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Final paper guidelines The paper. 2 Nuts and bolts n A critical reading the scientific literature. n 2,000 word critical literature review – summarizing.

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Presentation on theme: "Final paper guidelines The paper. 2 Nuts and bolts n A critical reading the scientific literature. n 2,000 word critical literature review – summarizing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final paper guidelines The paper

2 2 Nuts and bolts n A critical reading the scientific literature. n 2,000 word critical literature review – summarizing and synthesizing five or more articles and/or reviews on a topic of your choosing in social and emotional development.topic – It is a good idea to use readings from the class syllabus for your final project, but these do not count for your five readings.) – The basis of this project will be writing summary/critiques of these individual articles/reviews that you will turn in throughout the semester.

3 3 Title & Abstract n Title: Your critical question. n What factors predict attachment security? n How does prenatal drug exposure impact later development? n Abstract – In 5 sentences, use what you have read to tell us the answer to your question.

4 4 Introduction n Introduce and clearly state the Question n Then tell us how you will answer it. – Give us the order in which you will review your studies – Example: Many think that A is related to B. I will address whether A is related to B by first surveying the literature on A (ref), then B (ref), then how A is related to B (ref).

5 5 Structure of final project n Study by study – This is the most straight-forward and I focus on it here Though not the most glamorous – Cover the studies in the sequence that works best to address your question n Theme by theme – Alternative (with my permission only) – E.g. Studies with significant results and studies without – More on this in class or come see me.

6 6 Study by study n Summarize each study to address your Question – 2-3 paragraphs per study – Indicate how what your are presenting answers your Question – Use your empirical observations insofar as they help you make your point. n Put them in if they help n Leave ‘em out if they don’t help

7 7 Outline n Summarize each study to address your Question – 2-3 sentences per study – Indicate how what your are presenting answers your Question – Empirical project is 2-3 sentences that will also address your Question – DO NOT INCLUDE EMPIRICAL PROJECT IN YOUR FINAL SUMMARY

8 8 Empirical project n Put empirical stuff at the end of main body of paper, in conclusions, or maybe-maybe in introduction – I will supplement my conclusions with observations that I made.. n Use your empirical observations insofar as they help you make your point.

9 9 Guidelines on detail n Focus on the results of each study as they pertain to your question n Give us enough detail so that you and the reader can both evaluate each study: – dependent measures, significant differences, how many subjects, design n But focus on how the results of a study answer your critical question

10 10 More guidelines n Carefully review the results (not just the author's conclusions) of each study you are including. n Bring your summarizing skills to bear on these articles. n Use them to answer the question you have selected.

11 11 Conclusion/Summary n Repeat the answer to your question n Summarize what you have learned from about your question, having reference to all the studies – Is there something you should read next to finish up your project and make it all fit together?

12 12 References n In psychology reference papers, every fact is referenced either at the end of the sentence or by starting a paragraph with a reference indicating you will be referring to that person’s work through-out. n Your paper must contain a list of APA- formatted references after the text.

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