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Rotary Youth Exchange: RI Overview Kate Hoeppel, Youth Exchange Senior Supervisor, RI.

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Presentation on theme: "Rotary Youth Exchange: RI Overview Kate Hoeppel, Youth Exchange Senior Supervisor, RI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotary Youth Exchange: RI Overview Kate Hoeppel, Youth Exchange Senior Supervisor, RI

2 TITLE | 2 Welcome!

3 TITLE | 3 Role of RI Staff John Hewko, General Secretary Michele Berg, Chief Officer, Programs and Member Services Victor Barnes, Director, Programs & Grants Sharon Cyr, Manager, Programs Adam Doty, Manager, New Generations Programs Kate Hoeppel, Senior Supervisor, Youth Exchange Lindsay Griswold, Senior Specialist, Youth Exchange Jessica Borrego, Compliance & Reporting Specialist, Youth Exchange Courtney Drew, Programs and Preconvention Specialist Lauren Ribant, Service Coordinator, Youth Exchange

4 TITLE | 4 Youth Service – the Fifth Avenue of Service New Generations Service  Youth Service New Generations Service was enacted in 2010 Name was changed to Youth Service in 2013 Includes any activity serving those under 30 Encourages the promotion and cross-promotion of programs Cultivation of program participants and their families as future Rotary members District committee structure remains at the discretion of the district governor

5 TITLE | 5 Rotary Youth Exchange An Opportunity of a Lifetime

6 TITLE | 6 What Makes Rotary Youth Exchange Unique? What are some of the benefits of Rotary Youth Exchange compared to other exchange programs What are some of the challenges? How can we work together ?

7 TITLE | 7 RI Policies

8 TITLE | 8

9 TITLE | 9 Rotary Code of Policies (RCOP) How is the RCOP is updated and revised? Recommendations by the Youth Exchange Committee Memorials to the Board Where can I find Youth Exchange RCOP sections? (EN-only) (for translations) – 2.090 – Youth Protection – 17.060 – District Finances – 41.060 – Youth Exchange

10 TITLE | 10 RI Certification

11 TITLE | 11 Key Components General Liability Insurance Coverage and limits appropriate to geographic region Incorporation (Legal Entity) E.g. corporation, trust, foundation, etc. Youth Protection Policy Abuse and Harassment Prevention Policy Abuse and Harassment Reporting Guidelines Youth Volunteer Agreement Student Travel Insurance Policy (if required)

12 TITLE | 12 General Liability Insurance Covers Third Party Claims –At minimum, covers bodily injury and property damage –Occurrence rather than claims-based (recommended) Name of insured matches legal entity RI U.S. Club and District Liability Insurance Multi-national districts purchase insurance for all jurisdictions participating in Youth Exchange

13 TITLE | 13 Incorporation District or Youth Exchange program – For district incorporation, contact Club and District Support representative to ensure RI Board incorporation requirements are met (RCOP, 17.020) Governor authority Indemnification of corporate members Multi-national districts – If legal entity not recognized in all jurisdictions, may need to register or incorporate in other countries

14 TITLE | 14 Youth Protection Policy Allegation Reporting Procedures Provides a framework for protecting Youth Exchange students: – District adopts Rotary’s Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth (RCOP 2.090) – All allegations of abuse or harassment must be reported to and investigated by local law enforcement – All Rotary clubs and districts must comply with local laws for youth protection

15 TITLE | 15 Youth Protection Policy Allegation Reporting Procedures – Establish reporting hierarchy – Procedure for contacting students parents – Accused removed from contact with youth – Procedure for moving student into temporary housing – Student provided with support services

16 TITLE | 16 Youth Protection Policy – Any individual who admits to, has been convicted of, or otherwise found to engaged in sexual abuse or harassment is prohibited from working with youth in Rotary context. Rotarians who meet the above criteria are terminated and prohibited from club membership – If investigation is inconclusive, additional safeguards must be put in place to protect any youth with whom the accused might have future contact

17 TITLE | 17 Youth Protection Policy District Governor Authority – District governor has authority over the program – Certification requirements must continue to be met in order for district to participate in the program – District has a system to ensure club compliance with district Youth Exchange policies Records & Documents – Document retention policy in accordance with local laws

18 TITLE | 18 Youth Protection Policy Student Selection & Training – Application – Interview – Parent Interview – No “backdoor” exchanges – Students have multiple host families (long-term)

19 TITLE | 19 Youth Protection Policy Volunteer Selection & Screening – Application – Interview – Reference and Criminal Background Checks – Host families – home visits Rotarian Counselor – Cannot be a host family member – Receives specialized training in handling problems, or allegations of abuse or harassment

