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ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 100 th Session of the JINR Scientific Council Dubna, March 27, 2006 Participation of JINR scientists in joint experiments at Paul Scherrer.

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Presentation on theme: "ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 100 th Session of the JINR Scientific Council Dubna, March 27, 2006 Participation of JINR scientists in joint experiments at Paul Scherrer."— Presentation transcript:

1 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 100 th Session of the JINR Scientific Council Dubna, March 27, 2006 Participation of JINR scientists in joint experiments at Paul Scherrer Institut Ralph Eichler, Director

2 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 Recent collaborative efforts 1.Heavy element research 2.Detector development (avalanche photo diodes, APD) 3.Particle physics: (i)   e conversion,   e  (ii) pion beta decay, (iii)   e 1.UCN physics (i) UCN source development (FLNP) (ii) nEDM (DLNP, to be confirmed!) (iii) neutron lifetime (FLNP, to be confirmed!)

3 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 70 % of PSI funding for design and operation of facilities and support of users SLS Energy Technology SINQ Biology Proton Accelerator Nano Technology Proton Therapy Hotlaboratory SSSS Particle Physics

4 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 Chemical Confirmation of Dubnium production in the Nuclear Reaction of 48 Ca with 243 Am 115 288 10.46 MeV 125 ms 1  113 284 9.75 MeV 5.2 s Mt 276 3  9.71 MeV 1.03 s Bh 272 4  0.69 s 111 28 0 2  10.00 MeV SF 23.1 hr 205 MeV 14.14 s 5  9.02 MeV Db 268 PHYSICAL REVIEW C 69, 021601(R) (2004) Nuclear Chemistry at FLNR (PSI) 2004-05: (JINR, LLNL, PSI) Radiochemical separation procedure developed at PSI: Unambiguous chemical identification of Db → new long-lived isotope of dubnium → indirect confirmation for element 115 New experiment planned for chemical identification of element 112 (April-May 06) PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72, 034611 (2005) Nuclear Physics at FLNR 2003: (JINR, LLNL)

5 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 Fast Timing with AMPD Arrays in High Magnetic Fields (5 T) Sadygov, Zhuk, Gritsaj, Mamedov (JINR), Scheuermann, Stoykov, Renker (PSI) AMPD array: 4x type mW-3 Scintillator: EJ-230/BC-418 (2x10x10 mm 3 ) Signal shape for minimum ionizing particles Time resolution of a telescope (2 arrays)

6 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 Summary of Lepton Flavour Violating experiments 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -6 10 -9 10 -10 10 -11 10 -12 10 -13 10 -14 10 -15  → e   → eA  → eee SUSY SU(5) BR(   e  ) = 10 -13   A  eA = 10 -15  BR(     ) = 10 -8 Current Limits: BR(  +  e +  ) < 1.2 x 10 -11 (MEGA) 1)  Ti  eTi < 7 x 10 -13 (SINDRUM II) 2) 1) hep-ex/9905013 2) A. van der Schaaf, priv. comm. BR Year MEG “Supersymmetric parameterspace accessible by LHC” W. Buchmueller, DESY, priv. comm.

7 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 The MEG Detector Japan, Italy, Russia (JINR, Novosibirsk), Switzerland Solenoidal magnetic spectrometer LXe for efficient  detection Drift Chamber for Positron detection Timing Counter for time measurement Drift Chamber Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector COBRA Magnet Timing Counter

8 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 The MEG Detector Japan, Italy, Russia (JINR, Novosibirsk), Switzerland Solenoidal magnetic spectrometer LXe for efficient  detection Drift Chamber for Positron detection Timing Counter for time measurement Drift Chamber Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector Timing Counter

9 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 Pion Betadecay at PSI Arizona, JINR, PSI, Tbilisi, Swierk, Virginia, Zagreb First phase: 0.8% accuracy Stopped pion experiment: 10 6  /s * 1 y beam time, relative measurement BR  = BR   e N   e.. corrections N  BR  °   BR  = 1.034+0.004+0.007 10 -6 (experiment) = 1.039+0.002 10 -6 (prediction) V ud = 0.9716+0.0039 (experiment) = 0.9734+0.0008 (PDG) FAFA = 0.0262+0.0015 FVFV = 0.0118+0.00035

10 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 Ultra-cold Neutrons  Ratio of matter to radiation in the universe is n(B)/n(  )=10 -9 observed, but 10 -20 predicted  At the big bang time reversal symmetry was violated and therefore matter dominates over antimatter and the neutron should have an electric dipole moment Time reversal +++++ - - - - - dd  +++++ - - - - - 

11 ER01/JA01, 06-03-27 Measurement of the neutron EDM  G. Ban, Th. Lefort, O. Naviliat-Cuncic, G. Rogel 1 Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Caen, France  K. Bodek, St. Kistryn, M. Kuzniak 2, J. Zejma Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland  N. Khomytov, B.M. Sabirov, N.N. (to be confirmed!) Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia  P. Knowles, M. Rebetez, A. Weis Departement de Physique, Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland  C. Plonka Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France  G. Quéméner, D. Rebreyend, M. Tur Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Grenoble, France  M. Daum, R. Henneck, S. Heule 3, M. Kasprzak 4, K. Kirch, A. Pichlmaier Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland also at: 1 Institute Laue-Langevin, 2 Paul Scherrer Institut, 3 University of Zürich, 4 SMI Vienna

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