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Spike-based computation
CA6 – Theoretical Neuroscience
Spikes vs. rates
The question Is neural computation based on spikes or on firing rates?
Goal of this part: to understand the question!
Three common misconceptions
“Both rate and spike timing are important for coding, so the truth is in between” “Neural responses are variable in vivo, therefore neural codes can only be based on rates” “A stochastic spike-based theory is nothing else than a rate-based theory, only at a finer timescale”
Misconception #1: “Both rate and spike timing are important for coding, so the truth is in between”
“Both rate and spike timing are important for coding, so the truth is in between”
The « golden mean »: between two extreme positions, an intermediate one must be true. a.k.a. « the golden mean fallacy » Aristotle Extreme Position A: there is a God Extreme Position B: there is no God => there is half a God! Are rate-based and spike-based views two extreme positions of the same nature?
Of spikes and rates Spikes: a well-defined timed event, the basis of neural interaction Rates: an abstract concept defined on spikes dt e.g. temporal or spatial average (defined in a large N limit); probabilistic expectation. Rate-based postulate: this concept/approximation captures everything relevant about neural activity Spike-based view: this postulate is not correct This does not mean that « rate » is irrelevant!
Rate in spike-based theories
Spike-based computation requires spikes More spikes, more computation Therefore, firing rate determines quantity of information Spike-based view: rate determines quantity of information Rate-based view: rate determines content of information
The tuning curve Firing rate varies with stimulus properties
(rate-based) Firing rate « encodes » direction or: (spike-based) The neuron spends more energy at the « preferred » direction (rate is a correlate of computation) The question is not: « is firing rate or spike timing more informative/useful? » but: « which one is the basis of computation? »
“Both rate and spike timing are important for coding, so the truth is in between”
Spike-based view: rate determines quantity of information Rate-based view: rate determines content of information
Misconception #2: “Neural responses are variable in vivo, therefore neural codes can only be based on rates”
Neural variability Temporal irregularity Close to Poisson statistics
Softky & Koch, J Neuroscience (1993) ISI rate (Hz), V1 Close to Poisson statistics Rate-based view: spike trains have Poisson statistics (ad hoc hypothesis) Spike-based view: spike trains have Poisson statistics (maximum information) Lack of reproducibility - empirically questionable - could result from uncontrolled variable But let’s assume it’s true and examine the argument!
No reproducibility => rate-based?
lack of reproducibility => either stochastic or chaotic This is about stochastic/chaotic vs. deterministic, not about rate-based vs. spike-based Implicit logic responses of N neurons are irreproducible => there exist N dynamic quantities that completely characterize the state of the system and its evolution determine the probability of firing of the neurons This is pure speculation!
A counter-example Sparse coding Imagine you want to code this signal:
with the spike trains of N neurons, so that you can reconstruct the signal by summing the PSPs 𝑆 𝑡 ≈ 𝑖,𝑗 𝑃𝑆𝑃(𝑡− 𝑡 𝑖 𝑗 ) (with a given rate) The problem is degenerate, so there are many solutions. For example this one: Or this one:
A counter-example 𝑆 𝑡 ≈ 𝑖,𝑗 𝑃𝑆𝑃(𝑡− 𝑡 𝑖 𝑗 )
𝑆 𝑡 ≈ 𝑖,𝑗 𝑃𝑆𝑃(𝑡− 𝑡 𝑖 𝑗 ) The problem is degenerate, so there are many solutions. For example this one: Or this one: It is variable It cannot be reduced to rates, because error is in 1/N, not 1/√N
The argument strikes back
Do rate-based theories account for neural variability? Rate-based theories are deterministic Deterministic description is obtained by averaging, a.k.a. removing variability Rate-based theories do not account for neural variability, they acknowledge that there is neural variability To account for variability of spike trains requires spikes, i.e., a stochastic/chaotic spike-based theory
“Neural responses are variable in vivo, therefore neural codes can only be based on rates”
Rate-based theories do not account for neural variability, they acknowledge that there is neural variability, and postulate that it is irrelevant (averaging) To account for variability of spike trains requires spikes, i.e., a stochastic/chaotic spike-based theory
Misconception #3: “A stochastic spike-based theory is nothing else than a rate-based theory, only at a finer timescale”
“A stochastic spike-based theory is nothing else than a rate-based theory, only at a finer timescale” spikes In terms of stimulus-response properties, there is about the same information in the time-varying rate rate Rate-based postulate: for each neuron, there exists a private quantity r(t) whose evolution only depends on the other quantities ri(t). spike trains are derived from r(t) only r1 stochastic r2 r = f(r1, r2, rn) It is assumed that this is approximately the same for all realizations rn
“A stochastic spike-based theory is nothing else than a rate-based theory, only at a finer timescale” Rate-based postulate: for each neuron, there exists a private quantity r(t) whose evolution only depends on the other quantities ri(t). spike trains are derived from r(t) only r1 stochastic r2 r = f(r1, r2, rn) It is assumed that this is approximately the same for all realizations rn Implication: spike trains are realizations of independent random processes, with a source of stochasticity entirely intrinsic to the neuron. This has nothing to with the timescale!
