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GET IT DONE! What was President Hoover’s philosophy for dealing with the Great Depression? –Why?

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Presentation on theme: "GET IT DONE! What was President Hoover’s philosophy for dealing with the Great Depression? –Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 GET IT DONE! What was President Hoover’s philosophy for dealing with the Great Depression? –Why?

2 Video Describe the process of building the Hoover Dam. What was the impact of the Hoover Dam being built? What caused the Dust Bowl? How did the Dust Bowl impact Americans during the Great Depression?


4 1932: 32,000 businesses failed Annual income: -1929 = $2,300 -1935 = $1,600

5 1932 = 25% 1929 = 5%

6 Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Gov’t loans to businesses, effects would eventually “trickle down” to help everyone Why might people criticize this?

7 Definition: Direct Relief Receiving assistance from a specific organization Two different types of organizations:  Private charity/business: example, Salvation Army providing free food  The government: example, providing job opportunities

8 Hoover’s Economic Action

9 “Hooverville” Also known as- Shantytown






15 Hoover “blanket”

16 Hoover “flag”

17 Coolidge actually vetoed the bill WWI vets were to receive a “bonus” redeemable in 20 years (1945)

18 The Bonus Army Some from Portland, OR traveled to DC to ask Congress to pay the bonus now 1932

19 17,000 of them by the time they got there

20 They marched to Capitol Hill the day the bill was to be voted on It was defeated... They did NOT get their bonus early

21 About 2000 stayed in DC; Hoover allowed them to be driven out by force

22 Hoover had the Army Chief of Staff Douglas MacArthur & his aide Dwight Eisenhower clear the vets from federal buildings

23 100 injured, baby died (tear gas) Tanks, cavalry units, infantry with bayonets MacArthur torched the camps

24 Tent city burns - 1932

25 Critical thinking You are running to become the next president of the United States in the election of 1932. Write a formal letter to the American citizens. –What you will do as the next president to improve society for everyone during the depression? –Include your catchy campaign slogan as well! Put food in your dish and vote for fish!

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