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SR-1108 | © 2007 Institute for the Future. All rights reserved. Jane McGonigal Research Affiliate & Resident Game Designer INSTITUTE FOR THE FUTURE Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "SR-1108 | © 2007 Institute for the Future. All rights reserved. Jane McGonigal Research Affiliate & Resident Game Designer INSTITUTE FOR THE FUTURE Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 SR-1108 | © 2007 Institute for the Future. All rights reserved. Jane McGonigal Research Affiliate & Resident Game Designer INSTITUTE FOR THE FUTURE Technology Horizons Fall Exchange October 9–11, 2007 future of work: an immersive experience

2 Collective Intelligence Officer how many people do you need to spell “collaboration”? In this mission, you’ll play Amplified Scrabble and put your improvisational literacy to the test.

3 SCORE YOURSELF: add up the total points in every word you’ve helped to form during this mission. double your points if you were a leader! Collective Intelligence Officer

4 not all jobs can be made more social, collective, improvisational, and augmented—or can they? In this mission, you’ll dare each other to amplify the most unlikely positions. Amplification Engineer

5 SCORING: you’ll earn 5 points for each credible amplification you make. double your points if you were a leader! Amplification Engineer

6 time to put your money where your mouth is! you have 10 minutes to buy and sell shares that represent your opinion of the future. prediction market break

7 can you detect the signals in the noise? In this mission, you’ll interpret hot-off-the- printer data visualizations created by IFTF’s collaborative media designer. Chief Visualization Officer

8 SCORE YOURSELF: you earn 5 points for each compelling insight your team extracted from the data. double your points if you were a leader! Chief Visualization Officer

9 hidden layers of meaning are all around you right now, waiting to be made visible. In this mission, you’ll decide what new data set would reveal the most interesting patterns about you and your fellow IFTF attendees. Data Ecologist

10 SCORING: you’ll earn 5 points for each element of the data ecology you design: data type, expected learnings, and anticipated behavioral shifts. double your points if you were a leader! Data Ecologist

11 time to put your money where your mouth is! you have 10 minutes to buy and sell shares that represent your opinion of the future. prediction market break

12 shared common ground is important— but so is shared uncommon ground. In this mission, you’ll discover the most unusual affinities you share with each other. Affinity Agent

13 SCORE YOURSELF: for every team that doesn’t (by majority) share your affinity, you earn 5 points. double your points if you were a leader! Affinity Agent

14 diversity is the new driver of innovation. What unusual task is your highly diverse team uniquely prepared to tackle? Junior Catalyst

15 SCORING: for each individual skill or talent you mention in your mission pitch, you’ll earn 2 points. double your points if you were a leader! Junior Catalyst

16 time to put your money where your mouth is! during lunch, feel free to buy and sell shares that represent your opinion of the future. prediction market break

17 how comfortable are you managing the health of others? This mission challenges you to improve wellness at the IFTF Exchange by changing the behavior of your fellow attendees! Chief Wellness Officer

18 SCORING: you earn 5 points for an innovative plan, 10 points for a persuasive plan, and 20 points for an innovative and persuasive plan! double your points if you were a leader! Chief Wellness Officer

19 how could we improve the culture of health at IFTF events? In this mission, you’ll band together to get your personal health needs met. Biocitizen Liaison

20 SCORING: surprise scoring! You will be subjectively scored based on the persuasiveness of your biocitizen appeal. double your points if you were a leader! Biocitizen Liaison

21 time to put your money where your mouth is! you have 10 minutes to buy and sell shares that represent your opinion of the future. prediction market break

22 how much real-time data can you handle? In this mission, find out what it feels like to work immersed in “environmental transparency.” Senior Green Strategist

23 SCORE YOURSELF: you earn 5 points for every unique object you tag with a unique piece of data. double your points if you were a team leader! Senior Green Strategist

24 are we in a sustainable space? In this mission, you’ll re-design our conference layout and agenda with the environment in mind. Ecotect

25 JUDGING: you’ll earn 5 points for each good idea you present in your sustainable makeover plan. double your points if you were a leader! Ecotect

26 time to put your money where your mouth is! you have 10 minutes to buy and sell shares that represent your opinion of the future. prediction market break

27 would you know the right time to stage a cognitive intervention? In this mission, explore the brave new world of non-invasive brain stimulation at the workplace. Cognitive Resources Manager

28 SCORE YOURSELF: you’ll earn 3 points for every good idea you “brainstorm.” double your points if you were a leader! Cognitive Resources Manager

29 are you ready to pump some neurons? In this mission, you’ll test your brain fitness and create your own personalized cognitive workout plans. Neurological Training Officer

30 Quick! In one pass, count the number of times the number "6" appears on the next slide. Neurological Training Officer

31 1234467889974674657865876576576 3576573625432657346578436578342 2732188582735827456724687343828 7672878682768723682376783768267 2647648823178346432764876774653 7436574386581483627868653873465 Neurological Training Officer

32 the number "6" appears… Neurological Training Officer

33 the number "6" appears…. 33 times. 30–36 is a winning answer. Neurological Training Officer

34 Quick! In one pass, count the number of times the number “3” and the number “7” appear on the next slide. Neurological Training Officer

35 1234467889974674657865876576576 3576573625432657346578436578342 2732188582735827456724687343828 7672878682768723682376783768267 2647648823178346432764876774653 7436574386581483627868653873465 Neurological Training Officer

36 the number “3” and the number “7” appear… Neurological Training Officer

37 The number “3” and the number “7” appear 59 times. A winning answer is 54–64. Neurological Training Officer

38 SCORE YOURSELF: earn 5 points for each brain game you “won.” bonus 10 points for completing cognitive workout plans for all team members. double your points if you were a leader! Neurological Training Officer

39 time to put your money where your mouth is! you have 10 minutes to buy and sell shares that represent your opinion of the future. prediction market break

40 time to put your money where your mouth is! you have 15 minutes to buy and sell shares that represent your opinion of the future. prediction market break

41 SR-1108 | © 2007 Institute for the Future. All rights reserved. Jane McGonigal Research Affiliate & Resident Game Designer INSTITUTE FOR THE FUTURE Technology Horizons Fall Exchange October 9–11, 2007 future of work: an immersive experience

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