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Towards an European framework for Public Health competencies Prof. Dr Vesna Bjegovic-Mikanovic, Belgrade ASPHER Working Group on Innovation and Good Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards an European framework for Public Health competencies Prof. Dr Vesna Bjegovic-Mikanovic, Belgrade ASPHER Working Group on Innovation and Good Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards an European framework for Public Health competencies Prof. Dr Vesna Bjegovic-Mikanovic, Belgrade ASPHER Working Group on Innovation and Good Practice in Public Health Education The Impact of EU Accession on Public Health in Croatia Zagreb, January 17, 2011

2 Plan of Talk  Brief overviews and background  The way forward, dilemmas …

3 The Public Health Challenges in Our Times

4 Health has to do with: economic development democracy and values health system effectiveness

5 Distribution of health workers by level of health expenditure and burden of disease Source: Mullen F

6 Funding channels of DAH (% share) Funding channels of DAH (% share) DONOR CATEGORYLast Decade (2000/1); (* 1990) Recent (2006/7) UN Agencies32.3 *(1990)14.0 (2007) World Bank and regional banks21.7 (2000)07.2 (2007) Aid through bilateral channels27.1 (2001)34.0 (2007) Global Fund08.3 (2007) GAVI04.2 (2007) Bill & Melinda Gates03.9 (2007) Funds channeled through NGO’s13.1* (1990)24.9 (2006) Ravishankar et al. 2009

7 The WHO European Region is also confronted by diversities Huge and increasing inequalities both between and within countries.

8 Life expectancy at birth, 2007  Highest San Marino: 73.4 years Sweden: 73.3 years Switzerland: 73.2 years  Lowest Turkmenistan: 54.4 years Tajikistan: 54.7 years Kazakhstan: 55.9 years Healthy life expectancy Healthy life expectancy (latest available )

9 Can anything be done to accelerate health gain? Or should countries wait until they get richer, as the only alternative…

10 The European Response and Approach to Public Health and Education

11 Response …  The Bologna Process 2020 - The European Higher Education Area in the new decade Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, April 2009 - Budapest-Vienna Declaration on the European Higher Education Area Budapest and Vienna, March 2010

12 … and diversities in education

13 Priorities for action in European Union  Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (“ET 2020”), 2009  “European benchmarks”: Reference levels of European average performance, 2009  European Commission and WHO Regional Office for Europe Joint Declaration, 2010 Sources: Official Journal of the European Union 2009; C119/5. Available at URL: Official Journal of the European Union 2009; C302/3. Available at URL: WHO Regional Committee for Europe. Sixtieth session. Moscow, 13-16 September 2010 (EUR/RC60/12 Add. 1)

14 Understanding of the different settings  Public health practitioners are expected to be effective in different environments  Effective public health practitioners have to work with many different partners and paradigms  Who employs the public health professionals and what are their agendas?  What is the performance of public health professionals?

15 … from Core PH Functions to Core Competencies, Teaching Curricula and PH Performance Searching for interfaces and synergies: … from Core PH Functions to Core Competencies, Teaching Curricula and PH Performance CORE PUBLIC HEALTH FUNCTIONS CORE PUBLIC HEALTH COMPETENCIES COMPETENCY BASED EDUCATION AND TRANING EFFICIENT AND ACCOUNTABLE PERFORMANCE

16 Work already done by ASPHER: Chris Birt

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