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FALL SUPER SUNDAY 2014 Jenelle Summers, Cory Miller, Meg Wiczynski.

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Presentation on theme: "FALL SUPER SUNDAY 2014 Jenelle Summers, Cory Miller, Meg Wiczynski."— Presentation transcript:

1 FALL SUPER SUNDAY 2014 Jenelle Summers, Cory Miller, Meg Wiczynski


3 Beginning Stages  Positioning  Act like a Leader Posts that show confidence (ex: sharing weaknesses, before and afters) Personal Development. Let PD guide your thoughts, your posts, your actions. Tough Decisions Imaging – Pics and posts should Brand YOU at your best Leaders take risks, overcome fears/objections, & invest $  Make a Network List, Post & PM daily, TRACKING  Less pre-judging  Say less, listen more  Update profile picture to professional headshot  Update cover photo  Prepare for rejection, overwhelm, mistakes  GET HELP

4 THE BASICS  Make List of EVERYONE you know  Post & PM daily  TRACKING SYSTEM  Less pre-judging  Say less, listen more  Weave in fitness/health  This shoe or that one?  Before and Afters  Progress pics (yours & challengers)  New energy, new goal hit, new discovery, pay increases

5 ATTRACTING NEW PEOPLE  Create a Public Figure Like Page ( OR blog OR both )  Create 5 *engaging* posts to start  Invite friends & family consistently  CREATE something for free!  Recipe ebook  Challenge Group- Yah, that counts!  How-to Video or Webinar  Newsletter  Special Hybrid  How-to video series  Lists, graphs, checklists, documents  CRITICAL – Promote Page, Create a Fb Ad, Target Audience, Set Budget  Direct to an email opt-in page (, GetResponse, etc)  Send follow up tips (4-7 emails in 1-2 weeks & plant Coach seed in last email – invite to request more info)

6 Engaging and Converting  Post 80% fitness/health/nutrition  PM the new Likers (pay $1)  BE ORIGINAL  Weave in Shout outs  Pay to “BOOST” posts  Promote Page and Run Fb ads  Schedule posts w/fb Scheduler  Weave in Black & White pics w/quote  Create more videos for fb & YouTube  Create share-worthy content  BUST MYTHS in your posts  1-2x/month, Invite to Coach  1-2x/month Invite to Group  Track and follow up like a BOSS!

7 THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING Persist Until Success Happens

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