) # The DNA $strand1 = 'ACGGGAGGACGGGAAAATTACTACGGCATTAGC'; print "strand1: $strand1 \n"; # Copy strand1 into strand2 $strand2 = $strand1; # Replace all bases by their complements: A->T, T->A, G->C, C->G $strand2 =~ s/A/T/g; $strand2 =~ s/T/A/g; $strand2 =~ s/G/C/g; $strand2 =~ s/C/G/g; print "strand2: $strand2 \n"; exit; % complement1 strand1: ACGGGAGGACGGGAAAATTACTACGGCATTAGC strand2: AGGGGAGGAGGGGAAAAAAAGAAGGGGAAAAGG Computing complementary DNA (with bug) Can you find the bug? 5BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

6 6 print "transliteration operator\n"; $dna = "ATGCAttT"; print "Old DNA: $dna\n"; $dna =~ tr/T/U/; print "New DNA: $dna\n\n"; transliteration operator Old DNA: ATGCAttT New DNA: AUGCAttU from Transliteration Operator print "tr on multiple characters\n"; $dna = "ATGCAttT"; print "Old DNA: $dna\n"; $dna =~ tr/Tt/Uu/; print "New DNA: $dna\n\n"; tr on multiple characters Old DNA: ATGCAttT New DNA: AUGCAuuU

7 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 27 DNA Complement print "DNA complement strand\n"; $dna = "ATGCAttT"; $complement = $dna; $complement =~ tr/AaTtGgCc/TtAaCcGg/; print "$dna\n"; print "$complement\n\n"; DNA complement strand ATGCAttT TACGTaaA from

8 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 28 #!/usr/bin/perl -w # File: complement2 # Calculating the complement of a strand of DNA # The DNA $strand1 = 'ACGGGAGGACGGGAAAATTACTACGGCATTAGC'; print "strand1: $strand1\n"; # Copy strand1 into strand2 $strand2 = $strand1; # Replace all bases by their complements: A->T, T->A, G->C, C->G # tr replaces each char in first part with char in second part $strand2 =~ tr/ATGC/TACG/; print "strand2: $strand2 \n"; exit; % complement2 strand1: ACGGGAGGACGGGAAAATTACTACGGCATTAGC strand2: TGCCCTCCTGCCCTTTTAATGATGCCGTAATCG Computing complementary DNA (without bug) How have we eliminated the bug?

9 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 29 Length Function print "length function\n"; $dna = "ATGCAttT"; $size = length($dna); print "DNA $dna has length $size\n\n"; length function DNA ATGCAttT has length 8 from

10 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 210 print "reverse function\n"; $dna = "ATGCAttT"; $reverse_dna = reverse($dna); print "DNA: $dna\n"; print "Reverse DNA: $reverse_dna\n\n"; reverse function DNA: ATGCAttT Reverse DNA: TttACGTA from Reverse function print "reverse complement\n"; $dna = "ATGCAttT"; $rev_comp = reverse($dna); $rev_comp =~ tr/AaTtGgCc/TtAaCcGg/; print "$dna\n"; print "$rev_comp\n\n"; reverse complement ATGCAttT AaaTGCAT

11 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 211 Array Functions: scalar, reverse, sort print "array of gene names\n"; @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53"); $size = scalar @genes; print "A list of $size genes: @genes\n"; @genes = reverse @genes; print "Reversed list of $size genes: @genes\n"; @genes = sort @genes; print "Sorted list of $size genes: @genes\n\n"; array of gene names A list of 3 genes: HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 Reversed list of 3 genes: TP53 ALPK1 HOXB1 Sorted list of 3 genes: ALPK1 HOXB1 TP53 from

12 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 212 Adding items to the end of an array print "Appending to an array\n"; @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53"); push @genes, "ZZZ3"; $size = scalar @genes; print "There are now $size genes: @genes\n"; push @genes, ("EGF", "EFGR"); $size = scalar @genes; print "There are now $size genes: @genes\n\n"; Appending to an array There are now 4 genes: HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 ZZZ3 There are now 6 genes: HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 ZZZ3 EGF EFGR from

