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Dumas Demons DEMON PRIDE NEVER DIES Class Rules 1.Above All – RESPECT! 2. Be on time & present daily– expect to stay in the room for the full class period.

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Presentation on theme: "Dumas Demons DEMON PRIDE NEVER DIES Class Rules 1.Above All – RESPECT! 2. Be on time & present daily– expect to stay in the room for the full class period."— Presentation transcript:



3 Class Rules 1.Above All – RESPECT! 2. Be on time & present daily– expect to stay in the room for the full class period. 3. Come prepared for success-completed assignments, necessary materials, book of knowledge, etc. 4. Communicate with me!

4 Discipline Procedure DISCIPLINE PROCEDURE 1. Individual student correction 2. Student correction & parent notification 3. Office referral *Note: I reserve the right to skip any of the consequences, depending on the violation of the rules. The student handbook states that a student will be removed from class and sent to the office if they are disrupting class.

5 10 987 6 543210 Tuesday and Thursday before school (7:35) Any other time by appointment only.

6 Classroom Procedures CCell Phones will be used as a learning tool and allowed during an appropriate instructional time at teacher’s discretion. Please know you will not be allowed to use your phone for personal communications. TThis year we are implementing the use of the Remind 101 App; therefore, you will occasionally receive school related reminders or information from your teacher. MMusic will be allowed in the classroom as a learning tool at teacher’s discretion. During specified times, ear buds will be allowed while working on assignments ONLY, not during lectures or testing. SStudents will listen and be in their seat when the teacher or others are talking. SStudents will not be allowed at the teacher’s desk due to confidentiality.

7 AAssignments must be turned in on due dates unless other arrangements are made between the student and the teacher. Note: There will be no exceptions made to this unless you are absent on the due day. In this case, the assignment is due the next time you are in class. IIf you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the lesson’s binder for any and all missed assignments. AAll incompletes, corrections, and make up work should be turned in the Tuesday of the week grades are due. No exceptions. This will allow the teacher to compute all grades in a timely manner. Note: the last assignment for the current grading period will be given the Friday before grades are due.

8 SStudents are required to bring required books and supplies to class. For the first offense, the student will receive a warning, and for the second offense, the parent will be contacted. Failure to comply will result in an office referral. SStudents are required to bring required books and supplies to class. For the first offense, the student will receive a warning, and for the second offense, the parent will be contacted. Failure to comply will result in an office referral. BBullying, name calling, rude behavior, or sexual misconduct will result in an immediate office referral. TThe Bell/Dismissal at the end of the hour tells ME that class is over. It does not dismiss you. REMAIN IN YOUR SEAT UNTIL YOU ARE DISMISSED BY ME.

9 10 987 6 543210 YYou are required, as stated in your handbook, to be in the room when the bell rings. OOn your 3 rd tardy, and every one there after, you will get a DHALL referral. No exeptions.

10 987 6 543210 44-AAA batteries, newly packaged with your name written on it. SSpiral notebook OOne box of Kleenex with your name written on it.

11 987 6 543210 Your grade will come from 5 categories and is weighted as follows: Tests40% Quizzes50% Homework10%

12 6 987 6 543210 Leaving the room can happen for these reasons only: 1.You are called by the office either over the intercom or with a pass. 2.You are violently ill and/or are about to get ill. 3.You may go to the restroom if you are willing to stay 60 seconds after the bell rings. DO NOT ask to leave while I am teaching a lesson. NOTE: You must keep in mind the 30 minute rule. ALSO: NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO LEAVE IF A SUBSTITUE IS HERE.

13 Expectations for my students 10 987 6 543210 1.A BOVE A LL – RESPECT! 2.Be on time & present daily – expecting to stay in the room for the full class period 3.Come prepared for success – completed assignments, necessary materials, book, etc. 4.Listen & follow instructions 5.Participate actively in class/stay on task 6.Act responsibly

14 What you can Expect of me. 10 987 6 543210  I will provide a safe learning environment.  I will be consistent and fair to my students.  I will offer tutorials.  I will strive to be an exemplary educator and a good role model.  I will welcome constructive ideas to increase learning.  I will challenge my students to reach their full potential.

15 10 987 6 543210 It is my firm belief that every student can learn, and needs to be taught to be a lifetime learner. My role as an instructor is, not only to guide each of my students toward, and give him/her the opportunity for success, but also to prepare each of them for a successful future – something bigger and better after this high school experience has ended.

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