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100 Non com.Grab BagSection 2Com.Microbes 100 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500.

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2 100 Non com.Grab BagSection 2Com.Microbes 100 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500

3 Column 1 100 Name the four groups of microbes.

4 Answer Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa

5 Column 1 200 The smallest microbe that uses part of the cell to live and multiply.

6 Answer viruses

7 Column 1 300 The microbe is only one cell- some can be carried on their own.

8 Answer bacteria

9 Column 1 400 The microbe that cannot move on their own and cannot live and grow by their own.

10 Answer fungi

11 Column 1 500 The largest microbe that is single-celled and can move on its own.

12 Answer protozoa

13 Column 2 100 Name two ways you can get a vaccine.

14 Answer Injection, booster

15 Column 2 200 What is a word that describes the way people keep there surroundings clean?

16 Answer sanitation

17 Column 2 300 What was the first antibiotic and who discovered it?

18 Answer Penicillin, Alexander Fleming

19 Column 2 400 Name two ways you can help control communicable diseases.

20 Answer Vaccines, antibiotics, sanitation, or hygiene habits

21 Column 2 500 What is an epidemic and give and example?

22 Answer The rapid spread of a disease to a large numbers of people. Bubonic Plaque is an example.

23 Column 3 100 Nausea, vomiting, yellow coloring of the skin, stomachache, and fever are symptoms of…

24 Answer Hepatitis

25 Column 3 200 Name two ways to prevent communicable diseases

26 Answer Hygiene habits, eating healthy, rest

27 Column 3 300 Name three ways AIDS can be transmitted

28 Answer Mother to child, intimate body contact, sharing needles

29 Column 3 400 Fever, swollen lymph glands, tiredness and sore throat are symptoms of…

30 Answer mononucleosis

31 Column 3 500 Communicable diseases are often treated with…

32 Answer Vaccines/antibiotics

33 Column 4 100 Three ways to build resistance.

34 Answer Rest, eat healthy, exercise

35 Column 4 200 Why is milk pasteurized?

36 Answer To kill harmful bacteria

37 Column 4 300 Substances made to treat some communicable diseases

38 Answer vaccines

39 Column 4 400 The body’s own protection from microbes that cause disease.

40 Answer immunity

41 Column 4 500 Vaccines treat disease caused by…

42 Answer viruses

43 Column 5 100 Which organ in the body stops working properly when the person has diabetes?

44 Answer pancreas

45 Column 5 200 When fatty matter makes the arteries narrow it is called

46 Answer atherosclerosis

47 Column 5 300 Name three diseases affected by cholesterol

48 Answer Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke

49 Column 5 400 Substances that can cause cancer

50 Answer carcinogens

51 Column 5 500 Two ways to reduce your chance of getting a non-comm. disease

52 Answer Regular exercise, avoid excess sunlight, healthful habits, balanced diet, avoid tobacco products

53 Daily Double Daily Double Here is your chance to double your money. You can bet it all or any part of it. If you you have less than a thousand dollars you may bet up to one thousand. But be careful, if you answer incorrectly you will lose the amount which you wagered.

54 600 400 200 1000 800 600 400 200 1000 800 600 400 200 1000 800 600 400 200 1000 800 600 400 200 1000 800 PotpourriBrushThe BodyHaz-matFire

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