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Indian Ocean Cruise 13 May 2003 - 15 June 2003. Coordinator: Erica Goetze (SCRIPPS-UCSD) Colomban de Vargas (Rutgers University) Participants from PICODIV:

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Presentation on theme: "Indian Ocean Cruise 13 May 2003 - 15 June 2003. Coordinator: Erica Goetze (SCRIPPS-UCSD) Colomban de Vargas (Rutgers University) Participants from PICODIV:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indian Ocean Cruise 13 May 2003 - 15 June 2003

2 Coordinator: Erica Goetze (SCRIPPS-UCSD) Colomban de Vargas (Rutgers University) Participants from PICODIV: - ICM-CSICRamon Massana -SBR RoscoffFabrice Not Pierre karleskind

3 Aim of the cruise Zooplanktonologist: Biogeography of zooplankton and foraminifera Our aim: Investigating the diversity of picoeukaryotes in oligotrophic waters (Novel Stramenopiles and Prasinophytes)

4 Cape Town Darwin Cruise Map

5 R/V Melville (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) 4500 nautical miles, equidistant stations 18 stations, 6 depth (5 between 0-200m, 1 deeper) 4 stations 6 depth (every 250m until 1500m) Total: 132 sampling process

6 SamplingProcessingData HPLCFab and PierreMikelBarcelona/Roscoff FCMFab and PierreDominiqueBarcelona/Roscoff FISH-TSA on filtersFab and PierreFab and PierreRoscoff FISH-CY3monolabeledRamonRamonBarcelona DAPI countsRamonRamonBarcelona DNA extractionRamonRamonBarcelona/Roscoff SW enrichmentRamonRamonBarcelona CultureFab and PierreFlorenceRoscoff Inverted microscopyRamonRenateBarcelona TEM ?Fab and Pierre?Wenche ?Oslo/Roscoff?

7 FISH-TSA sampling (Fabrice&Pierre) At each station, 6 depth (3 filters) FISH-TSA processing (Fabrice&Pierre) FISH-TSA will be process on board. We would perform about 60 slides (360 hybridyzations). Microscope time (divided between Ramon and Fabrice&Pierre) FISH-CY3 probes (Ramon) Ramon's work Dapi staining (Ramon) Ramon's work Enrichment (Ramon) Ramon's work

8 FCM (Fabrice&Pierre) Each station, 6 depth, 3 replicates Culture (Fabrice & Pierre) On 4 or 5 stations (2 depth, surface and DCM), it depends of water masses HPLC (Fabrice & Pierre) Filtration device from Mikel 2 size fractions on the 6 depth for half of the stations, and 2 size fractions at surface and DCM on the other stations DNA (Ramon) DNA less than 3 microns on 5 depth at each station DNA up to 3 microns (Fabrice Ramon, Colomban ?) Inverted Microscope (Ramon) Lugol and Formol fixation

9 Any comments or suggestions ?

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