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Welcome to Oral Practice EC1161. What is your favorite kind of pet or animal? Have you ever been bitten or scratched by any kind of animal, wild or tame?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Oral Practice EC1161. What is your favorite kind of pet or animal? Have you ever been bitten or scratched by any kind of animal, wild or tame?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Oral Practice EC1161

2 What is your favorite kind of pet or animal? Have you ever been bitten or scratched by any kind of animal, wild or tame? Unit 1a

3 When we love others, must we learn to love their pets? Should we learn to take interest in the same things as they do? Unit 1b

4 VOCABULARY fondreciprocatehissedblaming faultAs wellfastened slappingchokingpanic revivestartledflungreaction on purposedry the cat offbrisk strokes. stuckthornybeat off commotiongentlywoundednot quite right in the head Unit 1c

5 What does it take for a couple to stay married for fifty years? Do you think animals have souls? Give examples of smart/dumb animals. If you hat to be an animal, which one would you like to be? Why Unit 1d

6 Do you believe in Ghosts? Can you talk to them? Can they talk to you? Is it possible to scare a ghost? Unit 2a

7 What is the nature of a ghost? Why are they here? What kind of problems might a ghost have? Unit 2b

8 dead of nightliterallysqueaking rusty metalrubbingchains interruptedbackyarddrowned burnedbutlerperformances insultedhurried awayviolently put something downfor that purpose Unit 2c

9 Do you believe in the after life? Is a ghost always a ghost or must they be the spirit of a dead person? Do they haves unfinished business? Unit 2d

10 What is first aid? What is CPR? Unit 3a

11 Someone at the table next to you in a restaurant has just fallen to the floor holding their throat, what do you do? Unit 3b

12 particularremainordered out placing the orderhanging up clutching laid-off turned to instructedadministeringlaying off cut their budgetemergency rescue teamtransportedarrived on the scenescheduledoffering him a jobchosen field of work. Unit 3c

13 Have you ever been in a life-threatening emergency? Have you ever helped someone in a life- threatening emergency? Unit 3d

14 Have you or anyone you known ever saved a life? Has anyone ever saved your life? Why are wild animals dangerous? Unit 4a

15 How much would you risk to save the life of an animal? Would you risk your own life? An arm? A leg? Unit 4b

16 fully recovered stand by slowly recovering went back passed out put on take a look turned over Unit 4c

17 Do you feel that some people love animals more than people? If it wasn't dangerous, would you be willing to stick your hand down a bear's throat? What do you think about wearing fur? Good/bad? Unit 4d

18 Have you or anyone you know ever had surgery? Was it serious or routine? Would you feel safe about having surgery? Unit 5a

19 Why do you think doctors sometimes make mistakes in surgery? What kind of life do you think doctors live? Unit 5b

20 posted schedule insist on it as it turns out paper trail all had gone well too far gone irreversible damage amputated operation procedure Unit 5c

21 What recourse would you have if a surgical mishap happened to you? Would you sue? How do you feel about the salary of doctors and surgeons? Doe this affect their performance? Unit 5d

22 Ever seen a ghost? Would you like to? Do you believe in ghosts? Unit 6a

23 Do you believe white lies are okay to keep from hurting someone's feelings? Are white lies okay to advance a relationship or keep it stable? Unit 6b

24 chill run up his spine hauntingtappingsomeone froze ignoremind was racingcan't take it top of his lungsstumbled backwardsnervouslystuttered inconveniencesighpeered Unit 6c

25 Grammatical Construct The lights were low, a perfect night for a ghost story. A perfect night for a ghost story, the lights were low. Extending the topic If there were such things as ghost, why would it be? Who are they? Unit 6d

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