Reformulating the question
Is neural computation based on spikes or on firing rates?
Can neural activity and computation be entirely and consistently described by the dynamics of time-varying rates in the network? Spelling out the rate-based postulate for each neuron, there exists a private quantity r(t) whose evolution only depends on the other quantities ri(t). ri(t) is the expected firing probability of neuron i. spike trains (realizations) depend on r(t) only, through a private stochastic process (independent neurons)
Spelling out the rate-based postulate
for each neuron, there exists a private quantity r(t) whose evolution only depends on the other quantities ri(t). ri(t) is the expected firing probability of neuron i. spike trains (realizations) depend on r(t) only, through a private stochastic process (independent neurons) Example 1: random networks If true, then ri(t) can be found by writing self-consistent equations (cf. work by Nicolas Brunel and coll.) This works for sparse random networks, but not in general. Example 2: sparse coding 𝑆 𝑡 ≈ 𝑖,𝑗 𝑃𝑆𝑃(𝑡− 𝑡 𝑖 𝑗 ) Signal reconstruction is more accurate than with rates
Conclusion The rate-based postulate
for each neuron, there exists a private quantity r(t) whose evolution only depends on the other quantities ri(t). ri(t) is the expected firing probability of neuron i. spike trains (realizations) depend on r(t) only, through a private stochastic process (independent neurons) This is mainly a methodological postulate (=convenient). Does not derive from observations of neural variability, or stochasticity
Flavors of spike-based computation
Theories based on synchrony Synfire chains (Abeles) Polychronization (Izhikevich) Synchrony as sensory invariant (Brette) Theories based on asynchrony Rank order coding (Thorpe) Sparse coding (Olshausen, Lewicki) Predictive coding (Denève)
Spike-based computation (I): Synchrony
Motivation: what makes a neuron spike?
The coding metaphor Neural representations in the mind of the observer. But the neuron is not an arbitrary observer!
Motivation: what makes a neuron spike?
The acting metaphor The neuron acts on its environment Neural representations in the mind of the observer. What makes a neuron spike: the rate of its inputs, and/or the relative timing between them?
Integration vs. coincidence detection
Viewpoint #1: neurons respond to coincident spikes threshold threshold spike no spike but this is with 2 spikes!
Integration vs. coincidence detection
Viewpoint #2: neurons respond to the mean input Law of large numbers: A cortical neuron integrates many inputs (about 10,000) If these inputs are independent, their sum should not be very variable (law of large numbers) Mean total input = determined by input firing rates, not by coincidences Which viewpoint is correct?
The fluctuation-driven or « balanced » regime
Irregularity of spike trains
Cortical neurons fire irregularly (in vivo) Coefficient de variation Softky & Koch (1993) [cortex visuel]
The paradox of irregular spike trains
A cortical neuron integrates many inputs (about 10,000) If these inputs are independent, their sum should not be very variable (law of large numbers) Therefore firing should be regular! total input threshold
Campbell theorem Consider a Poisson process {ti} with rate F.
Consider a linear superposition of PSPs: Then: « shot noise » This works with other processes Comme le calcul avec les mains qu’on a fait avant. This is only true for Poisson processes (same formulae applies to postsynaptic currents/conductances)
Mean input and threshold
Mean-driven regime Small variability (average of many inputs) Regular firing (CV close to 0)
Mean input and threshold
Fluctuation-driven regime (« balanced regime ») spikes can only occur at times when the input fluctuates above the mean -> irregular firing (CV close to 1)
Membrane potential distribution in vivo
Rossant et al. (2011) J Neurosci Membrane potential distribution peaks below threshold CV is high -> fluctuation-driven regime is typical
Why « balanced regime »?
