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Vol and Mort By Ashley Marrinan-Levy. Vol Latin Means wish or will What words can you think of that incorporate this affix?

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Presentation on theme: "Vol and Mort By Ashley Marrinan-Levy. Vol Latin Means wish or will What words can you think of that incorporate this affix?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vol and Mort By Ashley Marrinan-Levy

2 Vol Latin Means wish or will What words can you think of that incorporate this affix?

3 These words use the Latin root VOL which means wish or will: Volition Benevolent Malevolent Frivolous Involuntary

4 volition The act of choosing to do something Noun What are some things you do of your own volition on a daily basis?

5 benevolent Can you infer the definition of benevolent based on the meaning of the affix bene (good)? Intending good things to happen. A benevolent person says and does things to help people.

6 malevolent Mal (bad) + vol (will) = wish for evil Wishing ill or harm to others Malicious Who can tell a story about something malevolent your sibling has done to you?

7 frivolous Adj. Characterized by lack of seriousness or sense Not important Inappropriately silly Have you ever made a frivolous purchase? Discuss with your shoulder partner.

8 involuntary Not done by choice or as a result of thought. Examples: What other involuntary actions can you think of?

9 MORT Latin Means death What words can you think of that incorporate this affix?

10 Voldemort Morticia Adams Mortgage Amortize

11 mortgage 1390, from O. Fr. mort (dead) + gage (pledge) = “dead pledge” A mortgage is a legal pledge that says the person will pay a specified amount of money for a piece of property. If they can’t pay, their property is pledged to the creditor and may be repossessed, making the property “dead” to the tenant.

12 amortize To liquidate a debt (such as a mortgage) by installment payments. To write off an expenditure by prorating it over a certain period.

13 mortified A feeling of humiliation, shame, or complete embarrassment. Mort (death) + facere (to make) = mortify How would you react if your mom wore this to the mall and all your friends saw her?

14 mortmain Mort (dead) + main (hand) = “dead hand” Inalienable ownership. For example, land or property that is passed from generation to generation and can’t be sold.

15 immortal Adj. Not subject to death Perpetual, lasting, constant Draw two things you would do if you were immortal.

16 Time for Vocabulary Charades!

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