13 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 213 Removing items from the end of array print "Removing items from end of array\n"; @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53", "EGF"); $size = scalar @genes; print "A list of $size genes: @genes\n"; pop @genes; $size = scalar @genes; print "There are now $size genes: @genes\n"; $gene = pop @genes; $size = scalar @genes; print "There are now $size genes: @genes\n"; print "There gene removed was $gene\n\n"; Removing items from end of array A list of 4 genes: HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 EGF There are now 3 genes: HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 There are now 2 genes: HOXB1 ALPK1 There gene removed was TP53 from

14 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 214 print "Removing items from front of array\n"; @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53", "EGF"); $size = scalar @genes; print "A list of $size genes: @genes\n"; shift @genes; $size = scalar @genes; print "There are now $size genes: @genes\n"; $gene = shift @genes; $size = scalar @genes; print "There are now $size genes: @genes\n"; print "There gene removed was $gene\n\n"; Removing items from front of array A list of 4 genes: HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 EGF There are now 3 genes: ALPK1 TP53 EGF There are now 2 genes: TP53 EGF There gene removed was ALPK1 Removing items from front of array from

15 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 215 @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53"); while (scalar @genes > 0) { $gene = shift @genes; print "Processing gene $gene\n"; # put processing code here } Processing gene HOXB1 Processing gene ALPK1 Processing gene TP53 from while loops for list processing @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53"); while (@genes) { $gene = shift @genes; print "Processing gene $gene\n"; # put processing code here } $size = scalar @genes; print "There are now $size genes in the list: @genes\n"; Processing gene HOXB1 Processing gene ALPK1 Processing gene TP53 There are now 0 genes in the list:

16 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 216 foreach loops for list processing print "for loop to process all items from a list\n"; @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53"); foreach $gene (@genes) { print "Processing gene $gene\n"; # put processing code here } $size = scalar @genes; print "There are still $size genes in the list: @genes\n"; for loop to process all items from a list Processing gene HOXB1 Processing gene ALPK1 Processing gene TP53 There are still 3 genes in the list: HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 from

17 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 217 for loops for list processing print "another for loop to process a list\n"; @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53"); $size = scalar @genes; for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $gene = $genes[$i]; print "Processing gene $gene\n"; # put processing code here } $size = scalar @genes; print "There are still $size genes in the list: @genes\n"; another for loop to process a list Processing gene HOXB1 Processing gene ALPK1 Processing gene TP53 There are still 3 genes in the list: HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 from

18 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 218 print "converting array to string\n"; @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53"); $string = join(" ", @genes); print "String of genes: $string\n"; $size = length $string; print "String has length: $size\n"; converting array to string String of genes: HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 String has length: 16 from join: converting arrays to strings print "join with empty separator\n"; @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53"); $string = join("", @genes); print "String of genes: $string\n"; $size = length $string; print "String has length: $size\n"; join with empty separator String of genes: HOXB1ALPK1TP53 String has length: 14

19 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 219 join with newline separator print "join with newline separator\n"; @genes = ("HOXB1", "ALPK1", "TP53"); $string = join "\n", @genes; print "String of genes: $string\n"; $size = length $string; print "String has length: $size\n\n"; join with newline separator String of genes: HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 String has length: 16 from

20 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 220 split: converting string to arrays print "converting string to array\n"; $dna = "ATGCATTT"; @bases = split "", $dna; print "dna = $dna\n"; $size = scalar @bases; print "The list of $size bases: @bases\n\n"; converting string to array dna = ATGCATTT The list of 8 bases: A T G C A T T T from

21 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 221 print "split on white space\n"; $string = "HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53"; @genes = split " ", $string; print "$string\n@genes\n\n"; split on white space HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 from split: using separators print "split on 'P'\n"; $string = "HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53"; @genes = split "P", $string; print "$string\n"; foreach $gene (@genes) { print "|$gene|\n"; } split on 'P' HOXB1 ALPK1 TP53 |HOXB1 AL| |K1 T| |53|

22 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 222 The @ARGV Array Array @ARGV is the list of command line arguments for the program: % hello 73 abcdef has effect of: @ARGV = ("hello", 73, "abcdef");

23 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 223 Opening a File Perl has two simple, built-in ways to open files: -- the shell way for convenience -- the C way for precision. The shell way % myprogram file1 file2 file3 % myprogram < inputfile % myprogram > outputfile % myprogram >> outputfile % myprogram | otherprogram % otherprogram | myprogram