The balanced regime A few figures for a cortical neuron:
10,000 synapses, 80% excitatory, 20% inhibitory PSP 5-10 Average spontaneous firing rate 1 – 4 Hz Mean depolarization (Campbell): 40 – 300 mV Standard deviation: 1.5 – 4.5 mV (assuming independency) Difference between rest and threshold: mV 0.5 mV (Mason, Nicoll & Stratford, J Neurosci 2001; cortex du rat in vitro) 10-20 ms excitation Why it is called the balanced regime (in vivo, the time constant is smaller, giving a smaller integral); cortex somatosensoriel du rat See also Shadlen & Newsome, Curr Op in Neurobiology (1994) Ecart-type d’après le théorème de Campbell (shot noise) Compensation excitation inhibition: confirmé par des mesures To get a subthreshold mean depolarisation, inhibition must balance excitation: « balanced regime » or « fluctuation-driven »
Coincidence detection in The fluctuation-driven regime
Elementary remark Fluctuation-driven regime (« balanced regime »)
Output firing rate is not determined by the mean input, otherwise Fout=0 Hz. Therefore relative spike timing (variance) does matter. But how much?
An example (IF model) 4000 independent Poisson excitatory inputs inhibitory inputs (balanced) Pairwise correlation: P(j spikes | i spikes at the same time) = P(i is in a synchrony event) * P(j is in the same synchrony event) = (400 synchrony spikes / 4000 total spikes)*(9/3999) Not experimentally detectable, and therefore consistent with experimental findings! synchrony events involving 10 random synapses, at rate 40 Hz Pairwise correlation: (probably not experimentally detectable!)
Why tiny correlations may have large postsynaptic effects
In a balanced regime, output rate depends on both mean and variance of the input Consider N random variables Xn with identical distributions and correlation c. What is the variance of S? if c =0 otherwise correlations can be neglected only if c << 1/N.
Asynchronous spikes vs. coincident spikes
2 input spikes in a noisy neuron 2 coincident spikes Coincidence sensitivity S = difference (0.11) Rossant et al. (2011) Sensitivity of Noisy Neurons to Coincident Inputs. J Neuroscience
Fluctuation-driven regime
2 spikes p spikes distribution of Vm Turns out that it works very well, because the underestimation we make in the two quantities are similar, and therefore disappears with the subtraction. p simultaneous spikes are much more efficient than p non-coincident spikes!
Mean-driven regime 2 coincident spikes are (slightly) less efficient than 2 non-coincident spikes!
Neurons are sensitive to coincidences in the balanced regime only
(= fluctuation-driven) Oscillator regime (= mean-driven)
Distributed synchrony
Synchrony events involving p random synapses (w=0.5 mV) Top: independent and synchrony events Bottom: theory & simulation Cortical neurons in vitro:
Distributed synchrony
Synchrony events involving p random synapses (w=0.5 mV) Top: independent and synchrony events Bottom: theory & simulation Compare with changing the firing rate of p inputs
Summary In the fluctuation-driven regime, neurons are extremely sensitive to input correlations Correlations have negligible effects only if they are small compared to 1/N (N synapses) In fact, correlations undetectable in pair recordings can have tremendous postsynaptic effect Rate-based computation would require very specific mechanisms to cancel correlations! Rossant et al. (2011) Sensitivity of Noisy Neurons to Coincident Inputs. J Neuroscience
Synfire chains
Synfire chains Concept developed by Moshe Abeles (1982); similar idea in Griffith (Biophysical Journal 1963) see the book: Corticonics: Neural Circuits of the Cerebral Cortex (1991) feedforward structure (could be embedded in recurrent network) (Diesmann et al, Nature 1999) simultaneous activation of neurons in a layer -> propagation from layer to layer simulation with noisy IF models
Synfire chains: Stability analysis
(Diesmann et al, Nature 1999) layer 1 layer 2 synchronous propagation a = number of spikes standard deviation attractor dissipation Trajectories in (,a) space
Synfire chains: computation
Probability of firing = function of weighted sum of binary inputs = discrete-time formal neural network Note: processing time is faster than membrane time constant (here τ =15 ms, transmission delays = 5 ms)
Functional motivation: compositionality and the binding problem
blue shape area red square color area disk blue ? shape area red square color area disk
