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Session led by Sarah Plush

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1 Session led by Sarah Plush
Change Enablement Overview: Understanding “the change” & stakeholder impact Session led by Sarah Plush

2 Purpose of Meeting What is Change Enablement (CE)?
Why should we leverage it? How is CE applied within IT?

3 Overview What is it? The “technical side” – The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. Project Management “The change” – Improving the performance and position of the organization by moving from a current state to a future state and changing how work is done. Current Transition Future Change Enablement The “people side” – The process, tools and techniques to manage the people side of change to achieve the required business outcome. Copyright Prosci 2009

4 Process Driven Approaches
How to apply Project Management and Change Enablement are both process driven; composed of separate phases, tools and activities. Copyright Prosci 2009

5 Change Enablement is Research Proven
Why do it? Research shows that the more effectively a project leverages change enablement, the better the ability to attain project objectives (on time, on budget, etc..) This data comes from Prosci, which is a leader in research and content creation in the field of Change Management. In this study, Prosci looked at 748 projects (across various organizations) and found that the projects with an excellent level of “Change Management” almost always (95%) reached or exceeded their project objectives. We use elements from their methodology and apply at company.

6 Engagement Model for Support
Support Type Tasks IT Internal Communications IT communications, including IT in Touch, All Hands, Team Spotlights, Take a Break, CIO s IT Leadership support, promote IT values (principles), increase engagement among IT teams Communicating organisational changes, including new hires / leavers, role changes, recognition Maintain IT team SharePoint site and manage intranet pages IT process and tool introductions not aimed at end users (i.e. Renewals) IT Service Support Support of the day to day services operations communication needs Communications support for new technology/service introductions Support of major technology and service initiatives Manage Incident, Change and Maintenance notifications and communications process Maintain IT Service Desk area on Intranet IT Induction and overview for new hires and other groups End user training for enterprise applications (e.g., MS Office) End user satisfaction surveys IT Project Support Create and execute IT change enablement and communication plans Develop and execute communications and supporting materials Ensure stakeholders are engaged and informed Provide best practices and guidance on effective change enablement Advise on end user impact and solution tailoring Create Lessons Learned surveys Contribute to Quarterly Program reports delivered to executives Special Requests Anything not covered above 6

7 Change Enablement Tools Example of a Stakeholder Impact & Change Assessment
Step by step approach to quantify and measure impact of change on stakeholders and organization 7 Copyright Prosci 2009

8 Change Enablement Tools Example of a Change Assessment Continued
8 Copyright Prosci 2009

9 Change Enablement Tools Example of a Change Assessment Continued
9 Copyright Prosci 2009

10 Change Enablement Tools Example of a Stakeholder Profiling Matrix

11 Change Enablement Tools Example of a Stakeholder Communication Plan

12 Summary The potential impact on end users should always be assessed.
Never assume your project is too small of a change. If a project has been assigned a project manager, it should also have a change lead assigned. Involve us early – it’s never too soon to have an initial discussion!

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