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THEME: The North effectively brought to bear its long term advantages of industrial might and human resources to wage a devastating total war against.

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2 THEME: The North effectively brought to bear its long term advantages of industrial might and human resources to wage a devastating total war against the South. The war helped organize and modernize northern society, while the South, despite heroic efforts, was economically and socially crushed.

3  Trent Affair, late 1861  US Navy boards British steamer and captures 2 Confederate diplomats  What is the Union’s problem???  Alabama raids: 1862-1864  What is the Alabama?  Captured 60 US vessels, sinks 64  Britain pays $15.5 million in damages after war  1863: the Laird “rams”= Brinkmanship with UK  Would have broken Union blockade and probably resulted in Union invasion of Canada Diplomacy FailsDiplomacy Fails

4 Britain did not rush to the South’s aid. Why? 1.Britain and new sources for cotton 2.Britain is relying on Northern grain imports 3.British people did not want to support slave-society (Uncle Tom’s Cabin impact) The South’s Strategy Fails: Britain stays Neutral

5  Union extends blockade (Anaconda Plan)  Begins to have success by targeting cotton ports  Risks war with Britain by seizing British merchants, uses “ultimate destination” as legal cover to avoid war  Blockade Runners earn profits of up to 700%  3/9/1862: Monitor v. Merrimack  end of wooden-hulled warfare, beginning of the “Ironclads” The BlockadeThe Blockade

6 Monitor v. Merrimack (Virginia)

7 MYTH: Lincoln “freed” the slaves FACTS: look at the actual dates and words of the proclamation. Where did the Proclamation apply? TRUTH: Lincoln saved the Union, so that the Union, eventually, might free the slaves. Emancipation ProclamationEmancipation Proclamation

8 CAUSES:  Lincoln does NOT believe govt. can abolish slavery  HOWEVER, Union army can seize “contraband”= to hurt South’s war effort  Antietam’s “victory” gives Lincoln the “opportunity” to issue preliminary proclamation on Sept. 23, 1862.  Emancipates only those slaves in states still in rebellion, NOT IN THE BORDER STATES!!! Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863

9 “... on the first day of January... all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.“ President Abraham Lincoln, preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, September 22, 1862

10 EFFECTS:  Settles the “contraband” question.  Many slaves escape North to join Union  Ends the possibility of a negotiated settlement  Unpopular in Sections of North, Copperheads gain support What is a Copperhead? QUESTION: Did the Emancipation Proclamation “ennoble” the cause of the North? Emancipation ProclamationEmancipation Proclamation

11  Lincoln suspends rights and freedoms:  HOW??  HINT: Think MD (especially Baltimore) NOTE: Jefferson Davis also suspended liberties in South.DISSENT

12 CONSCRIPTION (=DRAFT)CONSCRIPTION (=DRAFT) NORTH:  Started in 1863  Ages 20-45 for 3 years  Substitutes allowed  Commutations for $300  Bounties paid to volunteers  92% of army volunteered SOUTH:  Started in 1862  Ages 18-35  Exemptions for slaveholders with 20 slaves or more  Substitutes allowed  80% of eligible men served IMPORTANT: Rich man’s war, poor man’s fight. Not everyone was in favor of war.

13 TERMS  Emancipation Proclamation  Habeas Corpus  Copperhead  Conscription  Bounty  Objectives: A. To explain why Britain remained neutral  B. To explain Lincoln’s motives for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation and the document’s effects  C. To identify the political dilemmas facing the North and the South.

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