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Medical Terminology. Will be offered the 06-07 school year.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Terminology. Will be offered the 06-07 school year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Terminology

2 Will be offered the 06-07 school year

3 As an extension of Health Science Technology

4 For those interested in a career in health care

5 Develop a working knowledge of the language of medicine

6 By relating terms to body systems

7 Enhances your ability to secure employment

8 And pursue advanced education in health care

9 So when the doctor tells your mom

10 She needs to have a

11 Bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy

12 You can impress her with your knowledge

13 That she needs a hysterectomy!!

14 See your counselor

15 To choose Medical Terminology

16 As a part of your schedule for the 06-07 school year

17 Health Science Technology II Clinical Rotations

18 Provides for the development of knowledge and skills related to a wide variety of health careers

19 By providing opportunities to observe and assist in the health care setting

20 Students will have hands-on experiences in a variety of health care fields

21 Such as: -Respiratory Therapy -Radiology Technology -Medical Laboratory -Nursing -Veterinary Medicine -Cardiology -Wound Care -Gerontology

22 The course covers: -Body Mechanics -Asepsis -Professionalism -Pathophysiology -Trauma -Therapeutic Skills -Diagnostic Skills -Environmental Skills -Occupationally Specific Knowledge and Skills -Employability Skills

23 Plan on Health Science Technology

24 Requirements: - Transportation - Scrubs - Completion of HST I

25 Sign up today for this unique hospital and classroom experience

26 Gerontology- Certified Nurse Assistant Class

27 Will be offered for the 06-07 school year

28 As a part of Health Science Technology

29 Get prepared for the world of work

30 Make a difference in someone’s life

31 Get a job and start a career in health care while still in High School

32 Earn credit toward a degree in health care

33 Talk to your counselor today!


35 A course to develop health care specific knowledge and skills

36 Includes: -health care careers -communication -ethics -legal responsibilities -patient care -safety -first aid -CPR -basic human anatomy

37 recommended for students in grades 9-12

38 Credit for Health Education may be given upon completion of a full year of HST I

39 Choose Health Science Technology I

40 To begin your career in health care

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