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1 Seed, not Fruit Exploration of the Inside Presentation by Mohammed R. Forouzesh, Ph.D., MPH, CHES California State University, Long Beach Health Science.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Seed, not Fruit Exploration of the Inside Presentation by Mohammed R. Forouzesh, Ph.D., MPH, CHES California State University, Long Beach Health Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Seed, not Fruit Exploration of the Inside Presentation by Mohammed R. Forouzesh, Ph.D., MPH, CHES California State University, Long Beach Health Science Department December 2007

2 2 This presentation is dedicated to all the under paid, hard working, and committed health educators in Los Angeles County. “When you reach the mountaintop, then you shall begin to climb.” -Khalil Gibran

3 3 Presentation Topic and Goals How to discover, protect and grow as health educators from within? Those who look outside dream; those who look inside awaken. I am here to scratch the surface of your own endless potentiality and possibilities as individual health educators and as a department. How to dream big without fear? How to explore our collective potentials? How to sharpen my edge with yours.

4 4 A Short Story “That is just wonderful,” said the young girl. “If this is so, then I want peace of mind, love, wisdom, happiness, and freedom from fear.” And after a moment, she added, “Not just for me. For everyone on earth.” The store keeper smiled, “I think you have me wrong, my dear,” He said. “We don’t sell fruit here. Only seeds.” One day a young girl was curious as to what is being sold in a shop in the market place. She found a white haired man behind the counter. She walked in and asked the store owner, “what do you sell here?” The store keeper replied, “we sell everything your heart desires”.

5 5 What does the story mean? We all want to discover by imagination, grow by reflection, and protect by action. Each one of us is a seed that is entrusted here for a reason. As a teacher, I can teach you the song, I cannot give you the ear or the voice, but I can lend you my wings, and I can borrow yours.

6 6 Mission Our mission is a window to our purpose. What is your personal mission statement? Mission:______________________________ What is your professional mission statement? Mission:______________________________

7 7 Defining Health What is the meaning of health? Discussion What does health mean to each one of you? What is the mission of your department?

8 8 Seeds What kind of seed are you? How do you spread our mission? Nature: How seeds spread themselves. a.Gliders b.Parachutes c.Helicopters (Whirlybirds) d.Flutterer/Spinners e.Cottony Seeds & Fruits f.Ubiquitous Tumbleweed g.Other

9 9 Health Educators Do you know Bill and Melinda Gates want to be health educators? We are health educators all the time— day, night, during breakfast, lunch and dinner—all the time. How well do you know your environment? Health educators are ubiquitous—we are every where; we are omnipresent. We collectively have more power and influence together than by ourselves. For Health Educators

10 10 - Let’s play the capacity game. What do you know? Who do you know? How well do we know your environment? How connected are you?

11 11 What is our slogan? Group exercise: I would like to have the audience break up into small groups and come up with some clever health slogans. Example: Healthy is hot, are you hot? Health is an investment, are you invested?

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