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Welcome to 6 th Grade! Mrs. Humphries Math / Science / Social Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6 th Grade! Mrs. Humphries Math / Science / Social Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6 th Grade! Mrs. Humphries Math / Science / Social Studies

2 About me… I have taught for 18 years. I like going to the beach, going to the mountains, or going just about anywhere. I listen to all kinds of music and love to read!

3 R-E-S-P-E-C-T : A little goes a long way. When talking to adults, respond with “Yes, Ma’am” and “Yes, Sir”. Say “please” and “thank you” Listen when others are talking Treat others the way you want to be treated.

4 Hallway Rules No talking policy. Walk in a single-file line on the right-hand side of the hallway. Wait for your teacher when changing classes. No running at anytime. No “hanging out” at anytime.

5 Classroom rules Rules are posted at the back of the room. Good behavior is expected from everyone, everywhere, every time. Procedures will be given for classroom activities and you will be expected to follow them.

6 Consequences Verbal Warning Break Detention Parent Contact ISS/OSS Office Referral Consequences may not necessarily be in this order.

7 Management Procedures Breakfast is at 7:40 AM. Homeroom is 7:50-8:00 AM. Come to homeroom prepared for your first class. While in homeroom, your time should be spent going over your materials. Talking, playing and walking around the room are not allowed.

8 Management Procedures, continued Tardies: 1 st Offense: Warning 2 nd Offense: Parent Contact 3 rd Offense: ISS for class period 4 th Offense: ISS for whole day 5 th Offense: Possible OSS at Administration’s discretion.

9 Management Procedures, continued Follow the locker/bathroom break schedule. If you have an emergency, you may use your Indian Pass for the locker or bathroom up to 4 times in a six- week period. Indian Passes should only be used for emergencies.

10 Homework Homework will be posted on the board on the day it is assigned. If homework is not due the next day, the due date will also be posted. Homework assignments are graded and are expected when due. A grade of zero will be given for missing homework. Progress reports will count as a homework assignment.

11 Projects Projects will be assigned periodically. You will be given ample time to complete projects. A full explanation will be given for each project including the grading expectations.

12 Projects, continued Student projects are meant to be completed by STUDENTS. Higher-order thinking skills are developed as projects are planned and completed. Parents may offer guidance, but should avoid helping “too much”-- it is usually obvious when this is the case.

13 Grades Classwork Tests Projects Homework Progress reports/report cards will be sent home every 3 weeks.

14 Extra Credit I do not assign extra credit. If you do the work as assigned, keep up with homework assignments, and study for your tests, you will not need extra credit. No exceptions!

15 Daily Assignments You should come into class, have a seat and be prepared to work immediately. When class work is completed: you will work on Accelerated Math You must be on task, all the time.

16 Finally…. Go to the CES website to access my teacher webpage. My email for parent contacts: Call 285-3476 to speak to me or schedule conferences. I will return calls during my planning or after school. Let’s have a great year!

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