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Different people like different films. __________some people like _______ films, in my ________,there is too much ________ in them. Other people like watching.

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Presentation on theme: "Different people like different films. __________some people like _______ films, in my ________,there is too much ________ in them. Other people like watching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Different people like different films. __________some people like _______ films, in my ________,there is too much ________ in them. Other people like watching __________ films, people also________in these films. I like love films,the __________ are beautiful and ___________ in these films. fighting, romantic, opinion, scene, action, adventure, fight, action opinion fighting adventure fight scenes romantic Although

2 Module 6 Unit 2 He said it was on at the student cinema.

3 Pirates of the Caribbean

4 the Caribbean Sea the Caribbean islands where

5 actors and actress Johnny Depp Captain Jack Orlando Bloom Will Elisabeth play ( 扮演 ) Keira Knightley who

6 the Black Pearl 黑珍珠号 They try to find some lost gold. Captain JackWill they sail around the Caribbean islands what

7 They come face to face( 面对面的 ) with some terrible men

8 stole the ship took Elisabeth away

9 They fight (with) the terrible men. fight-fought-fought

10 At last, they saved Elisabeth. How romantic the scene is !

11 Captain Jack got back his ship.

12 There are lots of scenes ( 场景 ) of action ( 动作 ) and fighting in the film.

13 There are some romantic scenes, except for( 除了 ) the fighting and action.

14 Pirates of the Caribbean 加勒比海盗 fantastic enjoyable exciting funny terrible in my opinion =I think

15 In my opinion, they have different characters. (性格) What do you think of pirates? Are all pirates bad? Although( 虽然 ) most of the pirates are bad, some of them are good.

16 Memory Challenge( 挑战 ) pirates

17 Pirates of the Caribbean

18 About pirates In the film, we can see that pirates often_____ out on their _____. They _____ with others to rob gold. So there are lots of ______ of ______and ________. ship sail fight scenesactionfighting sail, scene, fighting, ship, action, ship

19 In my ______, there should be some_______ scenes, ______ ___ the fighting in the film. In my ______, pirates have different __________. _________ most of them are bad, I still believe some are good. opinion romanticexcept for opinion charactersAlthough character, although, opinion, romantic, except for

20 About pirates In my _______, pirates are different. In the film, we can see that ______ pirates live on islands, they often _____out on their_____ to rob. They often_____ with others. So there are lots of ______ of ______and _______. There are some_________ scenes, ______ _____the fighting in the film. shipssail fight scenes actionfighting sail, scene, fighting, ships, action, fight, opinion,romantic, except for, although although romantic except for opinion

21 Pirates of the Caribbean

22 1.Who’s the speaker? 2.Where and when will the film be on( 上映 )? 3.What is the story about? 4. Who is Elisabeth? 5. Is it an excellent film? How long is it showing? Chen Huan. It will be on at the student cinema at 8:00. It’s about an old ship. She is the daughter of a rich man. Yes, it is. All week.

23 ParaMain idea 1 2 3 4 Read and complete the main idea of each paragraph It’s Chen Huan’s _____________ on the radio Introduces _______and _____the Talks about the ______________ of the film. Gives his _____________ about the film. film is on, and the ________ in it. culture report wherewhen stars main idea / story opinions

24 Read and choose main idea( 大意 ) of each paragraph.(Act.3) P1: P2: P3. P4.: B: Speaker introduces himself and what he’s talking about. A: Introduces where and when the film is on and the stars in it. C: Talks about the story of the film. D: Gives his comment( 评论 ) about the film BAC D

25 1.What kind of film is it? 2. Are Depp and Bloom good actors? It’s a fantastic adventure film. Part 1-2 Orlando Bloom Johnny Depp

26 They are very p________ and f_______. They act w______ in this film. They make their characters b___________. Are they good actors? opular amous ell elievable

27 1.Why are Depp and Bloom sail around the islands? 2.Who do they meet? 3.Why is there lots of action in the film? Part 3 Read fast and then talk with your partner

28 The story is about an old ship. It ______ _______the Caribbean islands. sails around

29 Depp and Bloom try to _____ some____ ____. lost gold find 2.Why are Depp and Bloom sail around the islands?

30 3.Who do they meet? 4.Why is there lots of action in the film? Then they come____________some terrible________, and have to _____ with them. The _______looks really__________. face to face with fight fighting dangerous menmen

31 The ______( 场景 ) with Knightley and Bloom are _________ and _______. scenes beautiful romantic They fall in love with each other.

32 1.Why doesn’t Chen Huan like about the film? 2.Why does Chen Huan advise people to see the film? Part 4 There’ s _____________fighting. But _______________that, it’s an excellent film. too much except for ( 除了 )

33 Read the passage and complete the table film facts Name of film /Actors Cinema Time Comment bad good excellent Pirates of the Caribbean Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley the student cinema at 8 o’clock at night, whole week Actresses

34 1 ,发生 2 ,醒着的 / 睡着的 3, 太困了 4 ,很多 5 ,谈论某事物 6 ,在。。。末尾处 7 ,一个令人激动的地方 8 ,播放。。。的录音 9 ,鼓掌欢呼 10 ,为某人担心( 2 ) 11 ,照顾 12 ,(电影)上映 13 ,文化报道 take place be awake/be asleep too sleepy lots of /plenty of talk about at the end of an exciting place play the recording of clap and cheer be worried about/worry about look after/take care of/care for be on culture report

35 14 ,一个非常好的冒险电影 15 ,受。。。欢迎 16 ,他演的真好。 17 ,使他们的角色可信 18 ,和。。。面对面 19 ,和某人打 20 ,很多动作和打斗 21 ,除了。。。之外 22 ,场景很浪漫。 23 ,一部好看 / 优秀的电影 24 ,反映现实 25 ,在某人看来 26 ,建议某人做某事 a fantastic adventure film be popular with He plays really well. make their characters believable come face to face with fight sb./with sb./against sb. lots of action and fighting except for/other than The scenes are romantic. an enjoyable/excellent film true to life in one’s opinion advise sb. to do sth.

36 1.What can you learn from the film? 2.Do you want to be a pirate? 3.If you have a lot of money, what will you do? 4. If you don’t have any money, What will you do? 5. What is the real treasure( 财宝 ) in our life? Choose one and talk with your friends

37 Not all treasure ( 珍宝 ) is silver( 银 ) and gold. Cherish( 珍惜 ) what you have now!

38 Let’s retell( 复述 ) the passage. Three students in one group A: when and where the film is on and the stars B: the story of the film C: comment

39 Good afternoon! I’m… Here’ for … starts…cinema…8:00 fantastic …film popular famous act well in… make…. Johnny Orlando

40 ship, sails, try to find, come face to face with, fight, save, plays, romantic

41 true to life, exciting, funny, enjoyable, although, except for that, excellent, advise, show

42 Homework: 1.Retell the story 2.Write your own comment about the film

43 How can I get / make money? Can you give me some advice? Advise me!

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