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No Stone Unturned: responses to Heseltine. A word from my sponsors… Employment 1,000 Projects ‘designed to create jobs’ Spent £40m, raised £40m 270,000.

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Presentation on theme: "No Stone Unturned: responses to Heseltine. A word from my sponsors… Employment 1,000 Projects ‘designed to create jobs’ Spent £40m, raised £40m 270,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 No Stone Unturned: responses to Heseltine

2 A word from my sponsors… Employment 1,000 Projects ‘designed to create jobs’ Spent £40m, raised £40m 270,000 participants 1,250 staff roles Skills 1,500 Projects ‘to boost people’s knowledge and skills’ Spent £54, raised £19m 500,000 participants 1,800 staff roles

3 Building on “What Works” Integrating housing, employment and skills activity, creating a ‘virtuous spending cycle’ Aspire, Enterprising Futures, Realise Foundation; Housing apprenticeships, a social enterprise (running training) and a regeneration charity for re-investment of profits into community, employment and skills. Integrating housing, procurement, employment and skills activity, getting more for the same spend Calico, in Procure Plus, Calico Enterprises (Interiors), Building Foundations programme; procurement at scale, contract conditionality, recycling the £, tracking contractors against e&s agreements. Saffron, providing ‘ATA’ style support for local businesses

4 ...where we are now... Normalising employment and skills interventions into business operations, no longer a ‘nice to have’ for many members Family Mosaic’s ‘Health, Wealth and Wellbeing’ core strategy: creating bespoke ‘Boot camps’, linking to training packages, building whole organisation support for a target on jobs going to residents (1,000 by 2015) Collaborating on employment and skills with employment and skills agencies, Work Programme providers: weave the funding together, share the investment, share the outcomes

5 On Collaboration

6 Including GUAC members

7 Other Federation members

8 Spending Review and SLGF: the offer ‘The Government will create a Single Local Growth Fund (SLGF). This will bring together Central Government’s growth related budgets and gives LEPs responsibility for spending it on the basis of their strategic growth plans. During 2015/16, it will be worth over £2 billion. Approximately, £1.1 billion will be from transport budgets, £500 million from skills and £400 million pooled from the New Homes Bonus (NHB). Inclusion of NHB is intended to promote strategic working between LEPs and their partner local authorities.’ Briefing: Spending Review, NHF

9 Spending Review and SLGF: the opportunity ‘We welcome the creation of the SLGF. Giving LEPs control over more growth-related funding streams may present them with more opportunities to boost local growth. As significant local businesses housing associations will be keen to work with LEPs to explore how they can use the pot to maximum effect to meet their objectives for growth, jobs, skills and energy efficiency. While we still await the precise details on how the single pot will be funded from 2016/17 onwards, we welcome the fact that the vast majority of housing funding will be administered by national agencies.’ Briefing: Spending Review, NHF

10 The 39 LEPs: early engagement

11 Local employers with a social purpose

12 Collaboration for communities:

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