24 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 224 Input from keyboard #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # File: # Read in name and age print "Enter your name: "; my $name = <>;# "<>" reads one line from "standard input" chomp $name;# chomp deletes any newlines from end of string print "Enter your age: "; my $age = <>; chomp $age; print "Hello, $name! "; print "On your next birthday, you will be ", $age+1, ".\n"; exit; % Enter your name: Joe Smith Enter your age: 42 Hello, Joe Smith! On your next birthday, you will be 43. %

25 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 225 Input from file % cat infile Joe Smith 42 % < infile Enter your name: Enter your age: Hello, Joe Smith! On your next birthday, you will be 43. %

26 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 226 Input from file #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # File: # Read in name and age # print "Enter your name: "; my $name = <>;# "<>" reads one line from "standard input" chomp $name;# chomp deletes any newlines from end of string # print "Enter your age: "; my $age = <>; chomp $age; print "Hello, $name! "; print "On your next birthday, you will be ", $age+1, ".\n"; exit; % < infile Hello, Joe Smith! On your next birthday, you will be 43. %

27 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 227 Redirecting Standard Input and Output INPUT PIPE: "<" redirects standard input to a file: % < infile Hello, Joe Smith! On your next birthday, you will be 43. OUTPUT PIPE: ">" redirects standard output to a file: % outfile % cat outfile Hello, Joe Smith! On your next birthday, you will be 43.

28 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 228 open Function The "open" function takes two arguments: a filehandle, and a single string comprising both what to open and how to open it. "open" returns true when it works, and when it fails, returns a false value and sets the special variable $! to reflect the system error. If the filehandle was previously opened, it will be implicitly closed first. open INFO, "< datafile" or die "can't open datafile: $!"; open RESULTS,"> runstats" or die "can't open runstats: $!"; open LOG, ">> logfile " or die "can't open logfile: $!"; Note: whitespace before or after file name is ignored.

29 #!/usr/bin/perl # Example 5-3 Searching for motifs # Ask the user for the filename of the file containing # the protein sequence data, and collect it from the keyboard print "Please type the filename of the protein sequence data: "; # STDIN is "standard input" file handle # STDIN is automatically opened $proteinfilename = ; # get the next line from keyboard # Remove the newline from the protein filename chomp $proteinfilename; # open the file, or exit unless ( open(PROTEINFILE, $proteinfilename) ) { print "Cannot open file \"$proteinfilename\"\n\n"; exit; } # Read the protein sequence data from the file, and store it # into the array variable @protein @protein = ; # note: reads in the whole file! # Close the file - we've read all the data into @protein now. close PROTEINFILE; 29BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

30 # Put the protein sequence data into a single string, as it's easier # to search for a motif in a string than in an array of # lines (what if the motif occurs over a line break?) $protein = join( '', @protein); # Remove whitespace $protein =~ s/\s//g; # In a loop, ask the user for a motif, search for the motif, # and report if it was found. # Exit if no motif is entered. do { print "Enter a motif to search for: "; $motif = ; # Remove the newline at the end of $motif chomp $motif; # Look for the motif if ( $protein =~ /$motif/ ) { print "I found it!\n\n"; } else { print "I couldn't find it.\n\n"; } # exit on an empty user input } until ( $motif =~ /^\s*$/ ); # exit the program exit; 30BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

31 #!/usr/bin/perl # Example 5-4 Determining frequency of nucleotides # Get the name of the file with the DNA sequence data print "Please type the filename of the DNA sequence data: "; $dna_filename = ; # Remove the newline from the DNA filename chomp $dna_filename; # open the file, or exit unless ( open(DNAFILE, $dna_filename) ) { print "Cannot open file $dna_filename\n\n"; exit; } # Read the DNA sequence data from the file, and store it # into the array variable @DNA @DNA = ; # Close the file close DNAFILE; 31BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

