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Published byKelley Hunt Modified over 8 years ago
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS20051 バーチャル天文台を実現する 分散データベース・計算資源 の国際連携機構 大石雅寿 ( 国立天文台 )
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 2 JVO collaborators Project Scientists NAOJ Mizumoto Oe Shirasaki Tanaka Honda Kawanomoto ICRR Yasuda Ochanomizu U. Masunaga System Engineers Fujitsu Ltd. Monzen Kawarai Ishihara Yamazaki SEC Ltd. Morita Nakamoto Kobayashi Yoshida Supporter NII Miura
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS20053 Data Resources in NAOJ Subaru 8.2m Optical-Infrared Telescope Kiso 105cm Schmidt Camera Okayama 188cm Optical Telescope Nobeyama 45m Radio Telescope Nobeyama Millimeter Array Nobeyama Radioheliograph VSOP VERA ALMA Subaru Nobeyama 45m
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS20054 Data Resources in JAXA/ISAS ASCA X-ray astronomy satellite YOHKO solar physics satellite Ginga X-ray astronomy satellite HALCA VLBI satellite Geotail geomagnetosphere satellite Akebono aurora observation satellite ASTRO-F Infrared satellite ASTRO-E2 X-ray satellite SOLAR-B ASCA HALCA YOHKO
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 5 Catalogues, published tables Whole sky view shows heterogeneity
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 6 Simple Spectrum Access Image / Spectrum / Catalog interoperability
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 7
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 8 VO Projects in the world 15 の国と地域で進行中 ( 参加希望国増加中) International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) VO 間の連携のための標準を策定 日本は分散連携 DB への統一 検索言語のとりまとめ役
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 9 Standardization in IVOA 分散 DB への連携検索言語 (VOQL) メタデータ:内容,交換プロトコル based on OAI-PMH 画像,スペクトル等の取得プロトコル SkyNode, SIAP, SSAP, STC, etc. DB の各属性値の呼称の統一 UCD (Unified Contents Descriptions) 出力形式: VOTable (XML) 天文標準の FITS フォーマットを包含 他
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 10
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 11 国際機関における認知 国際天文学連合 —2003 年 7 月に決議採択 OECD—2004 年 8 月に勧告採択 天文学におけるデータベース活用の重要性 が国際的に認知された
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 12 国際天文学連合 (IAU) 決議 IAU XXVth Gen. Assem. 決議 (2003 Jul.) 1. 望遠鏡データのアーカイブへの蓄積と インターネット上での公開 2. 知的所有権の放棄 & 著作権保護 3. アーカイブ公開のための予算確保
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 13 OECD 勧告 (‘04 Aug) Recommendations: New projects and facilities must take the data management, storage, maintenance, and dissemination into account at the earliest planning stages, consulting potential users in the process. Agencies and governments should consider adopting the IAU resolutions as the basis for progress in this field. Agencies should recognise that this is an important long-term issue and should co- ordinate plans, provide adequate funding on a long-term basis, and support development and maintenance of the needed infrastructure. Agencies should encourage broadening of existing VO collaboration into a fully representative global activity.
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 14 JVO の概念図
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 15 Design toward Prototype 3 Support IVOA Standard Protocols –SIAP, SSAP, SkyNode –implement ADQL improve registry, employing OAI-PMH architecture flexible workflow architecture introduce User management –LDAP –User Storage Area (support VOStore?) API to control JVO with SOAP
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 16 利便性の確保:検索文の自動生成
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS200517 JVO Query Language (JVOQL) JVOQL is designed as a prototype of VO Query Language. Characteristics of the JVOQL: SQL based Query Language Query Language for the distributed astronomical DB. Can search and retrieve observational data as well as catalog data Upward compatible with the ADQL and SIAP syntax. Scalable syntax structure. Very simple core syntax and extension syntax packages.
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 18
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS200519 Image Search FITS_IDCoord.Filename region Other search parameters Image region 1 … region 2 … region 3 … Search Parameters SQL File name, Metadata Image cutout XML Parameter based Image Query SQL based Image Query FITS_IDCoord.Filename SQL File name, Metadata Data Search on a virtual table. image cutout XML,FITS, Jpeg FITS file management table Image FITS file Image Search Engine Column metadata request SQL
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS200520 JVOQL Syntax Requirement 1 Unified query language for both the catalog and observation data such as image data, spectrum, 3D-cube, photon list … – Parameter query (SIAP) can be replaced by SQL thinking that the parameters are columns of a relational table. – Observational data or pointer (URL) to retrieve the data is also a column of the relation table.,5&Size=0.2&format=VOTable SelectimageURL, … From naoj:imageData Wherepos=Point(24,5) and size=0.2 and format=‘VOTable’ “pos”, “size”, “imaegURL” are virtual columns.
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS200521 JVOQL Syntax Requirement 2 Basic Ext. 1 Ext. 2 Ext. 3 Ext. X Ext. 6 Ext. 5 Ext. 4 Basic Ext. 3 Ext. n VOQL should have scalable syntax: – Small size DBs very simple syntax for easy implementation. – Large size DBs sophisticated syntax for efficient data search. hybrid syntax structure : a basic syntax to be implemented by all the VO data service and extension syntax packages. Information which extensions are implemented will be registered in the registry service or data service itself returns the information through “voqlSpec” interface.
