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Preparing for GCSE.  You get two GCSEs in English – they count as separate qualifications.  GCSE English language is the one that employers, colleges.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for GCSE.  You get two GCSEs in English – they count as separate qualifications.  GCSE English language is the one that employers, colleges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for GCSE

2  You get two GCSEs in English – they count as separate qualifications.  GCSE English language is the one that employers, colleges and universities are looking at first.  Whatever happens you will need to get the C grade or equivalent before you leave full time education.

3  One paper – 2 ¼ hours long: Tuesday 2 nd of June  2 sections- both marked out of 40. A.Reading B.Writing  Section A: ◦ 3 articles and 4 questions. ◦ The questions do not change from year to year. ◦ You can learn the skills needed and practise them over and over again – get onto the AQA website and get the past papers.  Section B: ◦ 2 writing questions ◦ 1 st short task – 25 minutes – 16 marks – describe/explain narrate ◦ 2 nd longer task – 35 minutes – 24 marks – argue/persuade.

4  2 papers  Paper 1 Monday the 18 th of May – Exploring modern texts – 1 hour 30 minutes ◦ This is worth 40% of the lit GCSE ◦ Two questions both worth equal marks – 1 from section A, 1 from Section B ◦ You will usually study 2 novels – some teachers cover a novel and a play.  Paper 2 – Friday the 22 nd of May Poetry across time – 1 hour 15 minutes ◦ This is worth 35% of the GCSE. ◦ 2 questions- 1 on a cluster of poems you study in advance, 1 on an unseen poem.

5  READ! ◦ You cannot underestimate the value of reading – those who read for pleasure will do 14% better (on average) in English than those who don’t.  Make sure your controlled assessments are at the level you need them to be. Don’t settle for marks below the level you’re aiming for.  You need to get these into shape by Christmas so you can concentrate on the exams – see your teacher for advice.

6  Students often claim that you can’t revise for English – this is not true.  For literature you can revise the texts and read online or other notes – go back through your work.  For language you can practise the skills and the techniques for the exam and revise the key concepts, terms and ideas.  Youtube and other online sources are a really good way to revise if you use them carefully   The CheneyTakeaway channel The CheneyTakeaway channel  The CherwellOnline channel The CherwellOnline channel

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