32 # From the lines of the DNA file, # put the DNA sequence data into a single string. $DNA = join( '', @DNA); # Remove whitespace $DNA =~ s/\s//g; # Now explode the DNA into an array # where each letter of the # original string is now an element # in the array. # This will make it easy to look # at each position. # Notice that we're reusing the # variable @DNA for this purpose. @DNA = split( '', $DNA ); # Initialize the counts. $count_of_A = 0; $count_of_C = 0; $count_of_G = 0; $count_of_T = 0; $errors = 0; # In a loop, look at each base in turn, # determine which of the # four types of nucleotides it is, and # increment the appropriate count. foreach $base (@DNA) { if ( $base eq 'A' ) { $count_of_A++; } elsif ( $base eq 'C' ) { $count_of_C++; } elsif ( $base eq 'G' ) { $count_of_G++; } elsif ( $base eq 'T' ) { $count_of_T++; } else { print "!!!!!!!! Error - I don't recognize this base: $base\n"; ++$errors; } # print the results print "A = $count_of_A\n"; print "C = $count_of_C\n"; print "G = $count_of_G\n"; print "T = $count_of_T\n"; print "errors = $errors\n"; # exit the program exit; 32BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

33 #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Example 5-6 Determining frequency # of nucleotides, take 2 # Get the DNA sequence data print "Please type the filename of the DNA sequence data: "; $dna_filename = ; chomp $dna_filename; # Does the file exist? unless ( -e $dna_filename) { print "File \"$dna_filename\" doesn\'t seem to exist!!\n"; exit; } # Can we open the file? unless ( open(DNAFILE, $dna_filename) ) { print "Cannot open file \"$dna_filename\"\n\n"; exit; } @DNA = ; close DNAFILE; $DNA = join( '', @DNA); # Remove whitespace $DNA =~ s/\s//g; # Initialize the counts. $count_of_A = 0; $count_of_C = 0; $count_of_G = 0; $count_of_T = 0; $errors = 0; # In a loop, look at each base in turn, # and increment the appropriate count. for ( $position = 0 ; $position < length($DNA); $position++ ) { $base = substr($DNA, $position, 1); if ( $base eq 'A' ) { ++$count_of_A; } elsif ( $base eq 'C' ) { ++$count_of_C; } elsif ( $base eq 'G' ) { ++$count_of_G; } elsif ( $base eq 'T' ) { ++$count_of_T; } else { print "!!!!!!!! Error - I don't recognize this base: $base\n"; ++$errors; } # print the results print "A = $count_of_A\n"; print "C = $count_of_C\n"; print "G = $count_of_G\n"; print "T = $count_of_T\n"; print "errors = $errors\n"; # exit the program exit; What is the difference between 5-4 and 5-6? Why might this difference be important? 33BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

34 #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Determining frequency of nucleotides, take 3 # Get the DNA sequence data print "Please type the filename of the DNA sequence data: "; $dna_filename = ; chomp $dna_filename; # Does the file exist? unless ( -e $dna_filename) { print "File \"$dna_filename\" doesn\'t seem to exist!!\n"; exit; } # Can we open the file? unless ( open(DNAFILE, $dna_filename) ) { print "Cannot open file \"$dna_filename\"\n\n"; exit; } @DNA = ; close DNAFILE; $DNA = join( '', @DNA); # Remove whitespace $DNA =~ s/\s//g; # Initialize the counts. $a = 0; $c = 0; $g = 0; $t = 0; $e = 0; # Use a regular expression "trick", and # five while loops, to find the counts # of the four bases plus errors while($DNA =~ /a/ig){$a++} while($DNA =~ /c/ig){$c++} while($DNA =~ /g/ig){$g++} while($DNA =~ /t/ig){$t++} while($DNA =~ /[^acgt]/ig){$e++} print "A=$a C=$c G=$g T=$t errors=$e\n"; # Also write the results to a file called "countbase" $outputfile = "countbase"; unless (open(COUNTBASE,">$outputfile")){ print "Cannot open file \"$outputfile\" to write to!!\n\n"; exit; } print COUNTBASE "A=$a C=$c G=$g T=$t errors=$e\n"; close(COUNTBASE); # exit the program exit; What does the i and g do in those while statements above? 34 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

