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1 Here to There (Gap Analysis) Architecture/VCDE Joint Face-to-Face June,3, 2010 St. Louis, Missouri.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Here to There (Gap Analysis) Architecture/VCDE Joint Face-to-Face June,3, 2010 St. Louis, Missouri."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Here to There (Gap Analysis) Architecture/VCDE Joint Face-to-Face June,3, 2010 St. Louis, Missouri

2 22 Gap Analysis (Here to There) WG Group Members: Lead: Lewis Frey Participants: Baris Suzek, Jim McCusker Oversight: Riki Ohira Group Goal: In order to do a gap analysis, it is necessary to know the starting point (HERE), and the desired end point (THERE). This working group will write a white paper describing "THERE" and a gap analysis Deliverable: Gap Analysis (white paper) Group page:

3 3 Gap Analysis Topics 3 Governance in SAIF What are semantics in SAIF? SAIF/ECCF Specifications Traceability Business Architecture Model Clarity on ownership and relationship to DAMs Domain Analysis Model Transformations between DAMs SAIF Reviews Metrics of interoperability SAIF Communication Dynamic nature

4 4 Gaps: SAIF Governance What are semantics in SAIF (Ontology based, computable semantics, caDSR) What is the semantic infrastructure that will be implemented? How does the semantic infrastructure impact the governance of BAM, DAM, specifications, CIM, PIM, PSM etc. Object level description is important for human semantics (CIM -> PIM) Value domains are very important for machine semantics going forward in SAIF (PIM -> PSM)

5 5 Gaps: SAIF Governance (cont.) CTS2 - what does this service bring to semantics? ISO 21090 what tools will be used to support this standard? What does ISO 21090 bring to semantics? Post-binding which is a dynamic binding of value domains (possibly while system running) - this needs to be specified Two parties may not want to interoperate, but there is a third party that wants them to interoperate – how does SAIF infrastructure ensure the two parties interoperate

6 6 Gaps: SAIF/ECCF Specifications Need to define what a platform is (e.g., UML, OWL,.NET, caGrid) Define the platform in a non-proscriptive fashion as a taxonomy of platforms Traceability is a key difference between HERE and THERE (CIM, PIM, PSM constructs that relates to traceability) Traceability gap is in mentoring and tools Where do vocabularies belong (CIM, PIM, and PSM)? Profiles that are plug and play for development community

7 7 Gaps: Business Architecture Model (BAM) Clarity on ownership of BAMs and relationship to Domain Analysis Model (DAM) Traceability of BAM to DAM

8 8 Gaps: Domain Analysis Model Transformations among multiple DAMs need to be specified (e.g., caEHR, BRIDG, LSDAM) Need for tools to help teams manage the transformations OWL representations of DAMs and tools to manage (OWL UML transformations) Transformation to upper level models or ontologies (relevant domains - how abstract do we go, e.g. SWEET Ontology) Does RIM supply the higher level acceptable principles for modeling?

9 9 Gaps: Domain Analysis Model (cont.) Governance of DAMs needs to be clarified Balance of DAMs' stability (tension of change management) Responsiveness of DAM revision and rate of change of evaluated DAMs Specificity of the DAM - how deep or abstract is the DAM? Development of systems that identify gaps in the DAM Need a guide for the expansion of DAMs (architects who are helping currently) How are other aspects of system that are not described in DAM specified?

10 10 Gaps: SAIF Reviews Metrics of interoperability What are the interoperability metrics? Reuse (traceability) Log files record of interoperability exceptions Dashboard of logs of exceptions of systems If enterprise service changes do a number of systems start logging exceptions What are formal and informal reviews? What is an interoperability review? What is a specification review?

11 11 Gaps: SAIF Communication caBIG is becoming more dynamic How are artifacts and content managed? How are snapshots or versions of the system recorded (e.g., wiki)? How is the material navigated and presented in a consistent manner? What are the groups and processes going forward in SAIF?

12 12 Questions

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