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The Future of Science and Technology in Europe José Mariano Gago MIT Charles L. Miller Annual Lecture April 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Science and Technology in Europe José Mariano Gago MIT Charles L. Miller Annual Lecture April 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Science and Technology in Europe José Mariano Gago MIT Charles L. Miller Annual Lecture April 2008

2 JMGagoPortugalMITMillerLecture 7APR2008 Portugal and MIT The MIT-Portugal Programme: a long-term strategic relationship for Promoting university-industry collaboration Joint R&D and new economic drivers Advanced academic and professional training Knowledge networking: US-EU and at a global scale

3 JMGagoPortugalMITMillerLecture 7APR2008 A collective book by European Research ministers A Resolution of the EU Council (2007)

4 JMGagoPortugalMITMillerLecture 7APR2008 The future of science and technology in Europe Setting a vision for the future of science&technology in Europe in order to defining common objectives and goals ( national policies but common objectives) Vision: S&T is key for the development of knowledge based economies Lisbon Strategy for the EU (2000): to become the most advanced knowledge-based economy in the world + social cohesion + sustainable environmental development

5 JMGagoPortugalMITMillerLecture 7APR2008 The Future of Science and Technology in Europe -Ambitious goals for the future of human resources for S&T in Europe: international competition for human resources for S&T will be increasingly difficult balanced brain circulation with the US (reverse brain drain!) positive growth rates of new graduates and PhD in Sc&Eng + increase the share of women balanced flow of qualified human resources from the rest of the world ( attract and facilitate immigration!) -Increase public funding for R&D (->1% GDP) -Promote private investment in R&D (>2% GDP) -Reform and Internationalise Universities+R&D systems - Develop world-class R&D network infrastructure: GEANT, GRID

6 JMGagoPortugalMITMillerLecture 7APR2008 The Future of Science and Technology in Europe The shape of things now versus the shape of things to come The “European Research Area”: a complex landscape and a moving target for science policy controversy ERA= 7th EU Framework Programme for R&D (collaborative R&D +JTI!+ERC!) + + Eureka! + COST + EraNets + (Why not a transatlantic, global Eureka!+?) + International Research Organisations (CERN, ESA, ESO, EMBL, ESRF, …+ INL!) + ITER +… (A renewal for intergovernmental new ventures?) + National Research Programmes, Funding agencies and R&D performing organisations (Opening up national funding programmes?)

7 JMGagoPortugalMITMillerLecture 7APR2008 The Future of Science and Technology in Europe EU S&T policy debate sets the future of EU at world level Input and output US data tend to be used as a gauge for Europe S&T However: European S&T = { EU + EU member states + EFTA countries} And EC R&D budget =~ 5% of {Sum of R&D National Budgets}

8 JMGagoPortugalMITMillerLecture 7APR2008 The Future of Science and Technology in Europe Government Appropriations for R&D: 0.74%GDP (EU), 1%GDP (US) including military R&D intensity (2005): 201 b€ or 1.9%GDP (EU) vs 250 b€ or 2.6%GDP (US); industrial R&D 64% (EU), 70% (US) Researchers: 6/1000 workers (EU) vs 9.5/1000 (US). New PhD/yr: EU=2xUS Expenditure per researcher in the public sector, corrected ppp: US= 2xEU Investment in “knowledge” (R&D + Software + Higher Education): 4%GDP(EU) vs 7%GDP (US) but compare Sweden or Finland (Nordic) with US: Nordic R&D = 1.3x US Nordic Sftw =~ US Nordic HE = 1/3 US

9 Data and all Figures quoted from OECD STI Scoreboard 2005

10 JMGagoPortugalMITMillerLecture 7APR2008














24 The Future of Science and Technology in Europe and in the US Is there room for a common vision of the future of S&T in Europe and the US? Such a future would require to Multiply transatlantic, global R&D and HE networks Develop international R&D organisations and programmes Invent jointly new economic drivers Diversify and combine funding sources Promote the transatlantic debate for new research agendas However, new shaping factors (political, economic) and very new shaping actors shall be needed in order to change The shape of things to come (HGWells)...

25 Why not – us?

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