20 TITLE | 20 Youth Protection Policy Volunteer Training – All adults (Rotarian and non-Rotarians) involved in the program receive training – Program administration, rules, and abuse and harassment awareness and prevention Students Preparation and Training – Orientation – Emergency contacts Rotary club and district contacts Local resources Contact the district 24 hours per day

21 TITLE | 21 Youth Protection Policy Reporting of Serious Student Incidents – Must be reported to RI within 72 hours of the time when a district officer learns of the incident – Includes serious accidents or illnesses, deaths, early returns, crimes or student legal issues, and any allegations of abuse or harassment – Identify the person within your district or multidistrict that will be responsible for making this report

22 TITLE | 22

23 TITLE | 23 Student Travel Insurance Requirements

24 TITLE | 24 Minimum Coverage Requirements (RCOP 41.060.10) – 24 hour, door-to-door – Valid in all countries during exchange – 24 hour emergency assistance – US$100,000 – medical, dental – US$100,000 – accidental death, dismemberment, or disability – US$50,000 – transport or evacuation (medical emergency) – US$50,000 – repatriation of remains – US$50,000 – transport or evacuation (non-medical emergency) – US$500,000 – personal liability

25 TITLE | 25 Insurance Questions or Concerns? The Insurance Working Group – Established to provide assistance regarding student travel and medical insurance – North American members include Cheryl Combs (Alaska) and Carl Luckenbach (Texas) – Contact details can be found on page 9 of the YEO Directory RI Insurance Reviews – List of reviewed insurance policies can be found on page 10 of YEO Directory

26 TITLE | 26 Multidistrict Youth Exchange Organizations

27 TITLE | 27 Multidistricts and RI What RI policies are applicable to multidistricts? 41.060.21 2/3rds of all clubs in the district must approve How often does RI communicate with multidistricts? RI staff copy multidistrict chairs on all member district certification matters Multidistrict involvement in student incidents vary by organization

28 TITLE | 28 Multidistricts: Certification and Incident-handling Districts may meet certification requirements by virtue of their membership in a multidistrict entity Districts must confirm how they meet the requirements Each multidistrict will have different protocols for incident-handling and how involved they are in that process

29 TITLE | 29 Annual Reporting

30 TITLE | 30 Submit Inbound Student Data Submit inbound student data before or shortly after exchanges begin, and update as needed: – Exchange type (long-term or short-term) – Student name and contact details in home country – Student gender – Student date of birth – Sponsoring district – Host district – Host club – Sponsor club – Name and contact details for all host families – Name of Rotary counselor in host club

31 TITLE | 31 Complete the Annual Program Survey Annual program survey – Sent to all district chairs – Just closed the survey for 2013-14 – Check with your multidistrict to confirm if they will be responding on your behalf – Note: a survey response does not replace inbound student data reporting

32 TITLE | 32 Available Resources Youth Exchange Workgroup Site – RI publications – YEO Directory – Annual district chair resource guides Youth Exchange Bi-monthly e-Newsletter Other resources: – – YEOTalk Yahoo Group

33 TITLE | 33 Contact us Rotary International (PD110) 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 USA +1 (847) 866-3421

34 TITLE | 34 Break!

35 TITLE | 35 Certification Renewals and Reviews

36 TITLE | 36 Annual Certification Renewal Districts annually must attest that they continue to meet all certification requirements Why ? – Ensure consistency across turnover in district leadership – Ensure correct district chair appointments!

37 TITLE | 37

38 TITLE | 38 Recertification Districts recertify every 5-7 years Why? – District leadership turnover – Keep apprised of local laws/regulations – Learn about best practices and successes Review district youth protection policies, general liability insurance, and incorporation

39 TITLE | 39

40 TITLE | 40 2008 – present Almost 30 evaluations performed in 20 countries Approximately 4-5 per year Multidistrict involvement varies Confidentiality Purpose: Compliance Learning opportunity On-site Program Evaluations

41 TITLE | 41 Document Review Required Interviews District selects interviewees No one present outside of interviewees and evaluation team Findings Report Providing a comprehensive review of your district:, including areas of strength, opportunities, and areas of policy concern District and RI will establish a timeline for addressing all policy concerns Evaluation Components

42 TITLE | 42

43 TITLE | 43 Peer Evaluation Activity Find a partner – 10 minutes to interview your partner – 10 minutes for your partner to interview you If you don’t know the answer to any question, skip it We will debrief and review the questions as a group – You will not have to share your responses publicly

44 TITLE | 44 Questions?

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