Binding by oscillations
See work by Wolf Singer. Gamma oscillations gamma in cortex (50 Hz) Hypothesis: properties of the same object are encoded by spikes within the same period of an oscillation bleu Hypothèse controversée (Singer etc) rouge it’s a blue square! carré rond time as a signature of objects
Binding by oscillations
See work by Wolf Singer. Gamma oscillations gamma in cortex (50 Hz) Hypothesis: properties of the same object are encoded by spikes within the same period of an oscillation bleu Hypothèse controversée (Singer etc) rouge it’s a not a blue square! carré rond Only properties encoded in the same oscillation period can interact
General point The concept of « neural assembly » (= set of neurons) has a weak structure = like « bag of words » used in search engines of general concept point a used structure set like neurons weak search has engines assembly bag in The neural
General point The concept of « neural assembly » (= set of neurons) has a weak structure = like « bag of words » used in search engines The binding problem requires something like this: « binding by synchrony » = time plays the role of a label See work by Christof von der Malsburg
General point « binding by synchrony » = time plays the role of a label Note that this is not sufficient to represent complex structures. Example: « cat eats mouse » and « mouse eats cat ». mouse cat who eats who? eats
Polychronization Extension of synfire chains with axonal delays
Term introduced by Izhikevich (Izhikevich, Neural Comp 2006; Szatmary and Izhikevich, PLoS CB 2010) Previous work by Bienenstock (1994) under the name « synfire braid » Izhikevich, Neural Computation 2006 simultaneous activation of b, c, d: no propagation propagation to a propagation to e -> the same neurons can be involved in different « polychronous groups », depending on relative time of activation -> many more polychronous groups than synfire chains
Polychronization Toy example: 5 neurons 14 polychronous groups
Polychronization and working memory
Szatmary and Izhikevich, PLoS Computational Biology 2010 Neurons are activated in a spatiotemporal pattern congruent to a polychronous group -> connections reinforce (short-term STDP) -> activity is spontaneously replayed
Polychronization and working memory
Szatmary and Izhikevich, PLoS Computational Biology 2010 Conceptual context: Edelman’s neural darwinism theory (Neuron 1993) inspired from immune system many polychronous groups (=potential memories) exist a particular activation pattern strengthens (« selects ») one polychronous group through associative plasticity
Synchrony as sensory invariant
The synchrony receptive field
Starting point: a neuron fires when (some of) its presynaptic neurons fire simultaneously no response When does this happen? « Synchrony receptive field » : the set of stimuli that elicit synchronous firing in a given set of neurons Note: the SRF should be defined from the postsynaptic point of view, i.e., including axonal delays Brette (2012). Computing with synchrony. PLoS Comp Biol
Example Synchrony (from postsynaptic viewpoint) when:
S(t-dR-δR)=S(t-dL-δL) dR-dL = δL - δR Independent of source signal The synchrony receptive field corresponds to a sensory invariant or « law » connects to James Gibson’s « invariant structure » (book « The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception »)
Synchrony receptive field as sensory law
B no response « Synchrony receptive field » = {S | NA(S) = NB(S)} = a law followed by sensory signal S(t)
Implicit assumption: reproducibility of spike timing
In spiking model: Z. Mainen, T. Sejnowski, Science (1995) Spike timing is reproducible in vitro for time-varying inputs Z. Mainen, T. Sejnowski, Science (1995) Brette, R. and E. Guigon (2003). Reliability of spike timing is a general property of spiking model neurons. Neural Comput Brette (2012). Computing with neural synchrony. PLoS Comp Biol
Shared variability What needs to be reproducible is relative, not absolute, spike timing. shared input (e.g. modulation by attention) that is not stimulus-locked absolute not reproducible but relative timing not affected Brette (2012). Computing with neural synchrony. PLoS Comp Biol
Non-trivial example: binaural hearing in real life
FR,FL = location-dependent acoustical filters (HRTFs/HRIRs) Delay: low frequency high frequency Sound propagation is more complex than pure delays!