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS200522 Basic Specification Select ColumnName [[AS] AliasName] 、 … | * From TableName [[AS] AliasName] Where Condition [AND Condition] Only column name or “*” is specified in the selection list. Don’t support an algebraic expression. Only one table is specified at “From” part. Table name and Column name can have alias name. Comparison operators: =,, >=,, LIKE, BETWEEN Region Comparison operator: =, within, contains, overlaps Logical operator: AND and NOT (OR is not supported) Functions: Distance(), Point(), Circle(), Box()
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS200523 Example for basic spec. JVOQL Select filter, image From imageData Where region = Box((24.3, +5.0), 0.2)) Select ra, dec, mag_r From galaxy Where Point(ra, dec) within Circle((24.3, +5.0), 2.0)) and mag_r < 24 Image Query for the specified region. Catalog Query for the specified region c.f.,5.0&SIZE=0.2 pos = Point(24.2, 5.0) and size = 0.2
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 24 Parsing JVOQL and Generating Workflow “JVOQL Parser” generates query for each host “Scheduler” generates: –count query job for host1 –count query job for host2 “Executer” executes jobs on remote hosts “Scheduler” generates based on the result of execution –query job for host1 –xmatch job for host2 –image query for host1 and host2 “Executer” executes jobs on remote hosts
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 25 メタデータ 2種類のメタデータ 1. どのサーバに天文データがあるか? 分散アーカイブ連携検索のためにシステムが必要な情報 2. どのような内容の天文データか? FITS ヘッダに書かれるような情報 観測装置、波長帯、観測日時、天域、 … 実装方法の改良 – プロトタイプ1: UDDI サーバ 情報のみ検索。データ内容の検索は不可 – プロトタイプ2: XMLDB IVOA で検討されたメタデータ仕様 ( XML 形式で定義) に 準拠 XMLDB (カレアレア)を用いて検索
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 26 メタデータ交換 :OAI-PMH
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 27 Resource Metadata Identity metadata curation metadata service metadata content metadata column metadata Catalog 、 Table Resource は column metadata 以外を持つ。 Column Resource はすべての metadata をもてる。 ( 省略 可)
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 28 利用できるアーカイブの検索 検索画面検索結果
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS200529 JVO SkyNode Architecture JVOQL ADQL-x SIAP SSAP HTTP/SOAP AXIS HTTP/Parameter Tomcat Grid GTK 3 (optional) JDBC for SkyNode SelectSQL Translator Query Executer Formatter Internet JVO SkyNode JVO Portal Apache Axis and Tomcat are used for implementing the VO standard interface, and Globus Toolkit is used for an optional Grid interface. Four kinds of query languages are converted to java class SelectSQL and query is executed through JDBC-like interface. Query results is obtained as ResultSet, and table data is formatted to VOTable or CSV file. JVO SkyNode DBMS ResultSet getMetadata() getString() getFits() getJpeg()
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS200530 Development of JVO Skynode Toolkit JVO Skynode : can accept ADQL-x over HTTP/SOAP, SIAP over HTTP/Parameters VO compliant, can accept JVOQL over HTTP/SOAP and Grid (experimental). functionality test of JVOQL, returns VOTable, CSV file and FITS file, The JVO Skynode toolkit is intended to be used as an wrapper for existing data services to become VO compliant easy and quick implementation of the skynode interface on the existing system.
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 31 JVO : Japanese Virtual Observatory Purpose: –Easy access to federated Astronomical databases –Interoperability through IVOA Ground-base telescopes Satellite-borne telescopes JVO Interoperability through IVOA Researcher ASTRO-EII Nobeyama Subaru
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 32 JVO is seen from the UK VO
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 33 Access time to the US VO 十分実用になるアクセス速度 (ファイル本体の転送時間は含まない)
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 34 Gravitational Lens A phenomenon that the space-time is distorted by a huge mass object, and multiple images of another object behind the massive object are observed around it.
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 35 Search for Gravitational Lenses produced (?) by Cosmic Strings SXDS data observed by Subaru Query results were obtained less than 5 min, displaying SEDs It has been proven that VO can accelerate researches.
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 36
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 37 今後の課題 データベースからデータが取れるだけでは 天文学はできない → データ解析ツール群を Java-wrapping など により JVO に追加 → 解析ツールの相互利用に向けて wrapping 方式の国際標準化を推進
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS2005 38 JVO による仮想データ検索システム「超」仮想DB ユーザ/研究者 インターネット Mass storage archiver すばる望遠鏡 公開天文台 Observation System Query DATA Archived DATA Observation System Simulated DATA Real Time Observation DATA On-Demand DATA かに星雲の時刻と波長での違い Slide courtesy of Robert Brunner @ CalTech. 国立天文台4次元デジタル 宇宙プロジェクト ご提供 解析/加工処理 Observation System Remote Observation DATA 解析データ Archived DATA Observation System ASTRO-E2 Simulation System
Mar. 01, 2005DEWS200539 データベースは使って(使え て ? ) なんぼのもん
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