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Welcome Pauline Harrison, Board Member, Sport and Recreation Alliance.

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2 Welcome Pauline Harrison, Board Member, Sport and Recreation Alliance

3 Fourth Principle The Board should be made up of individuals with the right balance of skills and experience to meet the needs of the organisation. Included in this is a need for independent expertise and for representation of the diversity of the sport and the communities they serve. Objectivity: Balanced, Inclusive and Skilled Board

4 Outcomes of the day Further reinforce and understand the purpose and nature of good governance A time to reflect on the governance practice of your organisation Really get to grips with the Fourth Principle of the Code A time to debate and consider the importance of Board composition An opportunity to ask all the ‘obvious’ questions that never get asked about independent directors and changing articles A chance to explore how to promote change effectively Opportunity to share best practice and explore case studies presented by other similar organisations

5 Good Governance What’s all the fuss about? Why do we need good governance? We’ve done alright so far? We’re still here aren’t we?

6 What is the Code? A tool to help Boards perform their role Provides ‘Seven Principles of Good Governance’ for the Sport and Recreation Sector Suggests practical considerations and thinking points for each Principle A voluntary code of practice for sport and recreation organisations that is not linked to funding and not designed to be a one size fits all mandate A dynamic document that allows organisations to set the standards of what good governance looks like for them under each of the Principles provided Created by the Sector, for the Sector

7 The Board should be made up of individuals with the right balance of skills and experience to meet the needs of the organisation. Included in this is a need for independent expertise and for representation of the diversity of the sport and the communities they serve. Fourth Principle Objectivity: Balanced, inclusive and skilled Board NGBs, CSPs and representative bodies fed in responses to a consultation and the Code was re- drafted based on the views of the sector Essentially it’s about … Board Composition

8 In a nutshell … What is a Board? What happens in a Board room? Who should be on the Board?

9 Board composition Competent high calibre individuals Offering a mix of OBJECTIVE Backgrounds Experiences Skills SKILLED BALANCED

10 The challenges... How many? What is their role/remit? How do they get there? How are they supported? What do they do?

11 Skills based assessment Open recruitment Appointment Terms of office Induction Development Review and renewal What do you need to think about?

12 The change process Achieving buy-in Deciding what needs changing Making a case for change Making the changes Reviewing the changes

13 Questions??? Pauline Harrison, Independent Consultant & Board Member, Sport and Recreation Alliance 07767 487961

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