Non-trivial example: binaural hearing in real life
FR,FL = location-dependent acoustical filters (HRTFs/HRIRs) Delay: low frequency high frequency Frequency-dependent Interaural Time Differences: FRONT BACK ITD (ms) Frequency
Binaural sensory laws in real life
Binaural stimulus: SR = FR*S SL= FL*S Sensory laws followed by the stimulus: FL*SR = FR*SL or U*FL*SR = U*FR*SL for any filter U
Binaural synchrony receptive fields
FR,FL = HRTFs/HRIRs (location-dependent) NA, NB = neural filters (e.g. basilar membrane filtering) input to neuron A: NA*FR*S (convolution) input to neuron B: NB*FL*S Synchrony when: NA*FR = NB*FL SRF(A,B) = set of filter pairs (FL,FR) = set of source locations = spatial receptive field Independent of source signal S
Decoding synchrony structure
basilar membrane MSO cochlear nucleus Each source location is represented by a specific assembly of binaural neurons = neurons whose inputs contain the location in their SRF
Proof of concept Sounds: noise, musical instruments, voice (VCV)
Gammatone filterbank + more filters Spiking: noisy IF models Coincidence detection: noisy IF models Acoustical filtering: measured human HRTFs Activation of all assemblies as a function of preferred location: Goodman DF and R Brette (2010). Spike-timing-based computation in sound localization. PLoS Comp Biol 6(11): e doi: /journal.pcbi
The biological hypothesis
Each binaural neuron encodes an element of binaural structure NB*FL*S NA*FR*S Each binaural neuron encodes a particular element of binaural structure, for a specific frequency band and location FL*S FR*S
Spike-based computation (II): Asynchrony
General motivation: asynchrony in neural networks
Empirically: pairwise correlations between neurons are often small (Ecker et al., « Decorrelated neuronal firing in cortical microcircuits », Science 2010) Conceptually: synchronous firing is redundant, and therefore less efficient in terms of « coding »
Is it contradictory with synchrony-based ideas?
No! In synchrony-based schemes: synchrony is a meaningful event, therefore rare synfire chains: groups of neurons that fire together change polychronization: neurons are not synchronous; polychrony is transient synchrony as sensory-invariant: synchrony is stimulus-specific and group-specific, not widespread Distinguishing feature: in synchrony-based schemes, coincidence detection is a core operation
Rank order coding
Neural « codes » Code: spike count (rate code) decoding→integration
Timing Rank Code: spike count (rate code) decoding→integration spike timing (temporal code) decoding→coincidence detection spike order (rank order code) decoding→? (Thorpe et al 2001) Comment les neurones représentent-ils les stimuli en trains de potentiels d’action? NB: tps représenté à l’envers ici (1er spike à droite, en fait c’est les spikes voyageant le long des axones qui sont représentés) Thorpe et al. “Spike-based strategies for rapid processing”, Neural Networks (2001)
Decoding rank order How to distinguish between AB and BA?
Solution: excitation and inhibition A B Excitatory PSP Inhibitory PSP - - + +
Prey localization by the sand scorpion
Inhibition of opposite neuron → more spikes near the source (polar representation of firing rates) Conversion rank order code → rate code Stürtzl et al. (2000). Theory of arachnid prey localization. PRL
Sparse coding
Spikes are very costly P. Lennie. The Cost of Cortical Computation. Current Biology, Vol. 13, 493–497 (2003) Entire body Entire brain Cortex
Sparse coding Encoding:
Iterative procedure: add spikes until a target precision is reached i.e., minimize the number of spikes to encode the sound (algorithm= « matching pursuit ») What spikes encode for 3 neurons: Smith & Lewicki (Nature 2006)
Properties of sparse spike codes
Reconstruction error scales a 1/N Spike timing matters Spikes are coordinated: if one neuron fails to spike (noise), then other neurons must compensate for it Reproducibility is stimulus-dependent: high if stimulus is complex, low if stimulus is redundant (=degenerate problem)
Lack of reproducibility with deterministic sparse codes
Imagine you want to code this signal: with the spike trains of N neurons, so that you can reconstruct the signal by summing the PSPs 𝑆 𝑡 ≈ 𝑖,𝑗 𝑃𝑆𝑃(𝑡− 𝑡 𝑖 𝑗 ) (with a given rate) The problem is degenerate, so there are many solutions. For example this one: Or this one:
Predictive coding
Predictive coding and spike-based inference
input output linear read-out Define a read-out of the output neurons Define an error criterion on this read-out Define neuron dynamics so that a spike is produced when it reduces the error Spikes are decisions can be applied to sparse coding (error = reconstruction error + firing rate) References: Boerlin & Denève (2011). Spike-Based Population Coding and Working Memory. PLoS Comp Biol S Denève (2008). Bayesian spiking neurons I: inference. Neural Computation S Denève (2008). Bayesian spiking neurons II: learning. Neural Computation
Summary Theories based on synchrony Synfire chains (Abeles)
Polychronization (Izhikevich) Synchrony as sensory invariant (Brette) Theories based on asynchrony Rank order coding (Thorpe) Sparse coding (Olshausen, Lewicki) Predictive coding (Denève)
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