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STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!.  Explain 2 major themes in Brave New World. Identify and Define:  Lenina:  Fanny:  The Hatchery:  Linda:  Helmholtz Watson:

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Presentation on theme: "STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!.  Explain 2 major themes in Brave New World. Identify and Define:  Lenina:  Fanny:  The Hatchery:  Linda:  Helmholtz Watson:"— Presentation transcript:


2  Explain 2 major themes in Brave New World. Identify and Define:  Lenina:  Fanny:  The Hatchery:  Linda:  Helmholtz Watson:  The Director:  The Controller:

3  Compare and Contrast the Reservation with the New World. Points of Comparison The New WorldThe Reservation Freedom: John’s Life In: Religion/Rituals:

4  Explain the theme of jealousy and give examples of characters who are consumed by it.  Explain the theme of reputation and who in the play feel their reputation has been besmirched.

5  The Clown  Bianca  The Turks  The Handkerchief  Tragic Flaw  Symbols  Scientific Method

6  How have characters (men and women) changed over the course of the play?  Was comedy effectively used? Explain.  What role does money, power, and status play in the play?  Explain the relationships between the couples.  Review your questions!!! And Test!

7  Explain the meaning of the Raven in your own words.  Can you find 2 literary devices in Sonnet 18? What are they?  What is a Psychoanalytic Criticism? Can you apply it to one of the poems we studied?

8  Can you compare and contrast the way women are portrayed in Brave New World, Othello, and Absurd Person Singular?  Can you compare and contrast the wealth and power are portrayed in Brave New World, Othello, and Absurd Person Singular?

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