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Pathology Report Colorectal Cancer Sahar Najibi April 11 th, 2008.

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1 Pathology Report Colorectal Cancer Sahar Najibi April 11 th, 2008

2 Colorectal Cancer; aka colon cancer or large bowel cancer  The growth of cancer in any part of the colon or the rectum.  Polyps (tumor)- growths inside the colon and rectum that may become cancerous

3 Signs and Symptoms  No symptoms until it has reached an advanced stage.  When symptoms occur they are: Abdominal pain/ General stomach discomfort Change in bowel habits (diarrhea, constipation) Bloody stool or rectal bleeding Stool with mucus Narrower stools

4 What are the causes?  Family history of stomach, abdominal, bowel, bone, or liver cancer.  Increased rate after age of 50  Long-standing ulcerative colitis or Crohon’s disease of the colon  Diet high in fat and low in fiber  Lack of exercise  Smoking/ Alcohol Smokers are more likely to die of colorectal cancer than non-smokers

5 Diagnosis  Fecal occult blood test  Double-contrast barium enema  Endoscopic ultrasound Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy  CT scan/ PET scan  Blood tests  Physical exam

6 Treatment  Surgery Parts of affected area  Colostomy  Chemotherapy  Radiation therapy  Immunotherapy (vaccines) (If it is caught in early stages with little or no spread, it can be curable.)

7 Prognosis  Stage i= curable by surgery  Stage ii= 5 year survival rate 50-65% Almost curable as Stage i.  Stage iii= 5 year survival rate 25%-40%  Stage iv= 5 year survival rate 5 %

8 Prevention  Diet high in fruits and vegetables  Exercise and maintain a healthy weight  Regular use of Aspirin or NSAID’s, oral contraceptives, and estrogen- replacement therapy  Physical checkups Screening for colorectal cancer

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