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 1- Advantages & disadvantages of the River Nile in the population’s life.  2- Diseases  3-Nutrition.

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2  1- Advantages & disadvantages of the River Nile in the population’s life.  2- Diseases  3-Nutrition

3  1- Advantages & disadvantages of the River Nile in the population’s life.  2- Diseases  3-Nutrition

4  In Ancient Egypt the River Nile was very important, because it gave water to the population, and with the water they cooked, washed clothes and other actions.

5  1- Advantages & disadvantages of the River Nile in the population’s life.  2- Diseases  3-Nutrition

6  In Ancient Egypt they also had diseases. Investigators say that some builders could have headaches, others were too drank to work and some had emotional worries.  Dirt and sand caused infections in the eyes.

7  1- Advantages & disadvantages of the River Nile in the population’s life.  2- Diseases  3-Nutrition

8  Although the Egyptians had very much food like cereals, vegetables or fruit; some of the population had problems with the nutrition because they didn’t have the adequate diet. Curiosity: In Ancient Egypt they drank beer.


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