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N3 _ 1 June 2002. N3 _ 2 June 2002 A major jazz concert, with top groups from Europe, the U.S., and Africa, is being held in Vienna for 9 days and is.

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Presentation on theme: "N3 _ 1 June 2002. N3 _ 2 June 2002 A major jazz concert, with top groups from Europe, the U.S., and Africa, is being held in Vienna for 9 days and is."— Presentation transcript:

1 N3 _ 1 June 2002

2 N3 _ 2 June 2002 A major jazz concert, with top groups from Europe, the U.S., and Africa, is being held in Vienna for 9 days and is scheduled to move on to Budapest for 5 days. On the 9 th day in Vienna, the following transpires. An African musician from a popular group calls the night clerk at his small hotel asking for medical help. He says he is very ill and that his colleague has passed out. By the time rescue personnel arrive on the scene, the caller has lost consciousness. Paramedics pronounce the caller’s colleague dead. The cause of death is uncertain.

3 N3 _ 3 June 2002 (Cont) Response to the incident has been slower than usual because the incident occurred at 8 o’clock on a Sunday morning. The police investigation of the death confirms that the deceased carried a Cote d’Ivoire passport and had traveled from his home in Abidjan 10 days ago. Hotel records show that his colleague was from the Cote d’Ivoire as well. In all, 34 musicians – mostly from Africa – were staying in the hotel; 20 of them had left on a 7 a.m. bus bound for Budapest, 6 had left at 6 a.m. for Zagreb, and 8 left with both means of travel and destination unknown.

4 N3 _ 4 June 2002 (Cont) Most of the 34 African musicians who stayed in the hotel had been drinking at the bar until 2 a.m. following the midnight conclusion of their performances. Preliminary reports from the hospital indicate that the caller remains unconscious, suffering from a tropical disease. Emergency checks with world health officials in Atlanta indicate a current Ebola outbreak in central Africa. Tropical disease experts from a major Vienna medical center say the illness could be Ebola.

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