35 #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Determining frequency of nucleotides, # take 4 # Get the DNA sequence data if (scalar @ARGV < 1) { print “Usage: countbase DNAfile\n”; exit; } $dna_filename = $ARGV[0]; # Can we open the file? open DNAFILE, $dna_filename or die "Can't open file $dna_filename"; @DNA = ; close DNAFILE; $DNA = join( '', @DNA); # Remove whitespace $DNA =~ s/\s//g; # Initialize the counts. $a = 0; $c = 0; $g = 0; $t = 0; $o = 0; $a = ($DNA =~ tr/Aa//); $c = ($DNA =~ tr/Cc//); $g = ($DNA =~ tr/Gg//); $t = ($DNA =~ tr/Tt//); $o = (length $DNA) - ($a+$c+$g+$t); print "A=$a C=$c G=$g T=$t others=$o\n"; # Also write the results to a file called "countbase" $outputfile = "countbase"; open (COUNTBASE, ">$outputfile") or die "Can't open output file $outputfile"; print COUNTBASE "A=$a C=$c G=$g T=$t others=$o\n"; close(COUNTBASE); # exit the program exit; What is going on here? 35BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

36 #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # File: # Author: Jeff Solka # Date: 27 Jul 2014 # # Purpose: Read sequences from a FASTA format file # the argument list should contain the file name die "usage: filename\n" if scalar @ARGV < 1; # get the filename from the argument list my ($filename) = @ARGV; # Open the file given as the first argument on the command line open(INFILE, $filename) or die "Can't open $filename\n"; # variable declarations: my @header = (); # array of headers my @sequence = (); # array of sequences my $count = 0; # number of sequences What do the array declarations do? 36 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

37 # read FASTA file my $n = -1; # index of current sequence while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; # remove training \n from line if ($line =~ /^>/) { # line starts with a ">" $n++; # this starts a new header $header[$n] = $line; # save header line $sequence[$n] = ""; # start a new (empty) sequence } else { next if not @header; # ignore data before first header $sequence[$n].= $line # append to end of current sequence } $count = $n+1; # set count to the number of sequences close INFILE; # remove white space from all sequences for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $sequence[$i] =~ s/\s//g; } ########## Sequence processing starts here: ##### REST OF PROGRAM exit; 37BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

38 #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # File: # Author: Jeff Solka # Date: 27 Aug 2015 # # Purpose: Read sequences from a FASTA file # the argument list contains the file name die "usage: filename\n" if scalar @ARGV < 1; # get the filename from the argument list my ($filename) = @ARGV; # Open the file given on the command line open(INFILE, $filename) or die "Can't open $filename\n"; # variable declarations: my @header = (); # array of headers my @sequence = (); # array of sequences my $count = 0; # number of sequences # read FASTA file my $n = -1; # index of current sequence while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^>/) { $n++; # this starts a new header $header[$n] = $line; # save header line $sequence[$n] = ""; # start new sequence } else { next if not @header; $sequence[$n].= $line;# add to seq } $count = $n+1; # number of sequences close INFILE; # remove white space from all sequences for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $sequence[$i] =~ s/\s//g; } ########## Sequence processing starts here: # process the sequences for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { print "$header[$i]\n"; print "$sequence[$i]\n"; } exit; 38 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 2

39 39 printf - print with formatting When using printf, you can specify a format for each variable printed. "%3d" means print a decimal number using at least 3 characters (padding with blanks on the left if necessary) $p = 9; $years = 2; printf “I have written %3d programs in %2d years.\n”, $p, $years; $p = 125; $years = 10; printf “I have written %3d programs in %2d years.\n”, $p, $years; Output: I have written 9 programs in 2 years. I have written 125 programs in 10 years.

40 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 240 printf - print with formatting When using printf, you can specify a format for each variable printed. "%6.2f" means print a floating point number using at least 6 characters with 2 places after decimal point $p = 10 / 7; printf “I have written %f programs.\n”, $p; printf “I have written %6.2f programs.\n”, $p; printf “I have written %0.2f programs.\n”, $p; I have written 1.428571 programs. I have written 1.43 programs.

41 BINF634 Fall15 LECTURE 241 Programming Assignment #1 See Programming Assignment #1 on Course Webpage Read and understand assignment See sample input and output files Due September 28, 2015 at 7:00 pm Must submit it via Blackboard HW #2: Read Chapter 6 Read Appendix B, pages 315-334, 340-343 Submit exercises 6.1 and 6.2

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