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Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division Chapter 5: Major Annual Information Activities INFORM Network Meeting Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division Chapter 5: Major Annual Information Activities INFORM Network Meeting Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division Chapter 5: Major Annual Information Activities INFORM Network Meeting Workshop A 10 – 11 May 2012 Warsaw, PL

2 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division Managing Authority [Planning and Priorities Coordination Division] Operational Programme I [ €856M] ERDF [ €522M] CF [ €334M] Operational Programme II [ €132M] ESF [ €132M] The Maltese Set-up Communication Plan [ €1.9M] Communication Plan [ €1.9M]

3 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division The Communication Plan budget

4 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division Past Annual Events OP Launch 2007 Information Festival 2008 National Conference 2009 Information Festival 2010

5 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division Annual Event 2011 ▫Name of event: ▫rotta: n.f. (pl. rotot) Course, route ▫EU: European Union (more popular than Unjoni Ewropea) ▫07-13: current programming period ▫tagline: EC1828/2006 Art. 9 (c) ▫Graphics: ▫arrows showing forward movement ▫bright colours to attract attention ▫images of key thematic areas

6 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division ▫3-week long promotional campaign ▫adverts on TV, Radio, Newspapers + online news portals, PPCD website, Facebook + e-banner, MEUSACNews + alerts; ▫PR included Press Conference, TV appearances + radio participation. Annual Event 2011

7 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division ▫Logistics ▫6 coach tours held twice each on 26 th and 27 th November 2011 ▫Registration by phone or onlineonline ▫Tours included walkabouts and presentations by Project Leaders; ▫10 min documentary (ESF focus) shown on board;10 min documentary ▫Total 53 projects featured (ERDF, CF + ESF) = c. €412M worth. Annual Event 2011

8 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division Annual Event 2011 ▫Participation analysis

9 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division Annual Event 2011 ▫Pre-event & post-event analysis

10 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division It is important that such tours are organised so that more people would be aware of EU Funds. Perhaps more time could be given at each stop. Information about the tour was limited. More publicity needed. An intelligent way of spending EU Funds. Beneficial for Gozo directly and indirectly Malta too. It would have been beneficial if we had a printed programme of the tour. Tour could be carried out during the week for students and on weekends for general public. Annual Event 2011 Gozo and Malta Rotta should be on different dates If there is more information on the media people would be more interested and know more about it. Thank you so much. These tours should be organised more often. More publicity needed. ▫Participant Feedback

11 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division ▫Media Campaign ▫Multi-disciplinary campaign being developed showcasing achievements of OPI + OPII via testimonials / involvement of youths ▫Campaign thrust will be to: ▫Develop a broad understanding of Cohesion Policy 2007-2013; ▫Create an awareness of achievements made in selected areas ▫Garner a positive perception of Funds being beneficial to current and future generations Planned Annual Event 2012 Investing in Your Future perception understanding awareness

12 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division Lessons Learnt / Things to consider Media attentionTiming Is everyone on board? Human Element vs Impersonal advert KeepsakesTalk the talk Variety vs Consistency

13 Office of the Prime Minister Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division Operational Programme I and II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life Event part-financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Cohesion Fund European Social Fund (ESF) Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds Investing in your future Thank you!

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