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Factor affecting tillage  Crop  Water availability  Prices of fuel  Prices of implement  Seed  Power requirement.

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Presentation on theme: "Factor affecting tillage  Crop  Water availability  Prices of fuel  Prices of implement  Seed  Power requirement."— Presentation transcript:


2 Factor affecting tillage

3  Crop  Water availability  Prices of fuel  Prices of implement  Seed  Power requirement

4 Factor affecting tillage  Soil factors:  slope  Rooting depth  Texture and structure  Organic-matter content Climatic factors:  Rainfall amount  Length of growing season  Temperature  Length of rainless period

5 Factor affecting tillage  Socio-economic factors:  Farm size  Labor situation  Access to cash and credit facilities Other  Import taxes  Ownership of property  Culture and tradition

6 Factor affecting tillage  Crop:  It indicate the type of preparatory cultivation. Smaller seed crop like tobacco require a fine seed bed  Large seed crop such as Sorghum, Maize, require coarse seed bed  Root crop require deep tillage  Rice needs puddling

7 Factor affecting tillage  Soil type:  It indicate s the range of soil moisture and the time during which the soil can be tilled  Texture  structure

8 Factor affecting tillage  Climate: It also affect the  tillage operation  soil moisture content  Rain also affect the tillage operations  late sowing of crop

9 Factor affecting tillage  Water availability:  Water is present in short amount  Less available water  So tillage operation is affected

10 Factor affecting tillage  Organic matter:  Less organic matter  Soil is hard  Tillage operation is affected

11 Factor affecting tillage  Prices of implement :  High prices of implement  Farmer do not have money to purchase implements  non availability of tillage implement

12 Factor affecting tillage  High power requirement:  Farmer do not have high power tractor  Tillage operation is affected due to less power

13 Factor affecting tillage  Non availability of fuel :  Diesel is not available  Prices of fuel is high  Farmer do not afford the prices of diesel  Due to this tillage is affected

14 Factor affecting tillage  Labor:  Tillage is a labor-intensive activity in low- resource agriculture practiced by small land holder  Labor cost is high

15 Factor affecting tillage  Culture and tradition  Farmer use old implement  Uses draft animals

16 Factor affecting tillage  Ownership of property  Affect tillage operation  Small land holding

17 Factor affecting tillage  Farm size  Small farm size  High cost to tillage  Do not have efficient implement

18 Factor affecting tillage  Import taxes  High cost of seed to import  Taxes on fertilizer and chemicals



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