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D´ej`a Vu: A User Study Using Images for Authentication Rachna Dhamija,Adrian Perrig SIMS / CS, University of California Berkeley 報告人:張淯閎.

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Presentation on theme: "D´ej`a Vu: A User Study Using Images for Authentication Rachna Dhamija,Adrian Perrig SIMS / CS, University of California Berkeley 報告人:張淯閎."— Presentation transcript:

1 D´ej`a Vu: A User Study Using Images for Authentication Rachna Dhamija,Adrian Perrig SIMS / CS, University of California Berkeley 報告人:張淯閎

2 Outline Introdution Password-Based Authentication D´ej`a Vu System Architecture Sample Applications User Study Conclution

3 Introduction User authentication is a central component of currently deployed security infrastructure. –Knowledge-based –Token-based –Biometrics Human’s vast memory for picture. Recognition-based authentication in D´ej`a Vu system.

4 Shortcomings of Password- Based Authentication Relies on precise recall of the secret information. Security problem –15% users picked passwords shorter or equal to three characters. –85% passwords can be easily broken by using dictionary. –Users often employ similar passwords for different purposes. Current Solutions –Aim to identify weak passwords. –Establish rules to guide user to follow.

5 D´ej`a Vu Three requirements –Not rely on precise recall. –Prevent users from choosing weak passwords. –Difficult to write passwords down or share to others. System Architecture –Based on the observation that people have an excellent memory for images. –Three phases: Portfolio Creation Phase Training Phase Authentication Phase

6 Portfolio Creation Phase System based on photographs or random art.random art. Not store images pixel-by- pixel in random art.

7 Training and Authentication Phase Training phase –To improve the memorability of the portfolio images. –Need to occur in a secure environment. Authentication phase –Server only needs to store the seed. –If user correctly identifies all portfolio images from challenges set (portfolio and decoy images), then she authenticated. –Portfolio can be to split among multiple servers to increase security.

8 Attacks and Countermeasures Brute-force attack –Challenge set consisting of n images. –Portfolio consisting of m images. –Probability Educated Guess Attack –Random art makes it hard to predict. –Hand select images to ensure that no weak images are used.

9 Attacks and Countermeasures Observer Attack –The position of the portfolio images with in the challenge set is randomized. –The method for the image selection is hidden. –The portfolio images can be slightly changed in each authentication. Intersection Attack –Use same challenge set –Split up into multiple stages –Tighten the bound on un successful logins before the account is blocked

10 Sample Applications Customer Authentication at ATM –Avoiding write PIN on the ATM card. –Portfolio selection and training can be don in a secure environment at the bank. –A one-time PIN to bootstrap the system. Web Authentication –Users often use the same username and password for the different purpose –Users often forget their passwords –D´ej`a Vu is well suited, because the recovery rate is lower than using passwords.

11 User Study Task Completion Time and Error Rate.

12 Conclusion This system has the advantage that the authentication task is more reliable, easier and fun to use. Prevent users from choosing weak passwords and write passwords down. Has potential applications,especially where text input is hare like PDAs or ATMs. The authentication schemes take advantage of innate human abilities.

13 Random Art A proposed hash visualization algorithm. The basic idea is to use a binary string s as a seed for a random number generator. Random Art is an algorithm such that given a bit-string as input, it will generate a function F:[-1,1] 2 ->[-1,1] 3,which defines an image. F maps each pixel (x,y) to a RGB value (r,g,b) which is a triple of intensities for the red, green and blue values, respectively.

14 Random Art

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