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BuzzPort The GEORGIA TECH CAMPUS PORTAL Overview Summer 2003.

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1 BuzzPort The GEORGIA TECH CAMPUS PORTAL Overview Summer 2003

2 Faculty Survey l Banner survey with grade submittal Dec. 2002 l 204 responses (17.5% of faculty) l Do you use a courseware management tool? NO – 116 (57%); YES – 88 (43%) l What tool do you use? –WebCT 53 –Homegrown 28 –Other 15 –*Comments35 “Use of Excel or Eudora for a tool” l What do you want? –E-mail entire class with one button117 –Message Board71 –Class Calendar69 –Chat16 l WebCT used in less than 10% of GT classes (Fall 2002) l Similar results to national data

3 Introduction l Enhance student / faculty / staff / campus communication l We have a product with vendor support. l Many on campus do not have any tools for: –Targeting messages –Calendars –Message Boards/Chat for groups and classes l We can make a difference with this tool. l Maximize the potential! l Tremendous opportunities for GT!

4 Portal Implementation Status l Campus Pipeline & SCT Banner merger l Process began over a year ago with a study l Decision to purchase the portal; late spring 2002 l GT is part of the “Pillar Team” – community of universities working with the vendor to improve product l Implementation started fall 2002 l Involvement of many: –Steering Committee –Functional Team –Training Team –Focus Groups l Portal has gone through a series of tests l Portal available now using GT account

5 Project Scope l Targeted Communications l Group Management l E-Mail l Calendaring l Course Management l Content/Channel Management l Personalization

6 Portal Impacts l Benefits –Common interface to all web-based content –All classes populated in portal –Addresses faculty desires as shown in survey –Addresses student desires for calendars, message boards, and chat –Provides interface (in future) to other groups (alumni, prospective students, high schools, etc.) l Challenges –Training –New methods of communication –Staying current with content and with software releases of the constituent software tools –Integration of the software tools –Content providers – need collective help

7 Portal Organization l Collectively Owned l Campus Resource l Organized under the Provost and Vice-President of Budget and Finance (Portal Sponsors) l Portal Steward handles the “day-to-day” operations l Advisory Committee looks at the future needs, policy decisions, works with Portal Steward l Advisory Committee follows from the Steering Committee and is selected by the Sponsors with broad campus representation l Future of the Portal will include both alumni and prospective students

8 Future Directions l Collective resource / ownership l We know this version of the portal is not the “end all.” l The product and policy MUST evolve. l Post Deployment: –Standing Committee to work with portal steward to: –Prioritize campus needs for the portal; –Assist in identifying products to work with the portal; and, –Assist with policy updates. l The Portal WILL change how GT does business!

9 Comments l Portal team is happy to meet with you. l Reaching people for training l Need your help with: –Communicate with faculty that all classes are in the portal –Communicate with Portal Steering Committee Members regarding desired functionality –Support / Guidance for Portal rollout –Facilitate adoption and integration

10 ·Portal Definition ·Mission Statement ·Objectives ·Project Scope ·Project History ·Project Team (Organizational chart) ·FAQ ·Support (Submit a help request) ·Status · Presentations







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