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 Students receiving Special Education services must have an IEP.  IEPs must be reviewed and/or re-done yearly.  IEPs are a legally binding contract.

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Presentation on theme: " Students receiving Special Education services must have an IEP.  IEPs must be reviewed and/or re-done yearly.  IEPs are a legally binding contract."— Presentation transcript:


2  Students receiving Special Education services must have an IEP.  IEPs must be reviewed and/or re-done yearly.  IEPs are a legally binding contract. Whatever is in the IEP must be done BY LAW!

3  Booklet of legal information that must be given to the parent’s at every meeting.  Basically says:  Parents have the right to view their students file at any time.  Parents have the right to call an IEP meeting at any time.  If an agreement can’t be reached on terms of the IEP the parent is entitled to a Due Process Hearing.

4 1. Student Information. 2. Present Levels of Performance. 3. Special Factors. 4. Annual Goals. 5. Services. 6. Assessments. 7. Curriculum. 8. Transition. 9. Graduation. 10. Participants.

5  Student Name  DOB  IEP Date  IEP Due Date  Educational Classification

6  Also known as a PLAFP.  States what the student can do, can’t do, and needs to do, citing any relevant testing or data.  States how the student’s disability adversely affects them.  States why the student needs certain skills.

7  Addresses special needs such as: communication devices, behavioral strategies, and deaf and blind needs.

8  Also know as MAGs.  What the student is going to be working on throughout the year.  The broad picture.  Categories include: reading, math, communication, functional skills, life skills, motor skills, speech, etc.

9  Breaks the MAG into smaller, more detailed, parts.  Gets more specific about the steps the student is going to have to take to accomplish the MAG.

10  What the school is going to provide to help the student succeed in Regular and Special Education classes.  Some examples: Special education classes, peer tutor support, paraprofessional support, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, vision services, counseling, etc.  Transportation is also a service.

11  Assessments of what the student knows is required for all students.  Student’s with special needs may still use the same assessment measure/test, but have it adapted or modified.  Adaptations: do not change the test itself, changes the environment. For example: better lighting, different room, extended time, large print, use of a calculator, etc.  Modifications: change the administration of the test itself. For example, someone reading and paraphrasing instructions.  Students who still cannot participate in state assessments even with adaptations and modifications are alternatively assessed.  Alternative Assessment: One language task and one math task. Each administered by three different assessors and in three different environments. Tasks are picked based on IEP goals.

12  Listing ways regular education curriculum (mainly P.E.) has to be adapted or modified for the student. Most Life Skills students use adaptive P.E. to fulfill the curriculum requirement.

13  Must be done for students 16 and older.  Plans for their post-high school future.  Notice of Age of Majority:  Must be done for students 16 and older.  Informs the parents of the fact that once their student is 18 they are recognized as adults in the eyes of the law.  At this point in time the Guardianship Process is discussed:  Parents may go to court and petition for guardianship rights over their adult child’s decisions (i.e. medical, financial).  A legal proceeding where both parties have attorneys and petition a judge.

14  Lists any special accommodations for graduation (i.e. the student is not responsible for meeting attendance requirements).

15  Discusses the student’s eligibility for ESY (extended school year).  Determines if the student is going to maintain initial placement, maintain current placement, or change placement.  Signatures of all the IEP team members.

16  An administrator or district personnel that can represent the school district.  Regular Education Teacher.  Special Education Teacher.  Student.  Parents.  Support staff (speech, OT, PT, nurse, vision, counselor, etc.)


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