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 To see if there is a change in AVID parents’ comprehension and involvement by comparing the results of a survey given to AVID parents after the installment.

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2  To see if there is a change in AVID parents’ comprehension and involvement by comparing the results of a survey given to AVID parents after the installment of Family Advocates in Fall 2008, with the results of a survey given to AVID parents after the interaction with Family Advocates in Spring 2009.  To see if there is a difference in AVID parents’ comprehension and involvement by comparing the data collected from AVID parents with Family Advocates with AVID parents without Family Advocates.

3 Are the family advocates increasing parents’ comprehension and involvement with the AVID Program? › Is there a change in AVID parents’ comprehension of and involvement with MOJH, AVID and their child’s educational goals? › Are the Family Advocates at MOJH having a positive impact on parents’ comprehension of and involvement with MOJH, AVID, and their child’s educational goals compared to schools without Family Advocates?

4  Literature review › What do we know from previous research about what you are studying?  Defining Concepts › What concepts are relevant in this study and how are you defining these concepts in this study in particular?  Hypothesis – from theory or previous research

5  Fourth through twelfth-grade system that prepares students for four-year college eligibility  Students are mostly low-income and capable students, but are falling short of their potential  Core component is the AVID class, which supports students as they tackle the most rigorous classes

6  Mentors in the AVID Class › Assist with Tutorials › Assist with other activities within the class  Help to bridge communication between › Parents and the school › Parents and the AVID Teacher  Encourage post secondary educational goals in students of the AVID Class.

7  What you were expecting to find and why based on previous research and/or theory

8  33 parents responded in Fall 2008  Only 19 of those same parents responded in Spring 2009  Also include demographic characteristics of your subjects here

9  Survey Administration › Survey in English and Spanish versions › Students from 3 different Ogden Jr. Highs take home survey to parents  Parent Night › Administered and collect additional surveys from parent night at MOJH  Incentive › Party given for kids with 75% return of surveys

10  Parents Comprehension of AVID, MOJH and student’s educational goals › Likert Scale › Provide example of the questions asked  Parents Involvement with AVID, MOJH and student’s educational goals › Likert Scale › Provide example of the questions asked  This slide could also have your measurement table on it

11  Organize your results in the same order as your specific research questions. Meaning, there should be a sub-heading for each research question in your results section, under which you will present your findings related to that specific research question.  Tabling and graphing findings are appealing

12 Fall 2008 (n= 19) Spring 2009 (n =19) Comprehension of AVID I know what AVID stands for51.6%27.8% I know about the AVID website24.2%33.3% Comprehension of MOJH I know what activities my child is involved with in school.84.8%94.7% I feel MOJH will help my child achieve their educational goals. 87.1%94.7% Comprehension of Student’s Educational Goals I know what my child’s educational goals are.51.5%100% I know that the AVID program is a college prep tool.81.3%84.2% Involvement with AVID I have received information on the AVID program.81.8%73.7% Involvement with Student’s Educational Goals I spend time with my student after school.63.6%94.1% I feel the AVID program will help my child achieve their educational goals. 87.1%84.2%

13 Family Advocate (n = 35) No Family Advocate (n =105) Chi Square Comprehension of AVID I know what AVID stands for44.1%52.0%.480 I know about the AVID website29.4%26.0%.155 Comprehension of MOJH I know what activities my child is involved with in school. 94.3%89.4%.730 I feel MOJH will help my child achieve their educational goals. 97.1%79.0%6.562* Comprehension of Student’s Educational Goals I know what my child’s educational goals are.91.4%90.5%.028 I know that the AVID program is a college prep tool. 88.6%90.4%.095 *.05 level of significance **.01 level of significance


15 Involvement with AVID I have received information on the AVID program.82.9%64.1%4.295* Involvement with Student’s Educational Goals I spend time with my student after school.87.5%88.3%.017 I feel the AVID program will help my child achieve their educational goals. 91.4%88.5%.751 *.05 level of significance **.01 level of significance Family Advocate (n = ) No Family Advocate (n = ) Chi Square


17  What are the main conclusions you draw from this study?  Go back to your overall research objective. What can you say about it? What is the “take-away” from your study?

18  Based on your findings and overall conclusions, what recommendations might you have for the program?  Remember, your research is meant to be utilized by the program to inform/improve what it is doing.

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