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Chapter 18-3 Acquiring New Lands Describe U.S. involvement in Puerto Rico & Cuba Identify causes and effects of the Philippine-American War Explain the.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 18-3 Acquiring New Lands Describe U.S. involvement in Puerto Rico & Cuba Identify causes and effects of the Philippine-American War Explain the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 18-3 Acquiring New Lands Describe U.S. involvement in Puerto Rico & Cuba Identify causes and effects of the Philippine-American War Explain the purpose of the Open Door Policy in China

2 Rule in Puerto Rico & Cuba  Military Rule  Independence, Statehood, little of both?  Foraker Act  Civil government  President appoints governor and upper house  Puerto Ricans elect lower house  1917 Congress grants citizenship & can elect upper house too  Occupy Cuba  Imprison/exile malcontents  Provided food/clothing  Elimination of yellow fever  Platt Amendment  Cannot make treaties to limit independence or allow foreign control  US has right to intervene  No Debt  Could buy/lease land for naval bases  Protests  Becomes Protectorate

3 China  “Sick man of Asia”  Open Door Policy  All imperialist powers would share China—no monopolies  Boxer Rebellion  Chinese rebellion against imperial powers  Safeguard equal and impartial trade  Three Beliefs  Growth of economy depends on exports  Right to keep markets abroad open  Closing an area to American products threatened survival

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